
The Three Day Survival Game

In a world of cool tech a pair of siblings Karun and Kathy, ordinary IT workers, receive a mysterious assignment from their company's chairman. They're tasked with infiltrating a groundbreaking 3D game located on a remote island, where players can physically enter the virtual world. The catch? Many people vanished within the game, never returning. With little information and no explanation for why they were chosen, Karun and Kathy embark on a perilous journey into the unknown. As they enter the immersive game environment, they confront a landscape of wonder and danger, where nothing is as it seems. But what secrets lie hidden within the game's code? And why did the chairman specifically pick Karun and Kathy for this mission? As they navigate through the game, they realize that the true challenge may lie not in conquering the game, but its motives. With each step forward, Karun and Kathy must confront their fears and rely on their bond as siblings to survive. But as they delve deeper into the digital labyrinth, they can't shake the haunting question: What awaits them at the heart of the game, and will they ever find a way back home? "Dare to enter the game, but can they escape its grasp?"

Avery_knickman · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Mission

The results before us were beyond belief. I quickly pointed out the highlighted line to Karun, and as he read further, I could hear him gasping in shock. I glanced at the Chairman, disbelief evident on my face, prompting him to clarify.

"I'll explain it clearly for you," he began. "According to the results, there's an ancient 3D game installed deep within the "Avikaranya" forest of the "Nir-dweep" Island. Its server is unknown and unaffected by satellites. Our research indicates that it was installed several decades ago, possibly six or seven."

My mouth fell open in astonishment. "Technology this advanced a hundred years ago?" I mumbled incredulously.

The Chairman confirmed our suspicions. "Yes, that's what piqued my sons' curiosity. The electromagnetic field surrounding the game is too strong to be detected by satellites. The island's abandonment ensured no one delved deep into its secrets. My sons stumbled upon it during a vacation when their yacht veered off course due to a storm. They found it intriguing, hidden away on a remote island with no signs of human activity. The traces of past human presence suggested the game was installed decades ago, possibly as an experiment or proof of concept."

As the tests progressed, they discovered that the game was either flawed or incomplete. Despite functioning communications and cameras on the first level, there was no exit. People who entered vanished mysteriously, never to return. Despite our efforts, we couldn't break into the second level. It was then that my sons took matters into their own hands, determined to uncover the truth.

"I warned them," the Chairman continued, his voice tinged with regret. "But they were too awestruck. My first son believed they had to find the end. He told They felt responsible for the lives lost in the name of their experiments. They were determined to answer to the families and take responsibility for what they had started."

His voice faltered as he recalled their final moments. "They finished the first level and entered the second, but we lost contact with them. They... never made it back alive."

His revelation left me reeling. All this time, people believed his sons were lost in a tragic yacht accident. But here he was, presenting evidence that they vanished within a mysterious forest game.

Shivers ran down my spine as I tried to make sense of the unbelievable chain of events unfolding before me, made worse by the chilly air conditioning. Karun, sensing my discomfort, quickly gestured Marcus to lower the temperature.

The room fell into a heavy silence as we sat, the weight of the Chairman's gaze bearing down on us. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his story than he was letting on. Summoning my courage, I asked him why he was sharing all this information with us.

The Chairman's response was direct: "I want you guys to go and find the cheat code."

Before I could fully process his words, Karun intervened with surprising firmness, refusing the mission on our behalf.

Karun's response was unexpectedly firm, a tone I rarely heard from him. He asserted, "We refuse to go" he said, in response to the Chairman's request for us to enter the game.

The Chairman, who had moments ago appeared pitifully saddened by his sons' deaths, suddenly turned grim. "Karun, this is not optional. It's a highly classified mission unknown to the world. Either you comply or face the consequences. Remember, I am the Chairman of NexGen Technologies. Do you think I've reached this position by simply requesting the others ?" His words carried a weight that left no room for argument.

Refusal was not an option; we were compelled to accept the mission.

As we exchanged startled glances in disbelief, I couldn't help but wonder: Was this the same man who had just moments ago shared his grief over his missing sons?

I stuttered, "Wh-why us? We aren't any geniuses?"

The Chairman replied, "No, Kathy, it's not just about wisdom. The purpose I chose you for this mission will only be revealed when you go there."

Karun, still adamant, refused again. "We will not go anywhere," he declared, glaring at me for asking questions that led him on.

The Chairman's tone turned dark. "If that's your choice, you're making this difficult, Karun. Did I not mention that this is a secret not known to the world? Either comply or face the consequences. Don't make me do anything."

Karun backed off slightly, voicing our concerns about our family waiting at home. "We're not geniuses, as Kathy mentioned. We can't take any risks."

"Don't worry," the Chairman assured us. "You will receive rigorous training beforehand with a team that has been experimenting with the game since the beginning. The reason I chose you will become clear once you arrive. And when it comes to the game, I'm afraid only you both can enter."

"But..." Karun attempted to argue.

The Chairman remained steadfast. "You have to go," he demanded. "Take a week to get your things together. I will prepare the contract.you are going on this mission," he concluded firmly, leaving us with no room for argument. "Prepare yourselves mentally; you are going."

We left his office, the weight of his words settling heavily on our shoulders, realizing that there was no escaping the mission ahead.

Hello readers, I've done my best to convey the scene in my mind through words. I hope it's coming across clearly. If not, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions.

As we move forward, I wonder: Will the siblings accept the Chairman's proposal? Do you have any thoughts or ideas about where the story might be headed? Feel free to share your comments and let me know your thoughts!

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