
The Three Kingdoms started from fooling Liu Bei

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty rented an official in the West Garden, do you want to rent it? rent! Rent of course! Because as long as the rent happens to be the last term before Lingdi's death, it is equivalent to directly renting a house and becoming a landlord! Renting officials and renting became princes! So, how could the Kuangfu Han Dynasty only rely on fighting hard? Contributing to meritorious service and buying officials simultaneously is the most efficient kingly way. However, before doing all this, Li Ya had to strategically fool the upright lord. ● Now you can read all the webnovels and all their chapters, you will enjoy reading Copy the link and put it in the search engine and enjoy: https://bit.ly/3XNOdaF

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A Roar When Seeing Injustice

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The Zhen family's business is doing very well, and there was a caravan that was going to leave in the past two days.

It happened that Liu Bei was in a hurry to go to Changshan County, so Zhen Yan ordered the steward to leave early.

The steward of the caravan was surnamed Zhang and his name was Zhang Quan. He was an old man in his 40s or 50s. It's Zhen Yi's widow, Mrs. Zhang, an old servant brought from Zhending's natal family, who treats guests kindly.

Before setting off, he also paid for Liu Bei's mount according to his master's instructions--Liu Bei just performed "Jizha Hanging the Sword" and left his own mount. The Zhen family didn't want to owe favors and insisted on giving the money I can't even push back.

Liu Bei had no choice but to accept four gold horseshoe cakes from Zhang Quan as one million yuan.

When Li Su heard about the price of the horse, he was quite surprised: "How expensive are horses now?"

Liu Bei explained: "The brothers of the Zhen family are trustworthy people. They paid according to Luoyang's horse price. This year, there were rumors that His Majesty wanted to raise another new army in the West Garden. The capital was extremely short of horses, and the price skyrocketed several times."

Before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the top horses cost only two to three hundred thousand yuan, and last year it was only six to seven hundred thousand yuan. The rise is too fast.

The only currency in circulation in the Han Dynasty is copper coins, that is, the Han five baht. Silver has no official circulation price, and gold is used by the imperial court to reward meritorious officials. It is extremely rare and rarely circulated among the people.

The official gold exchange rate has not changed since the early years of the Western Han Dynasty. It is forcibly locked at 10,000 yuan per gold.

It's just that over the past few hundred years, the amount of copper coins minted has increased and the quality of the coins has become worse and worse. Now the black market exchange rate has reached 17,000 to 18,000.

Therefore, the "one million yuan" horse price is actually only 60 taels in gold.

Most of the horseshoe gold/linzhi gold used for rewards custom-made by the imperial court is 15 taels of a cake, but it is only four cakes. (It is the kind of gold cake dug out from the tomb of Marquis Haihun and the tomb of King Jing of Zhongshan)


Li Su calculated the accounts wildly, and the group walked forty miles and arrived at Zhendingdu by the Hutuo River.

On the other side is Changshan County.

The ferry was guarded by a 500-man county soldier, commanded by a military commander. There are also several middle and low-level military officers such as Qu Junhou and Tuen Jiang who lead teams to patrol along the river. These troops are all under the control of Zhongshan Prime Minister Zhang Chun.

Liu Bei was a little surprised when he saw this battle, and couldn't help discussing with Li Su: "Last year, there were not so many troops patrolling along the Hutuo River. Could it be that the black mountain bandits in Changshan County have become more rampant recently?"

Li Su didn't know the market situation in the past, so he could only report the good news but not the bad news: "Maybe it's because Zhang Chun is about to commit an incident, so he has a guilty conscience."

Liu Bei frowned and nodded: "I hope so."

Fortunately, even though the guard had been strengthened, there were no problems when crossing the river.

The military commander guarding the ferry saw the flag of the Zhen family's caravan from a distance, but he didn't even check it. He chatted with Zhang Quan in a very easy-going manner, and then let it go. Liu Bei and his party also boarded the ship smoothly.

After boarding the boat, it was already dark.

Considering that they would part ways after crossing the river, Li Su suddenly thought of some questions that only the locals could answer, so he took a chance to have a private chat with Zhang Quan:

"Old man, I wonder how many villages surnamed Zhao are in Zhending County? Are there any brave men?"

