
Returning Home!

{The Night After Returning With Tsunade}

King knew something was wrong when he woke up in a darkened void. "Hello there Thread Nicker." King heard a soft feminine voice behind him. King quickly turned around bewildered bringing his hand down to his Kunai pouch just in case. Once he made his rotation he found a tall blonde similar is Aphoditie's more favored form. "Well, this is surely interesting," King muttered still tense. "You have nothing to fear from me, Thread Nicker." "Yes is me you should be more worried about." A more strict and hardened voice spoke out. King instantly flickered away not to be stuck in between the two mysterious people in his mind space. Now a few meters to the left of his original position he saw that there was a more hardened-looking woman with black hair and a spindle in hand. "Shit," was the first thing that came to King's mind when he saw the second figure. A smirk appeared on her lips. "Well well, you certainly found yourself in a terrible situation. How would you explain yourself if you went back home with another person with you." "Now now Ana-chan no need to scare him so." King looked rather off-put by the term of endearment to the intimidating women in front of him. "Lady Ananke it's an honor to meet you," King said bowing his head lowly. "It is so fun to meet the one who causes so many issues for my children. Fortunately for you, they do not have access to your thread and Chaos loves you so." King nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks?" King responded in a questioning tone. "Well it gives me a headache personally but I do my best to make sure that the flow of the woven thread stays the same." Something soon clicked in his head as he softly whispered, "Thailia." Ananke nodded her head with an undistinguishable face. "You changed her fate so I had to whisper some ideas to get fate back on track however you threw a wrench in the plans again by making that bet with the Fates securing the well-being of those two girls. Makes me want to pull out some hairs." The primordial grunted out frowning at the young boy. "In my defense, they made it easy to act all-knowing. So is it my fault?" King asked with a cheeky smile. The blonde in a brightly colored Kimono, that he just noticed, started to giggle, "He makes a good point Ana-chan. But putting aside your children's blunder against this young man can we talk about the reason we are here." Ananke nodded with a seemingly predominant look of disapproval on her face. "Hello Harlequin-Kun you probably don't know me but I'm Naruto-Kun and Natsumi-chan's grandmother. On Minato's side of the family tree." King looked surprised at this new news. "Damn Minato was a demigod?" The unknown deity started to giggle. "Yup that he was it helped him in the long run unfortunately he never knew mainly because of the lack of needing to tell him. Here in the Shinto region, we also do not interact with our children once we ascend again. Unfortunately for me, my vessel died during childbirth making him an orphan since his father died to bandits out of the village." King had a solemn look on his face. "I am sorry to hear that you never had time with your son in the land of the living my lady however he should be in the pure land now after I released him for the reincarnation jutsu." The unnamed lady visibly brightened up at that detail and wrapped him in a large hug. "And I am so thankful that you did that Harlequin-kun. So so thankful for what you have done for both me and Kushina-chan." Releasing him from the hug she kissed his forehead and then revealed her identity. "I am Benzaiten one of the Seven Kami's of Luck." She revealed with a million-watt smile that reminded him of Naruto's. " It's an honor Benzaiten-sama." King said with a small smile bowing. "Just call me Benten. And the reason we are here to talk about Natsumi-chan's future that's why Ana-chan is here." "I have seen two timelines in our world based on Tsuande's response either she goes with you or she doesn't obliviously. But what I have seen can change the timeline for the better but obviously, she cannot tell anyone where she has gone. She is also needed in this world as she and her brother are needed to save this world. And you can make her stronger thus saving more lives. The reason I am here even though I am from the Greek Pathenon is that the Shinto does not have a deity for fate or the strings that get woven, Chaos allows me to control this. Now the question will you bring Natsumi with you." Ananke said with a stern face. "She is a legacy of a goddess but she doesn't know so it could be difficult to deal with." "Let's fix that," Benten said enthusiastically then snapped her fingers. Soon Natsumi faded into existence. She was startled at the change in environment from her pleasant dreams. "Harlequin-kun? Umm, what is going on." She questioned looking around her hand making its way to her weapons pouch. "Natsumi-chan it's so good to finally meet you!" Benten bubbled out to her granddaughter pulling her into a hug and rubbing her cheek against Natsumi's. "Huh? What is happening!" Natsumi shrieked out. "Natsumi." King called out in a stern voice like he would when they trained together. "Hai?" "The situation is rather difficult to explain please take a seat." With a motion of his hand, a table and chairs were conjured in a thought. Taken back at the appearance of the furniture she steadily took a set next to the boy as what had just transpired before her timely arrival.

