

Reincarnated in Eos, a world of sword and magic, Julian finds himself reborn in the arms of a loving family and serene environment. However, while peaceful at first, his life takes a thrilling and adventurous turn when dangerous revelations plunge him into a world of violent chaos. Read as Julian navigates the wonders of Eos, meeting the strongest of Gods and the weakest of mortals, all of whom teach him valuable lessons that sculpt his personality from that of a naive and weak willed boy, to an unparalleled force of nature.

Junethephatcat · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Expedition II

Before this expedition, we have tried to battle many different enemies as a group. We fought any predator that lurked in the woods. We hunted bears, coyotes, wolves…

But most importantly, I trained them in getting used to bloodshed.

Wes started off small, touching and prodding already dead animals. Then we tried killing small things like birds and rabbits. Finally I got them to kill larger prey that spill much more blood, having them dismantle it and whatnot.

However this training expedition was by far the most challenging thing yet.

Our journey was arduous. We navigated the cave for what felt like hours, slaying wolves to no end.

While individually, none of my friends could take down a single wolf, group battle was different. It was systematic, a practiced movement and coordination that allowed maximum kill efficiency.

Patrick would first block the wolf's attack, then Lester would snipe at it while it was retreating, and finally Leo would deliver the final kill.

When there were multiple wolves, they would rotate the chain of actions as Eset and I guided.

Sometimes I would verbally direct them, at others, Eset would speak into their minds directly in order not to startle our opponents. The first time Eset did that was quite the funny anecdote, the poor kids thought some god was peaking to them, HAHAH.

Any ways, Eset and I only interfered when necessary… or when we got bored. But generally, this is supposed to be training, their training.

Maybe in the future we can visit one of Eos's dungeons together as adventurers! Surely they have to be strong to enter, we all have to be.

But let's leave the future be for the moment and focus on one alarming thing. The cave doesn't end.


We have been at it for a very long time, and not once have we reached a hint of an end to his cave. And to add fuel to the fire, this den has an unreasonable amount of wolves. We've faced eight of them so far, with three alpha looking wolves in the mix. It just doesn't make sense, even for his fantasy world.

'This is getting dangerous' I thought.

"Alright, that's enough for today. There's something strange here, I think we should leave." I called out to the three boys.

Patrick looked back at me as he lifted his shield from a wolf's skull, and Lester collected an arrow from another's.

"You sure Eli? We're really doing well here. Aren't we guys?" Leo asked.

Lester nodded quietly and so did Patrick, readying their gear for another round as the sound of approaching steps echoed in the cave.

[Elias, I don't care what you do, but get them out now. There's something vile here… something so menacing that my ears refuse to listen to.]

That was all the confirmation I needed to get them out. They are not yet ready to face something new, I barely am.

[Eset take them with you, use that spell and then run like hell. When you've recovered some Aeter come back and join me.]

Eset was shocked, I never order her around like that. She seemed hesitant to comply. Whether that was her pride talking or her concern for me was a mystery. But that did not matter, I needed her to take them out, they are a liability.

[B-But Elias. I can't leav-] Eset tried to put up some resistance but I was not having any of it.

I never acted so domineering towards her. She was always treated different than any of the others, but I had no time to do that now.

[Enough talking Eset. Do it]

With one last stare in futile resistance, Eset begrudgingly flew to Patrick's head and spread her wings before enveloping all the boys in a sparkling violet mist of Aeter. Teleporting them away and leaving a pulsing fracture in the air that lasted for a few moments before imploding in a burst of Aeter and disappearing like it was never there.

This was her latest spell, {Teleportation}. Eset is able to mark two places as a destination point and link them with her magic. Theoretically the distance she can cross is limitless, as long as she has Aeter that is.

I released a breath of relief and took out the staff stored within my dimensional ring as I waited for the approaching wolves to arrive.

These mutts were no longer my match.

The moment they appeared within my immediate field of attack, I sent a sweeping blow towards the leading wolf, crushing his body against the wide cave's walls.

'Diamond formation?'

Within a single fluid motion, the horizontally swung staff was swiftly transitioned into an overhead strike. Changing my striking form, I lifted my right leg in tow with the staff before sending both towards the ground with devastating force.

My foot sent a powerful flow of Aeter into the earth molding it into dozens of sharp iron spikes, impaling the flanking wolves, while the staff splattered the brain matter of the last wolf just behind them.

The wolves never stood a chance, I was too strong, too experienced.

And while my technique was worthy of pride and praise, there was something else occupying my mind.

'Why were the wolves in a coordinated formation? It was as if they were… they were shadowing us'

The moment that thought settled in my mind, I felt a numbing sensation all over my body. My back tingled and the hair on my arms stood upright.

This revelation was frightening.

If the other boys were here, they would definitely have gotten injured...I would not have been able to protect all of them while securing our retreat and fending off other aggressors at the same time.

'Damn it'


Under the night's dark sky, three boys and an owl appeared out of a fracture in the reality.

Wisps of violet smoke left their bodies and entered the owl's gem swirling with various shades of Amethyst, as the hue enveloping her snow-white antlers died down.

The three boys looked around in confusion.

They were inside the cave just a second ago, why are they here?

However, It did not take too long for them to conclude that their situation was the work of magic, thus they turned their heads to the only one capable of such feats among them, Eset.

"Hey Eset, Why did you teleport us out? And where's Elias?" asked Leo, his sword like eyebrows raised in befuddlement.

[There is something very strong in that cave. Elias asked…ordered, for us to retreat. This was the fastest way.]

Patrick kneeled down towards the little owl, his face marred by worry. "And Elias? Is he getting out of there as well?"

[He didn't tell me…but my brother is strong! He'll take care of it, surely. A-And I'll join him when I the second I regenerate enough Aeter for the trip…although it might take a while.] she said, nervousness tainting her soft voice.

Putting one arm between the wooden body of the bow and its string, Lester hunched over and tried to assure the worried owl.

"Don't worry Eset. Just like you said, brother is-"

[Don't say that!] She suddenly yelled into their minds, forcing them to hold their heads in pain.

"What's wrong Eset!?" Lester asked, holding the side of his head with one hand.

[Elias, is MY brother, not yours. S-So don't say it, HMPH!] With a harrumph, the diva owl turned her face from the three boys, seemingly annoyed at such an insignificant thing.

While petty, Eset's antics made the boys smile a bit, forgetting their worries for brief moments, allowing them a few seconds or relief.

Everyone sat in silence admiring the beauty of the night sky before Leo noticed something critical. It was night, and they were only ten years old.

The boys fumbled about frantically as they ran out the forest as fast as their little legs could carry them, yelling into the air words of panic

-We're sooo getting grounded for this!!

-Just move faster you idiot!


Eset watched from atop a tree branch her friends' silly little debacle.

Yet despite their comical appearance, her eyes carried a budding sadness within them.

'It's quite when you're all alone… I don't like it'