
The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma

Skitta is a young boy who dreams of being the King of Sigmas! It’s not easy of course. He faces many obstacles along his journey.

bobskittle · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Little Skitta

[Wait, I'm an idiot. I used to live here not long ago, how could I forget the king?]

"Sorry that I didn't come sooner, I was just evacuating the citizens like the awesome leader I am!"

What an egotistical fuck.

[I haven't seen that face in a good minute!]

[Skitta, the name feared by many people in Sigma Village. I don't know the full story but apparently he caused the Sigma Queen's death and the former Sigma King's disappearance from 15 years ago. He also allegedly killed many sigma soldiers and civilians.

When Cheeks sensei brought him to Alpha Town he was blindfolded and was in handcuffs. I remember it like it was yesterday, that boy was a silent one. I kept this information hidden from the whole town to protect Skitta. I don't know why they brought him here and I don't know how dangerous he was but I wanted to help this kid]

Bando used to take care of Skitta from time to time when he was a little bean. Bando was only twenty years old and already had parenting responsibilities. Skitta overall wasn't a bad kid, but he's extremely stupid!

Skitta wasn't the brightest kid, he was an illiterate piece of shit and never paid attention in class at the Alpha Academy. He also has a shit memory.

In summary , he is dumb.

Skitta wasn't a very social person either, he only had one friend (Fenn) and would sometimes talk to a certain group of students.

Each person in that group was powerful for their age. Their names were Corelle, Haise, Abi, and Ethan. Corelle was th-

"E-etto… Bando-sama?" Boble asked.

"Ah, sorry I was in my thoughts. Also Boble please let the narrator fucking talk. You interrupted him,"

"Ah gomen…"

[Narrator-san? Who is that?]

"Anyways Boble, what brings you here?!"

"Oh we were on our way to Sigma Village," Boble said.

"And you're taking those two with you?"

"Hai, Bando sama,"

"Boble do you know anything about what happened 15 years ago?"

"Etto…." Boble said while scratching his head.

"Never mind, just make sure nobody in Sigma Village finds out Skitta's real name, give him a fake one or something"

"Yes sir, Bando sir. Etto… can you help me carry these two?"

Fenn and Skitta were already sleeping like little babies.

Bando was holding Skitta in his arms like a pretty princess.