"So let me get this straight, you are the son of a goddess, you, my grandmother from my father, who just happens to be the 4th Hokage, are also a goddess from a different pantheon because there is more than one of those, She is an older goddess like a deity who also happens to rule over fate, and to top it all off the two of you are not even from this world," Natsumi said with a deadpan face as the other three exchanged looks and then nodded. "Yup, that sums it up Natsumi-chan," Benten said with a cheery smile. "Troublesome." Natsumi sighed. "So what now?" Natsumi asked. "Now you decide I am sure that King, with some help, can construct a seal that stores a few shadow clones to train you here in this world or you can go back with him to his world and train there with the real him." "But it does not matter if Tsunade-sama does not approve of me going," Natsumi responded. "She is currently thinking it over now as well all talk," Ananke informed the group. "There is a good chance that you will be allowed the training leave you have requested. It also appears that Naruto will be going with the Toad Sage for a total of 3 years. So you will have plenty of time to train in the other world especially since you will be able to learn with King." Benten lean over and then whispered into her ear. "Yeah, Natsumi-chan you'll get some quality time with Harlequin-kun who knows maybe you'll be more than just a student and teacher." Benten tempted the girl while giggling and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. " Obaasan!" Natsumi shouted with her face blaring red. "Putting that aside we need your decision. Are you going or staying?" Natsumi took a few seconds deep in thought and then spoke. "I have decided. I will…"

{Day of Tsunade's Inauguration}

"I will Protect the village hidden in the leaves this is my promise as the Godaime Hokage!" Tsuande spoke out passionately to the entirety of the village. A sea of cheers ran throughout the town in approval at the new de facto leader of the town. Soon the celebrations were in full swing and there were several meetings held in the Hokage's office. The first meeting that took place was with a certain warmonger. "Tsunade, Hiruzen where is the other half of the Nine-tail fox? I have heard that Minato was revived it is with logic that with his revival the other half of the fox is now released. So where is it?" Danzo demanded that the 3rd and 5th Hokages knowledge him. "That is none of your concern Danzo it has been handled," Tsunade said with steel in her voice staring down the one-eyed man. "It is a matter of security for our village. It is also within our best interest that I know where it is currently so that we can keep an eye on it and properly train in its chakra." Jiraiya who made his presence known now started to chuckle. "Ha keep an eye! I did not know you became a comedian." "Do not be a child!" Danzo scolded. "Calm down Danzo, You must just trust us that the Nine-tails is fine and safe." Danzo scoffed at his old teammates' excuse. "Which Uzumaki Brat has it the Girl? Did Minato Rejoin it in the boy? Kami forbid he gave it to the child who does not even belong to the village!" Tsunade flared her chakra and two Anbu appeared out of the shadows. "Escort Elder Danzo out of my office I am done indulging him. Use force if necessary." Tsunade ordered with narrow eyes. Danzo scoffed as he was now forced from the meeting he engaged with the other ninja.

"So what's the Kid's plan?" Jiraiya asked once the corrupt man had left. "From what he has said he will be going to a place off the mainland to train." "Off the mainland?" "Yes unfortunately Harlequin would not give me anymore about the location only that no one would be able to get communications to his location." "I am surprised and intrigued about where he is going that is off the mainland as he puts it." "No clue but he practically raided almost every book available to the public, Natsumi did the same. The boy made some sort of seal that would allow him to copy information from books and transfer it to another." Hiruzen interjected his two students. "Genius. Just like Minato being able to do that if we had those seals information transfers would be so easy." Jiraiya looked stern at this point. Hiruzen nodded and took out a small scroll and tossed it to the toad sage. "He said good luck cracking it." Jiraiya opened the scroll and started to muse over it. His eyes widened more and more as he read. "Damn cheeky brat. Looks like Naruto is not the only one who will be having something to work on during this training trip." Jiraiya broke into a grin as he pocketed the information. "I will be leaving for a few days to check on my network before I come and get the Brat for our training please inform him." The two kages nodded as the white hair man left.

