
The Three Day Survival Game

In a world of cool tech a pair of siblings Karun and Kathy, ordinary IT workers, receive a mysterious assignment from their company's chairman. They're tasked with infiltrating a groundbreaking 3D game located on a remote island, where players can physically enter the virtual world. The catch? Many people vanished within the game, never returning. With little information and no explanation for why they were chosen, Karun and Kathy embark on a perilous journey into the unknown. As they enter the immersive game environment, they confront a landscape of wonder and danger, where nothing is as it seems. But what secrets lie hidden within the game's code? And why did the chairman specifically pick Karun and Kathy for this mission? As they navigate through the game, they realize that the true challenge may lie not in conquering the game, but its motives. With each step forward, Karun and Kathy must confront their fears and rely on their bond as siblings to survive. But as they delve deeper into the digital labyrinth, they can't shake the haunting question: What awaits them at the heart of the game, and will they ever find a way back home? "Dare to enter the game, but can they escape its grasp?"

Avery_knickman · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Day of Trio-2

Karun called out to come in. When I entered the room, Priya's red, puffy eyes were a clear sign that she had been crying the entire time. But despite the tears, my brother had somehow managed to gain her acceptance. The atmosphere at the table was quiet, save for Priya's occasional sniffles. It made me reflect on how rare it was to see her cry. The last time was when she left her family home to start her own business.

She ran away from her mansion and called us that she was on the way. When we reached there I could see her Red puffy Eyes it was evident that She must have cried on the way there. She stayed away from her family for few months until her father eventually gave up the idea of forcing her to make the heir but her idea to work on ideas of business of her own atleast for a few years.

Priya was raised differently from us, always maintaining a composed and high-esteemed demeanor. But over time, she had started to let her guard down. Her habit of spoiling me, often saying she wished she had a younger sister like me, was proof that she was slowly breaking through her tough exterior.

Our order arrived, and my brother, knowing my sweet tooth, had gotten me a slice of cake while they both had coffee. I sat there eating silently, savoring the rich flavors, until Priya broke the silence. "Let's go shopping together," she suggested, her voice a mix of excitement and lingering emotion. A big grin spread across my stuffed mouth, and Priya seemed pleased, while my brother smiled in mock defeat, knowing he'd end up carrying our bags again.

We shopped till the afternoon, browsing through stores and laughing together. For lunch, my brother took us to a cozy little cafe, and later, we went to see a movie. I have to admit, I was quite thrifty when it came to money. I didn't like spending much, but that mindset vanished whenever I went out with them. Priya always insisted on paying for our shopping, and Karun would handle other expenses.

It might seem like I was taking advantage of their generosity, but these outings made me feel happy and part of a family. Everything felt fun and lighthearted. To give back in my own way, I had decided to save up for their wedding, planning to buy them extravagant rings. I was already halfway to my goal, and it motivated me to work even harder.

As the day came to an end, we bid farewell. Priya handed me various creams and lotions suitable for the jungle climate, her concern evident in her repeated reminders to be careful. She and Karun shared a quiet moment of lovers' talk, their eyes locked in a silent promise of love and safety. I stood to the side, giving them their moment but feeling a warmth in my heart.

Watching them, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these small moments of connection and love. Priya's care and Karun's dedication were like a protective shield around me, and I knew that no matter what lay ahead, I had their unwavering support.

We returned home, the first day spent in the company of Priya. With four days remaining before our departure, we resolved to dedicate them to our family. We concocted a story to tell them, claiming we were embarking on a business trip overseas. It was a necessary deception to conceal the mission."