
The Thief Of My Heart

Bastardo! Once Great Master Benigno overheard Leonardo's answer, the wooden stick banged loudly on the table. Romano, a former mortal foe. The jerk who married Bianca, the sister of Bellezza McCarthy. Everything has become a mess, especially since Serena Wilson is a member of their family. "Are you sure of that, Leo?" he asked again. "Yes, sir, I can confirm, and there's no denying that the man's name is Francesco," said Leonardo. Mr. Romano's bodyguard has been thoroughly investigated by colleagues in Naples and Palermo. They are frequently seen attending mafia clan business meetings. "Contact Antonio back in Milan as soon as possible and retrieve the rest of my daughter's jewelry from the bastard's hands!" Mr. Benigno's was enraged that he had sent the young guards out of his boudoir at Lombardy Castle. Serena Wilson and Ryan McCarthy's marriage brought back a mafia conflict that began decades ago. The same mistakes that repeatedly lead to conflict. Their grand-kids should not have married, further destabilizing the situation. ***

RAYBASIL · Fantasy
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60 Chs

A Gorgeous Doll

"Damn! Why not inform me that we have to go to a party?" Antonio expressed dissatisfaction with the tuxedo he was wearing today. "If I had known from the start, I would have brought my own clothes; I wouldn't have had to rent it this way!" Sebastian, who has only been in New York for a day, asks him to head back to Texas in search of Mr. Benigno's daughter.

They are presently in the midst of an unknown wedding party, having entered without being detected. Pretending to be a firm employee in Europe, Gregory McCarthy's family was invited.

Sebastian ignored his colleague's complaint and continued to eat the scrumptious bridal celebration fare. "Let's just eat; it's a shame if everything gets missed," he said enthusiastically. "Look at all that delicious Italian food!"

"Um... The mother of the groom turned out to be from Naples," Antonio said as he mixed with other guests and looked at the young bride, who shocked him greatly.

Sebastian began by researching the history of a notable Texas family. "Bellezza McCarthy, daughter of Mr. Emilio Carmione. "Do you realize who we're up against this time?" he joked.

Yes. Antonio remembers from his childhood that dark memories never fade. In mafia fights, there is frequently blood and tears. Family members were slaughtered during the capture of territory and power.

Sebastian has been in America for too long. Now his responsibilities have been taken over by Antonio following the discovery of the remnants of Belladonna, a loving lover.

Discover where Belladonna's body has been laying for the past ten years beginning tomorrow morning. Mr. Benigno believes that genuine proof from Antonio and Sebastian will help to solve the mystery of the missing princess.


Manhattan, New York City

Wow. The stunning view of the horizon before dusk on the Hudson River grabbed the heart and thoughts of Andriano's daughter, who stood stunned after gazing at her husband's gorgeous apartment.

There's a living room and five huge bedrooms, as well as an outdoor terrace and a private pool. The boudoir is accessible through a beautiful interwoven staircase. Ryan McCarthy's dazzling life before she married a handsome, wealthy man was unknown.

Serena's daydream came to an abrupt halt when she heard Moore's voice. "Miss, please have your luggage placed in the room first, and then you can rest while Ryan returns home."

"Where is he? Isn't it still behind me?" she puzzledly queried. Moore was silent for a minute, as if he were hiding something. "I think Ryan told you about a client meeting at a hotel."

Not At All. After the wedding, he stopped saying much. On New Year's Eve, they spent time with Gregory McCarthy's relatives before returning to their own homes. Honeymoon plans for newlyweds were never on Ryan's mind; his wedding was merely a disguise.

"If that's the case, I should get back to work as soon as possible." Serena made her own decisions in life. A little bag was placed on the sofa, and we noticed a basic kitchen set not far away, as well as a large dining table with many chairs. "My husband definitely doesn't mind living in the penthouse alone with no activities."

Moore was against Mrs. Bellezza McCarthy's daughter-in-law working alone. "Undo your plans, miss. Ryan must want his wife to stay at home all of the time, waiting for him to return from work."

Serena is adamant about refusing to have her life planned by the man who owns all she owns. "Don't I have the right to manage my father's inheritance?" My age is sufficient to succeed Mrs. Angel as the company's owner."