{2 Hours Later}

The participants of the chunin exam from the leaf all found themselves and their sensei's front of their new Kage. "Shikamaru Nara please step forward." "Troublesome." The pineapple hair boy muttered taking steps forward. "With the consideration of the judges, the third Hokage, and your actions during the invasion of the village I have decided to promote you to the rank of Chunin. Perhaps this will pull you out of your laziness." "Hai Lady Tsunade." "For the rest of you, I am unable to give any promotions through the Chunin exams some of you it is because you have not shown the critical thinking needed for promotion others because of different reasons. However, due to the attack, our resources have been spread thin so there will be times when experienced Genin will perform C-rank missions with others of the same or greater experience." Tsunade said with her gaze looking over the Geinin present. "Make no mistake you are all still on the fast track to promotions take this time as Genin to harden your instincts and skills for the next opportunity." "Baa-chan were is Natsumi-nee and Harlequin!" Naruto paused to ask out loud. "Naruto-kun did Natsumi not tell you?" Hinata asked the confused boy. "The idiot forgot damn Gaki! You should know exactly where she is." Tsunade yelled at the blonde hair boy. "Ehh I forgot can you tell me already," Naruto asked rubbing the back of his head embarrassingly. "Until further notice, Natsumi Uzumaki has been granted leave from duties as she is under the tutelage of Harlequin Liones."

{Nearing the Village Hidden in the Whirlpool}

"So King, when are we leaving for your home?" Natsumi asked the older boy. "We need to grab a few more materials from the remains of Uzu. Once we have those we will be able to teleport back to the Lotus Casino." "Okay but what are we grabbing? Don't we have everything we need we stocked up a lot before we left the Leaf." "There are still some things we can grab like some jutsu scrolls." "Okay," Natsumi nodded her head as she felt herself pass through a barrier. "I need to hit up the smithy that I made here to make you a katana that will work in the other world. While I do this you can grab any scroll that could be read and place it in the big storage scroll." "Okay got it. Be back soon." Walking through to the forge he made. Once there he found himself in the rhythm of shaping the Celestial Bronze ingot that he retrieved from his inventory and started to form it in a shape of a Katana with it he folded in a sliver of chakra metal to make it reactive to her chakra flow technique.

{The Next Day}

"Okay all packed ready to go!" Natsumi said very excited with her new weapon strapped across her hip resting just above her bottom. King nodded as he took out his Reinforced Elucinator and strapped it across his back, then took his Sword of the Thunder God and clipped it to his waistband, finally, he changed out his kunai and shuriken for his nemean lion daggers and slipped a silver hunters knife in his boot just in case. "Yup traded out all my weapons for monster killer items let's go," King said prompting out his arm to which Natsumi laced hers into his with a small blush.

~So this other world we are going to. Is it peaceful?~ Kurama asked King. ~Yeah, it's a good place if you are not a Demigod. But unfortunately, I am. So I'll be chased until I can neutralize my aura. Not to mention we have a certain god to fight.~ King replied. ~Hmm, I can't wait to see this world. Also, you said there is an island that you can put me on. One where people won't hunt me?~ King nodded ~Yeah it's safe and Isobu will be around so it wouldn't be bad.~ King told Kurama.

King opened his status to look at his timer.

[Time Left 1 year 2 months]

[Time passed in real-world 3 days 17 hours]

~If I leave now I can get everyone out of the hotel we can have more time to get to the Underworld.~ King thought. He thought about it for a little bit and then made the decision. ~Time to go home guys!~ King thought ~Let's do it!~ Kurama said. ~This should be interesting~ Isobu spoke up. King hit the button marked return under the Instant Dungeon. He disappeared in a flash of light and went home.


This chapter was rather shorter but now King and Natsumi will be headed to the Percy Jackson Universe! Let me know what you think about this book so far. Leave reviews, donate powerstones, and leave suggestions show some love towards this! See ya in the next chapter!

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