
The Three Sisters called Furies

The Furies, the vengeance deities of classic mythology, are back in business again.

GryphonMistake · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Can they escape?

**Snap** Suddenly, the ground started to shake the walls began to crack and the floor starts to cave in. The prisoners holler and yell, as the mesmerizing eyes seem to be crushed by the caving floorboards. The chains which have held these wretched sisters in for so long seem to be useless, as they break and crumble apart with ease

As if they weren't even there.

**Crash** The sisters which have been kept in solitude and despair have beer freed from their shackles, and their cage. To wreak havoc on all those who disobeyed the laws of the world. All they need to do now is escape the underworld.

The 3 sisters rush out of their cellar, dashing down the slim corridors surrounded by hanging chains and severed limbs while falling debris of the shaking continue, the third sister suddenly says: RUN! we must escape before this deranged God catches a sight of us. As the sisters run to try and escape, Hades hears the commotion and starts acting quickly as he fears what the three sisters have up their mad minds.

Hades knows he must find something to trap the sisters back, the only thing that was able trap these sisters was an eye of a titan, as the sisters are of titan blood. As Hades rushes to find the eye, the sisters roam about the prison walls as the crumbling and crashing of the walls seemingly stopped as if it didn't even occur...

Third sister, where is that disgusting so called God? Says the second sister as she drags her half rotten limbs across the floor. Somewhere.. the First sister replies. I didn't ask you! The second sister snarls. The first sister then stares at her sister with annoyance, Suddenly the third sister turns around and stares at the incompetent siblings with distaste, and the two sister's immediately quiet down.

We are getting closer. The third sister replies, as she turns back around and continues walking

As the three sisters try to find an exit, they suddenly hear yelling coming from behind them, and they quickly turn around. Once they turn around, they see a guard standing menacingly, staring at them with disgust…