"It's not that easy, Miss!" Moore reminds me of the stepmother being more evil than Andriano's daughter's pure notions. "Mrs. Angel had an affair with businessman Juan Delano before your father died in order to inherit the company's assets. They had plotted ahead of time to try to amend her husband's will."

Serena was surprised to have made it. Her stepmother does not appear to be a faithful woman. She discovered she had many men visiting home while her father was out on business.

When Serena went to Paris for a designer course, Mrs. Angel and the two daughters seized possession of Mr. Andriano's home. Your cunning woman! She cursed silently.

The unexpected news of her father's heart attack caused her to rush to Oklahoma. Mr. Andriano was overjoyed when his daughter returned, but after a few months, word of another death in the same case arrived.

Unfortunately, Serena does not have any evidence to investigate the bizarre incident. There is only the sorrowful funeral of feeling alone in the world. Her father and mother were bound together forever.

Clearly, she recalls Mrs. Angel's expression at the time not being one of intense sadness. Her arm was exposed to a foreign guy, leaving Mr. Andriano's biological daughter to lament the tombstone.

"Please inform my husband that I have an important job in this city that I cannot abandon because I am marrying him." Serena's specific reason for being able to avoid trouble. "The spring show is coming up in a few months, and I need to get everything ready."

"All right, I'll tell your husband whatever you want, but don't expect much from him, Miss," Moore cautions.

Ryan McCarthy's personality is unpredictable and frequently explodes for no apparent reason. Moore would have long wanted to abandon his job if it hadn't been for Mr. Gregory's warning to keep an eye on his kid.

The atmosphere returned to normal once the man left. Serena feels alone, regardless of whether she is married or not. The entire space was inspected, except for the outdoor terrace, because the winter wind was stronger in the tall building.

Prior to their arrival, the space heating was switched on. All of the dazzling lights appeared to welcome his presence. Pffft... Her hunger began to growl before dinner, so she cooked the first dinner for her husband while waiting for him to return home.

The refrigerator is well stocked with goods. Moore has the potential to gratify newlyweds, so they don't have to search elsewhere for eateries.

Serena tasted before going to cook because there was champagne and a box of excellent chocolates in the middle of the table. A few grains of chocolate enter the mouth. Oh, delicious.

Her hands moved quickly, washing and slicing all the vegetables and meat. Warm coats were exchanged for aprons in the kitchen. Serena is not a spoil brat who has been self-sufficient since she was a toddler.

It took less than an hour of battling in the kitchen. The table is well set and clean. Ryan promptly opened Champagne the night they ate together. There is no hustle and bustle like in Ryan's parents' house. All of the servants were dispatched, leaving the daughter-in-law alone.

Serena rushed to get herself cleaned up and change outfits when she finished cooking. Light makeup and lipstick are applied to keep her face from seeming too pale, and she rushes to the dining table to grab a match lighter, which lights two tall candles, adding to the romantic ambience.

They haven't loved each other because of a thousand thorny problems with his father's debt. Tonight, Serena got to know Ryan on a more personal level. Brushing aside the marriage charade is no longer a shield but rather an act of openness and honesty about belonging to each other.

It is time for her to accept what is in his heart. A holy devotion made at the altar that concludes happily ever after. Ryan hadn't returned home by 8:00 p.m. The food became chilly. Serena also added a small salad to her plate, nibbling lightly as if she didn't have an appetite without her spouse.

Ryan, where have you gone? Her heart kept wondering. After an hour of waiting, boredom took over her mind. Serena curled up on the sofa, hoping that the man would return home soon.

Her expression shifted from admiration to hatred. This apartment is not hers; she is simply hitchhiking here to relax. The owner, whether sleeping where or with whom at night, should have savored the pleasure of romance, but Serena only felt the cold.

Her eyelids closed, and suddenly she fell asleep. The glowing candle flame died itself, melting Serena's spirit of life because Ryan was not her destiny. Twelve o'clock at night Serena didn't hear anything as the penthouse door opened.

Ryan watched for a bit before taking a quilt from the room and covering the cold, small figure. He kissed his wife on the cheek before departing to spend the night with another date.

Serena, I'm sorry I can't love you! Ryan's heart murmured a lie. It shut the door tightly and then vanished after a few days. Serena, the naive girl, is simple to manipulate. Ryan McCarthy has a delicate, gorgeous doll in his grasp.
