
The Thrill

Kayla wakes up one morning in a hospital bed and with severe memory loss. They tell her she was in an ‘accident’ and almost all her family members are dead. Her brother, the only survivor who is barely hanging onto a thread is in a coma. She needs a large sum to get the surgery her brother needs. But where will she get the money from? She is trying her best to navigate through life in this messed up society. But will this eventually get to her and the boy she cares about? Can the thrill save her?

I_Rita · Urban
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15 Chs

: Aziel

Oh no. Crap. I was right, she didn't want to see me. I knew it but I hoped for a better outcome. As I paced back and forth in my bedroom I felt like I carried the weight of a thousand secrets on my shoulders. We were still project partners so she's bound to talk to me at some point. But this is urgent. The depths of what I have discovered is haunting, I don't how much longer I can keep this to myself before I explode or combust into flames. My thoughts are interrupted.

"Aziel, were did you go to earlier, I wanted to discuss something with you?" My mother barged into my room with an iPad in hand not focusing on me.

"I went to the diner." She scanned me over then looked back at her iPad.

"Right." Pause. "Well, I'm considered working with the Principal of Primrose to establish a swimming program, you would like that, no?" My Mother didn't like me being on the swimming team that much. So this came as a shock to me. But why now? After all that happened in Belgrove... I don't know if I could.

"I'll think about it." I said finally sitting on my bed.

"Great, but just let me know before tomorrow ends." Then she leaves shutting the door behind her. Lie there still on my bed staring into despair at my ceiling. My phone beeped. I got a text message from Camari.

'I had a great time with you the other day.'

I replied instantly.

'Yeah we should hang out more.' Then my phone beeped again but this time the message was from Elijah.

'Stay the hell away from Camari!' WTF. I didn't expect this from someone I considered to be my best friend. Did Camari tell him we spent the day together? I doesn't matter, there's more pressing issues at hand. I need to figure out how to get Kayla to talk to me. My phone beeped again and it was Camari she called me and we spoke on the phone an hour before I drifted off to sleep.

Sunday. The sky appeared clear and the sun shinned over Venstead encouraging the growth and vegetation of green life. Succulent flowers bloomed in my backyard as I went out to swim a few laps in the pool. It was as if the water healed my depleted energy levels and couldn't get enough of the liquid circling around me. My drug, my addiction. I laid on my back still feeling the sun hit my skin. I never wanted this moment to end but it did.

"Get out of there, your father wants to speak to you." My mother said disturbing my tranquility, can't even get more than few minutes in peace.

"FINE." I shouted back. Disappearing under water for a few seconds before emerging to the surface.

I made my way to my father's office where he sat at his desk.

"Yes, Dad?" I said annoyed. Images of what I know stuck flashing through my mind.

"Benjamin informed me it would be good for you to come and intern at headquarters." Benjamin was Leader Superior.

"What if I don't want to?" I cry out wondering why he would want that.

"Well, you have to your my son and yo do as I say, that is all." He doesn't even turn to look at me. I boiled with anger but I didn't have a choice so I just left him to his 'work'.

My phone goes off, I get a message from Greyham. I don't know why he's texting me after refusing my kindness I didn't expect anything from him. The message read:

'I need your help' I stared at it confused, help with what? But I thought why not. If the guy needed my help I'll do what I can.

'Sure, what is it?' I text back. Instantly he responds with 'meet me at Brooks Diner' and with that I get on my motorcycle to find out what this guy wants and it felt good trying to help someone out.

As I walk into the diner the sound of jazz music plays quietly in the background. I glance over the room for Greyham until I find him sat at a corner sipping on a chocolate milkshake. I make my way over to him and take a seat.

"Hey!" He said enthusiastically almost as if he was a different person.

"Hi." I said withholding any emotion. The music grew a little louder.

"You told me you need my help?" I look at his silver hair then back to his face.

"Yeah... I don't know how to say this..." He seemed to struggle to get the words out. I couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

"Want to sign up for thrill again." Lean in to speak

"Are you crazy, you've already lost your arm, man!" His expression becomes sullen and he sipped more of his drink.

"I know, I know but Jasmine..."

"What about Jasmine?"

"She won't talk to me." I sigh, his words are muffled and distorted but I understand where he's coming from.

"So what? Just leave her alone."

"Thats the problem." He paused and took a deep breath. "I can't stop thinking about her, I want her back." From the look on his face I don't think I can change his mind so I decided to give in to his desires.

"Fine!" I said. "How can I help you?" A huge grin arises on his face.

"I don't know, I've seen you run track, your the athlete train me up, make me strong."

"I think I have an idea."

. . .

Later, that day at night. I contemplate what I what I need to do to get Kayla's attention. She wouldn't reply to my text and if I went over there I would be confronted by her creepy foster father. I toss and turn in my bed. Struggling to escape to the realm of my dreams. Then it hits me like a flash the perfect way to finally make Kayla talk to me, because the burden of what I've seen any longer she needs to know and it's my duty to make she does. After another hour of sleeplessness, my head finally cools down and I drift of into dreamland.