
The Taste of Seduction

Mature content (18+) "How far would you go for love?" [COMPLETED BOOK 1] Cruel and twisted Atlas Martini had 3 rules. 1. Never mix business with pleasure 2. Don't ever give second chances 3. Never get emotional attached to someone. He has never been tempted to break these rules until he met her. His new secretary, Meredith Rossi. With her big glasses and doe eyes, she was the most innocent and pure woman he has ever met. he couldn't wait to taint her. To ruin, claim and bend her over his desk. She was supposed to be a prey for him to play around with until he found himself addicted to her. Like a drug, he craved an overdose. Now she was his secretary, His Angel His good girl. A woman with dark secrets, Meredith Rossi didn't think running away from home with her little brother would change her life forever. Her boss was everything she should avoid. Fierce, ruthless, a promised pain and sexy as hell. When he proposition a devilish deal she agreed because life was too short not to live out your dark fantasies. Temptation was the ultimate ruin of man and if she was going down she might as well pick her poison which was him. Now he was her Boss Her dominant Her ultimate downfall. Theirs was a love story that questioned how far you would go for love---would you fall in love with a cursed monster? --------- ---------- Excerpt; "You got such a dirty imagination for an Angel." Atlas grasped her chin in one hand and forced her to meet his gaze. "Touch yourself Angel." Atlas ordered, his breath tickling her ear. "Let me see what you do when you are alone with your dirty fantasies."

Chichii · Fantasy
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331 Chs

Meeting Marcus

"Who are you?" Marcus questioned, taking a protective stance in front of Meredith.

Meredith's eyes met Atlas's and her heart galloped in her chest. He stared at her intently for a long time before he finally replied gruffly, "I'm Atlas, Elvin's nephew."

"Oh yeah, he had told me he was going to bring his nephew back. Nice to meet you, I'm Prince Marcus Wilson." Marcus murmured and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Meredith's heart raced and her attention shot to Atlas to see his response.

Atlas stared at Marcus's hand for a minute before he took it, holding Marcus's gaze. He spoke, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." While shaking Marcus's hand.

Meredith stared at him with wide eyes in shock. She really wasn't expecting Atlas to be so amicable.

He nodded slightly at her as though they were having a private conversation. And then she realized they were! He wanted her to know he would never do anything reckless.