Unfortunately, Zhang Quan thought for a while and said, "Zhao is the surname of Changshan. There are many villages with the surname Zhao in the surrounding area. I can point it out to you, but I haven't heard of any warriors."

Li Su was a little disappointed.

As a time traveler, I'm sure that I'm passing by. Naturally, my original intention is to find Zhao Yun.

Maybe Zhao Yun is still too young to stand out.

However, in history, Zhao Yun and Liu Bei were very congenial. The only thing Li Su has to be wary of is that Liu Bei has moved to another country before he has made a name for himself in Yanzhao because of his promotion and rapid development. He might miss Zhao Yun.

Therefore, as long as Zhao Yun is dug out before Liu Bei changes the map, it is not too late.

Seeing Li Su's disappointment, Zhang Quan didn't think much of it, and politely invited him to have dinner together: "Little Lang, what are you thinking about, why don't you eat something together."

With that said, he handed Li Su a few baked flatbreads with some stewed meat in them.

Dead noodles are hard noodles that have not been fermented. But wheat is the grain of the upper class these days, so hard noodles are fine too.

In contrast, Zhang Fei's travel rations prepared last night were only sorghum and millet noodles (milk noodles) cakes.

As for steamed buns and other fermented pasta, Zhuge Liang had to wait until he conquered Menghuo in the south. Dumplings will have to wait until Nanyang Zhang Ji writes "Treatise on Febrile Diseases".

Li Su took the cake and smelled it, but couldn't smell what kind of meat it was. After taking a tentative bite, he was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected deliciousness: "Is this donkey meat?"

Zhang Quan: "What's the matter? Mr. Xiao Lang is not used to donkey meat?"

Li Su: "No, no, it's delicious, really extraordinary."

Zhang Quan: "I don't dislike it, I will bring a few buckets with me at once - our master's family is in mourning, the mistress and the young master are afraid of disputes, and strictly order the whole family not to kill sheep. And the pork is too fishy, even the old man doesn't want to eat it, so we make it Donkey meat is also the food of the traffickers, and the family caravan has a lot of pack animals, killing a few lame donkeys is enough to eat for a long time."

It turned out that it was still a play for the sake of promoting Xiaolian.

If a rich family kills sheep, outsiders will think that the owner wants to eat meat. If you can't bear this during the mourning period, it would be too unfilial.

But lowly animals like pigs and donkeys are fine. They are all for the servants to eat. Although it will make the slaves bear the name of "unrighteousness", it will not affect the filial piety of the master.

After crossing, you can still eat donkey meat, which makes you feel refreshed.

"Our donkey meat in Zhongshan County is authentic, and the stewed meat is also filled with cloves. Hejian County probably can't make this taste."

Li Su actually misunderstood this point. Whether or not to put cloves in stewed donkey meat has nothing to do with the region. It can only be said that the Zhen family is rich and arrogant - cloves are a high-end spice used by the upper class to prevent bad breath.

If you were a poor person, no matter if you were Zhongshan or Hejian, you would be reluctant to do this.


After the group finished their meal, the fleet also arrived at the south bank of the Hutuo River.

Zhang Quan generously gave Liu Bei and his party a few bags of roasted and braised donkey meat.

"Thank you, old man, for your kindness. Let's just say goodbye!"

Liu Bei cupped his hands on the horse, and the group headed west, waving their whips.

The town of Zhending County was closed, so the group of people bypassed the town and walked another 20 li to the west. As the night darkened, they arrived at a village surnamed Zhao that Zhang Quan had introduced before.

This village is already close to the border between Zhending County and Jingxing County. The Jingxing County in front is the Taihang Mountains, which is the sphere of influence of the Black Bandits.

Turning to the south from here, you only need to walk along the edge of Taihang Mountain for two more days, about 300 miles, and you can reach Yecheng by the Zhangshui River.

"Brother, the road pointed by Zhang Lao is indeed correct, let's go to the village to spend the night, it's better than sleeping in the wild." Guan Yu, who was in charge of exploring the road, suggested returning to his horse.

