
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Spiritual Beryls

In that moment, the air seemed to still as the group stood in the aftermath of their victorious battle. Ray, Bryan, Ash, Luna and Selene exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction.


[Congratulations for defeating an Inferior Abyssal Chimera!]

[Reward: 500 Energy Points]

The system's message was promptly ignored by the trio as they reveled in the glorious satisfaction.

The abomination of a threat that had plagued them had been sent away, thanks to their united efforts and unwavering determination.

Never did the trio expect that one day, they would find themselves on a foreign world, and fight a grotesque creature with powers.

"Well…that was fun." Ash smiled as he twirled his scythe.

"Ignore him." Ray shook his head and spoke to the sisters, which they naturally did.

"Here, take these." Luna suddenly produced a vial of pills, appearing seemingly out of thin air. She extended her hand and offered the vial to the trio.

Ash reached out and took hold of the vial, expressing his gratitude, "Thanks!"

He opened the vial and carefully handed a pill to both Bryan and Ray. The pills emitted no distinct scent, but the trio consumed them without hesitation.

The sisters followed suit, taking their own pills to alleviate their exhaustion and heal their injuries.

As the pills took effect, a powerful yet soothing energy surged through their bodies, providing a profound sense of relief. The exhaustion that had weighed them down began to dissipate, and their wounds started to alleviate.

'They must be at least an Elite-Grade pill or higher…' Ray couldn't help but speculate as he felt the wondrous effect of the pill on his body, helping him a lot against the side-effect of his Bloodline Transformation.

Luna's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she remembered their divine-like transformations. Her voice carried a hint of wonder as she spoke, "The transformations that you both underwent…they were quite special."

Selene chimed in, her voice laced with intrigue, "Indeed. Such a transformation makes us wonder where you three come from. Surely, it's rare for ordinary individuals to possess such extraordinary powers unless you three are affiliated with a major power."

Bryan, Ray and Ash exchanged looks; their expression filled with contemplation. Since, the sisters revealed their background to them, it would be rude for them not to reveal their background after everything they've gone through together.

"You sisters are right. We are indeed affiliated with a major power." Ray nodded.

"May we know which major power you three are associated with?" Selene asked with a hint of anticipation.

Bryan casually responded, "We're disciples of the Celestial Nirvana Sect."

"And not just normal disciples, we're Prime Disciples of the sect." Ash didn't forget to add, enjoying the sisters continued shock and surprise.

Immediately, Luna and Selene were shocked as they exchanged astonished glances. The Celestial Nirvana Sect was the last major power they had expected the trio to be connected with. The sect's reputation preceded it, known for its formidable disciples and ancient teachings.

The realization sank in, and Luna couldn't help but exclaim, "The Celestial Nirvana Sect? We never imagined that we would fight together with disciples of the Celestial Nirvana Sect, much less you three being the Prime Disciples."

"Wait…" Selene interrupted and asked with a confused tone, "Aren't there only 12 Prime Disciples?"

"Selene is right, and normally, the Celestial Nirvana Sect does a worldwide announcement whenever they appoint a new Prime Disciple." Luna suddenly remembered after the momentary shock.

Bryan nodded at their reasonings and suspicions, and replied, "We're still pretty weak, if you haven't noticed by now. So, we left the sect to gain some real-world experience and power."

"Yeah, considering we only started cultivating a month ago…" Ash shrugged.

'A…month ago…' Luna was inwardly shocked, much less Selene who stared at them with wide eyes.


"T-That makes sense." Selene stammered with lingering surprise, but she gradually regained her composure.

The trio noticed the sisters' shock, but they merely attributed it down to the unexpected nature of their affiliation.

Ash approached Selene and spoke with an intriguing tone, "So…your ice element surely surprised me."

Selene smirked and said with crossed hands, "I'm surprised too for your case, but that begs the question. You're just in the Natal Realm but somehow you can touch the essence of the ice element. Care to explain that?"

Ash smile widened as he looked at the scythe in his hand, a sense of gratitude evident in his expression, "Of course, it would have been impossible if I was alone but thankfully, I have the support of my trusty scythe with me."

As if in response to his words, the scythe pulsated with energy, as if acknowledging its role in the present and future journey.

Selene's eyes gleamed with admiration as she commented, "You're lucky to have a wonderful weapon by your side."

"I'm indeed…lucky but stop staring at my scythe as if you are gonna steal it." Ash teased playfully as he concealed the scythe behind his back, protecting it like a cherished possession.

