

Reincarnated in Eos, a world of sword and magic, Julian finds himself reborn in the arms of a loving family and serene environment. However, while peaceful at first, his life takes a thrilling and adventurous turn when dangerous revelations plunge him into a world of violent chaos. Read as Julian navigates the wonders of Eos, meeting the strongest of Gods and the weakest of mortals, all of whom teach him valuable lessons that sculpt his personality from that of a naive and weak willed boy, to an unparalleled force of nature.

Junethephatcat · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The Chilly Winter Turns Into a Budding Spring

Echoing in the sunny town of Willow shade village was a sound of a rolling stone.



The town's people yelled at the figure blitzing past them at great speeds, ruffling their clothes with the generated winds.

"Sorry! Passing through!"

Elias tilted his body nimbly between the town's people, swerving around them with great skill.

Anchored to a boulder gliding on the cobblestone, the young shepherd's body bent at extreme angles as if his bones were made of rubber.

A thrilled smile was plastered across his face unperturbed by the wind smacking his face.

"Good morning Aunty Teresa" he yelled from atop his favorite mode of transportation, not even losing an ounce of momentum.

Teresa was opening her bakery this fine morning setting up the hot loafs of bread on display. Elias's voice brought a hearty smile to her face as she turned to face him, eager to greet the little warrior.

"Good morning to you as well dear, catch!"

Teresa grabbed a steaming hot loaf of bread just out of the oven and threw it to Elias.

The speeding boy was barely able to catch the loaf with his mouth biting into the oval delight, his teeth breaking the crunchy exterior and sinking into its soft interior.

'Mmmm, Auntie's bread is the best!'


Done with his 'stroll' Elias revoked the spell fueling the boulder beneath him as he reached a mundane looking home.

Opening the shabby brown door, he made his way towards a one of the home's rooms.

He knocked softly on the door, eliciting a response from someone inside.

"Come inside Elias."

Promptly after he was given permission, Elias entered, laying eyes on his recent canvas for healing spells; Drea.

While saying that she was an object of experiment was harsh, she still was so.

Drea was ill, that was a fact no one could argue with. Previously, she would medicate using simple herbs and whatnot ointments as there are no magic users in Willow shade to heal her otherwise.

The presence of Elias however changes all that. Aside from {Nature's kiss} Elias was able to boost Drea's vitality and energy with various manipulation spells using his fine control.

He would sap the beneficial nutrients and substances out of soil and plantea, nourishing Drea with much needed supplement. And seeing that her illness was a mystery to all, presenting itself in a form of fatigue and an assortment of ailments, Elias's 'cure' was more than welcome.

How was Elias able to do that you ask? Well it was his affinity with earth that allowed him to do that. You see, having a very high affinity, which is the case here, allows one benefits with magic you would not find with other regular affinity magic users.

In Elias's case, it was that his intent carried his will into the magic he wished to cast, allowing the earth to talk to him. It was not normal speech, but if he searched for the sturdiness of earth, then all that makes earth sturdy would call to him, if he wished for all that is vitality, then it would do the same.

Of course that in itself is a challenge that requires very fine Aeter control and concentration, abilities that those who lacks determination would not master.

Elias's treatment has been going on for a few months now. Ever since he had dinner with the three families, Elias's life changed for the better. He became part of their lives, eating Teresa's bread in the morning, shepherding with Clarence, healing Drea and much much more.

This… peace, allowed Elias to grow, grow anew from his negativity and trauma dictating the way he livers his life.

He became a better person.


"Good morning Au-"

"Just Drea honey, don't make me feel old yet."

Elias's smile turned awry, embarrassed at her playfulness, a trait Elias found endearing, yet troublesome at the same time, catching him off guard one too many instances.

"O-Okay Drea..." Elias said with a small fluster.

Drea's eyes twinkled mischievously, a grin finding its way to her beautiful face, somehow enhancing her divine beauty even further.

Elias knelt by her bedside and held her fare hand carefully, he closed his eyes and muttered the spell he has come to use repeatedly almost every day.

{Nature's Kiss}

The same glow Elias has gotten used to, shone from the magic circle materializing around their joined hands.

Nature's kiss has already been enhanced several times, incorporating the benefits of plant magic and earth magic all together. Among all of Elias's healing methods this one was the most effective and inclusive; yet the most costly

The glow climbed he arm and enveloped her figure gently, small fairies of white light dancing around the glowing blanket of Aeter.

Elias watched on as the magic spell ended and the glow receded, leaving behind a woman whose face regained normal color, and the final silver strand in the streams of gold turned to its original color.

"There, I believe that's enough for today. Why don't you try standing up? It should be easier." he said eagerly, an expecting expression smeared across his face.

But unbeknownst to Elias, Drea's eyes carried a hint of frustration in them.

Taking her eyes off the young boy, she took off the sheets hiding her body and stood up, making her way to the window and grasping at the small threads of sunlight shining through; being bedridden most of the day was truly a curse.

From the window's reflection, she could see Elias's nervous fidgeting and his outstretched arms waiting to catch her fall.

The mischievous lady decided to play another one of her tricks on the poor boy. Teasing Elias had become quite a joy to her these days.

Feigning pain, Drea staggered dramatically as she waved around her hands in search of something to support her 'falling' body.

She did not even turn back to Elias to confirm whether he would come to her aid, she was absolutely sure he would.


Lo and behold, the boy quickly got to his feet and slid on the wooden tiles holding her tall body in his arms.

"Are you hurt? Do you feel any pain? Talk to me! Say something!" Elias babbled on in frantic worry.

Drea was silent, her eyes were closed and the back of her hand lay on her forehead, only taking shallow breaths from her nose.

Glancing stealthily, Drea could see his panicked behavior. She stifled a small laugh as her eyes softened slightly.

"Drea what'd you say? I-I heard something. Do you need help o-or-"

Unable to hold it in any longer, Drea let go of her reserved attitude and erupted in laughter.

Confused, Elias could only stare at her for a few moments until he understood that she was pranking him.

'B-but she was just in pain moments ago… Or was she.'

The fooled boy picked up the still laughing Drea and set her gently atop her bed, even tucking her in under the warm sheets.

His face was dyed red with embarrassment as he tried to calm her down before wishing her farewell. An enormous change from the cold attitude he showed her at first.

Drea could see him struggling but decided to tease him one last time before he left, after all it was her sacred right to tease Elias, or at least she believed so.

"Ooh what a darling you are, waiting to say goodbye are you? Where is that mean and menacing boy from a few months ago? Hmm?"

Her thin and elegant index finger made its way to his nose, lightly touching its pointed tip. Before he could process such a bazaar action, Drea planted a soft kiss on his forehead; a kiss only a mother could give her child.

"Thank you Elias, my little doctor~"she muttered softly, the last part she mischeavously said.

Elias's eyes crossed as he tracked her lips leaving his forehead, but he was stuck unable to do anything. A warm feeling emanated from his chest as his trust in familial love was fed once again, as it has been all these months.

Elias forcefully broke himself out of his trance and said his goodbyes in a hurry, desperate to get away from Drea and her flustering pranks.

Elias was still a tad shy when showing simple signs of intimacy, but through her little pranks Drea was breaking down his icy walls one by one. She was teaching him motherly love in the absence of a mother of his own.

"Bye n-now! G-gotta go else they'll start without me. Wouldn't want to lose them in the forest again - AH AH" Elias said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Realizing what joke he just impulsively said in embarrassment, his smile froze and he suddenly bolted out the house in a hurry, trying to get his mind off Drea and her antics.

'Run little Elias run! Else the kissing fairy might get you~'