It is the beginning of February, and the nights in the north are still very cold.

"That's fine, maybe we'll meet the Black Bandits tomorrow, so we need to gather enough energy to face the enemy, and we'll be leaving before dawn tomorrow."

Liu Bei is also a man who knows how to fight soldiers. His principle is to try to choose the edge of the bandit area to camp, and then rush over there in one go, so as to reduce the number of days spent overnight in the hinterland of the bandit army.

A group of people rode their horses to the entrance of the village, but they were not greeted by warm and hospitable villagers.

Well, I've got a bad mouth, but it's actually considered hospitality, just like the hospitality of the people of Yanan.

"Not good! The Black Mountain bandits are coming!"

There was a lot of chaos in the village soon. From a distance, many old and weak women could be seen hiding in several large courtyards in the village, while men were shivering on guard among the scattered earthen walls at the entrance of the village.

The folk customs in the mountainous area of the Northland are tough, and there are hunters in every village, so in addition to bamboo guns and iron hoes, some people also took hunting bows and bamboo arrows.

Guan Yudan's phoenix eyes narrowed: "Brother, be careful, these villagers have bows and arrows! It's better to wait for a certain talisman to pass on and shout."

Zhang Fei also volunteered: "Eldest brother, let me go, my voice is louder than second brother."

"Yide be careful." Liu Bei passed the talisman to Zhang Fei without hesitation.

Zhang Feichuo was on guard with his gun, rode his horse forward, and was about an arrow away from the enemy's range. He shouted loudly: "We are soldiers from Zhongshan County, not black mountain bandits. There is a talisman here! Come here this time. It's for the purpose of detecting thieves, so don't be alarmed, my beloved!"

The village was surrounded by a large wheat field, and the winter wheat that had just germinated was still covered with a thin layer of snow that had not completely melted.

With this violent roar, within a radius of 300 steps, all the winter snow fell, exposing the wheat seedlings.

Taking advantage of the faint light of the fire, one can see the surrounding colors, all changing from white to green, as if the spring returns to the earth in an instant.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu are used to it.

Li Su on the side buzzed his head and became dizzy for a while: "Wori! If Zhang Fei is to march to the depths of the Taihang Mountains tomorrow and let Zhang Fei roar like this, it will definitely cause an avalanche!"

With Li Su already like this, the people of Yanan in the village were naturally trembling, and the bamboo spear and hoe fell to the ground.

Some of the hunters who had drawn their bows to be on guard broke their bowstrings because of nervousness.

Believe it or not is not important anymore. Even if the villagers still thought that Zhang Fei was a black bandit, they didn't dare to resist.

The range of this sonic attack is farther than that of a bow and arrow. Holding a bow is useless.

Zhang Fei rode his horse to the entrance of the village smoothly. An elder in the village shivered and came over to talk, he should be the village chief.

Zhang Fei also respected the elderly, and took the initiative to pass the talisman to the other party. The other party was dubious, relieved, and let a group of people enter the village.

"It's not easy for you to come from afar to investigate the thieves. I thank you for the folks in the village. Please use hot soup." After settling down, the village chief carefully boiled a pot of hot water and put some salt and vegetables. , even if it is soup, respectfully invite Liu Bei and others to drink.

Liu Bei is just a county lieutenant, so he is not qualified to be called an envoy.

But the people in the countryside don't understand the officialdom, and calling an envoy when they see an official is also a kind of flattery, so Liu Bei doesn't care about them.

While drinking the hot soup, Liu Bei also took out some donkey meat and warmed it up, and kindly invited the village chief to eat: "Is the old man's surname Zhao? How far is it to go to Zhao County?"

When Village Chief Zhao saw that there were meat pies to eat, he was a little terrified, and he said more and more heartfeltly: "The old man's surname is Zhao. It's not far from Zhao County. Tomorrow, we will go south for another forty or fifty miles."

Li Su took a look at the gap and interjected to ask if there was anyone named Zhao Yun in the village, but unfortunately there wasn't.

Liu Bei asked again: "When you just entered the village, you were so heavily guarded, but the banditry in Montenegro has been repeated again? Is it more rampant than in previous years?"