"Haha, no need to be worried, I don't have such…intentions. However, I can't help but wonder, what is the name of your scythe?" Selene chuckled, her curiosity piqued.

Pride and joy filled Ash's voice as he proudly proclaimed, "It is called the Eternal Frozen Scythe!"

"Eternal Frozen Scythe…" Selene muttered in awe and wonder.

After about half an hour of meditating and healing, Ash broke the comforting silence with a question, "Shall we press on and explore whatever is left of the palace, or should we make our exit?"

The sisters pondered for a while, contemplating their options. After a brief moment, Selene replied, "Let's continue exploring. There may still be treasures within the rooms we haven't explored."

A smile spread across Ash, his eyes glinting with anticipation for the treasures they'd hopefully find, "Awesome, after that stupendous battle, we deserve some well-earned rewards. Who knows what we might discover?"

"Hopefully, not another abomination…" Ray said dryly.

"Alright, let's go."

They ventured out of the hall and after exploring for a while without any troubles, they still couldn't find anything special to note of. A sense of disappointment started to settle in

"Aw man, is there really nothing here?" Ash voiced his frustration.

"Perhaps, we should pay closer attention and search for hidden rooms or passages." Selene pondered for a while and suggested.


Luna let out a weary sigh and said, "That could take a long time. Are we really up for it?"

Determined not to leave empty-handed, Ash clapped his hands and said, "Alright! I am not leaving the palace with nothing in my pockets. Let me start with the walls."

Ash walked to an obscure spot and touched the stony wall. To his and everyone's surprise, his hand phased through the stonework as if it wasn't there.


Bryan said with a deadpan expression, "Well, would you look at that…"

"Let's go in."

As they entered the hidden secret wall, they found themselves within a hidden room adorned with shelves upon shelves of exotic and vibrant fruits, pulsating with potent natural energy. Excitement flickered in their eyes as they realize what they had discovered.

"FINALLY!" Ash shouted in relief.

Luna examined the fruits in the room and remarked, "It appears we've stumbled upon a treasure trove of Spiritual Beryls. There are various qualities here."

Selene surveyed the room and concurred, "Indeed, it seems like these fruits are exclusively Spiritual Beryls in the room."

After thoroughly searching the room, they each gathered a substantial collection. In total, they each received 15 Middle-Grade Spiritual Beryls, 4 Top-Grade Spiritual Beryls, and a remarkable find of 1 Elite-Grade Spiritual Beryl.

It was an impressive haul, leaving them satisfied with their discovery.


"Did we forget about something?"

The group came back to the hall and tried to search for Nathe Pelke and Villie Storm, the other two 'victims' they had encountered earlier when they fought against Yorak. However, to their surprise, the pair was nowhere to be found. It was as if they had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

The group exchanged perplexed glances, wondering how Nathe and Villie could have disappeared without a trace. They carefully examined their surroundings, looking for any clues or signs of their presence, but the hall remained eerily silent and devoid of any evidence apart from the bloodstains.

"Oh well, not much we can do." Ash shrugged.

Luna nodded and asked, "Shall we leave?"

With content smiles on their faces, the group exited the palace and gathered outside. They breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the refreshing breeze, and reflected on the events they had experienced.

"As enjoyable as this event was, we have an important task ahead of us. Yorak's presence as a spy within the Azure Clan needs to be reported to the higher-ups at the Infinity Lunar Palace. We have a responsibility to unveil the truth and ensure everything is in order." Luna explained.

Selene nodded in agreement and continued, "There will likely be significant consequences following our revelations. We must be prepared for the potential upheaval that lies ahead."

As the group prepared to part ways, Luna and Selene expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the trio for their assistance.

"Thank you for everything." Luna genuinely thanked them.

Selene, along with Luna, bowed in thanks, "We truly had a fun time teaming up with all of you."

Ray sported a warm smile, and replied, "Likewise. It was an honour fighting alongside with you."

"Thanks for teaming up with us. We surely made a great team." Ash gave them a thumbs-up, a gesture of comaraderie.

Bryan nodded and said with his signature serious voice, "Good luck!"

They bid farewell, and just like that, the two groups went their separate ways, each embarking on their own paths, filled with memories of the adventure they shared.

"So, guys…" Ash broke the silence as he spoke up, capturing the attention of Bryan and Ray. They were right now making their way out of the Chaotic Forest.

Bryan and Ray turned to looked at him, their eyebrows raised in curiosity.

With a serious tone, Ash continued.

"I have…something important to tell you guys!"

Bye-bye :*(

On a happy note, I'm gonna be watching Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse tomoz. T'is gonna be lit af.

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts