
The Tally Game

Three teenagers wake up in a garage right after a a deadly heat wave hit the planet. They find a piece of cardboard that has 6 names on it each name has tally marks. What Do the tally marks mean, and where are the other 3 names on the list? [{ chapters 1-3 1,000-2,000 Wordcount}]

Lizzie_Taylor · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Where are we?


Three days later (Read in SpongeBob narrator voice)

It was Morning, the sun had just risen and everything seemed to be okay. Titan woke up and held his head, he could still hear ringing after the accident. Titan finally opened his eye and looked around, he had no clue where they where. he had never seen this place before, " We are definitely not in the truck anymore" he said to himself. Titan got up from the ground and started to walk around a bit, he had a slight limp from the accident, his foot was once dislocated but it had seemed to be put back in place some how. He looked around to see where Amanda and Marshal were, but did not have any luck finding them. So he sat down on one of the chairs he had saw when he first came to.

Amanda woke up she was leaning against a wall, her head was pounding. She tried to open hers eyes but it was too bright for her, she felt her surroundings for a moment the covered her eyes a bit to see where she was. Amanda was in shock to know that she was no longer in the truck and was alone once again, she began to cry. She thought to herself "Is this the end, is this how I will die, I die alone after a car crash, the crash that both my new friend and I were in???". She was really scared, scared to the point where she did not move from where she was sitting at.

Marshal was lying on the ground, she was holding her stomach. It was still hurting after the impact with the trees, she had hit the dash of the truck when they hit the tree. Luckily she did not feel any cuts on her stomach, she had a few on her face but that was because of the glass that had flown through the air. She tried to sit up but it hurt a little too much to move so she stayed out and waited until she heard someone moving in the room weather it was alive or not.

After a little while Titan could not wait to see if anyone was with, so he called out for the group. He got no answer for a few moments. Then all of a sudden he hear something moving from the other side of the room, so then he moved over there "Hello?" Titan asked in a spooked way "Is anyone over there?" and yet again no one answered. HE was a little disappointed, he started walking back tot he chair he had found but then all of a sudden ."He...help" he quickly turned around to see who said that. But there was nobody, so he looked out the window that was on his right side. There was no one but birds, mocking birds, "Ugh those birds are just mocking human sounds" Titan was a mad.

Finally Amanda go the strength to move from her spot. Amanda got up and walked to the door that was right in front of her, she had to pull on it a little because it was pretty rusted. but once it opened she saw Titan. "TITAN!!!" she held her arm and ran over to him. Titan had a little smile on his face and hugged her, "I thought you were still in the truck or worse dead" Titan had a bit of tears in his eyes. Amanda looked up at him " I thought you and Marshal were dead, Wait! where is Marshal??" Titan looked down, " I am not sure I woke up over by the window and I've looked around the whole room and found no one, OH also if you hear screaming for help outside don't be fooled its those stupide mocking birds that mimic human voices that were at the last moments of life." Amanda had fear in here eyes, she was scared they would die out here because no one knew where they were, "Are we going to be lost forever Titan?" Titan flinched on those two words, "No we cant be lost forever Amanda, we will find a way back okay But first we must find Marshal." Amanda nodded.

Titan looked around the room and saw two more doors that had not been opened yet, he walked over to the on in the back of the room and stared at it. "Do you think she might be in there" Amanda voice shacked to the thought of finding Marshal dead, but it would have been better than lost. "I'm not sure, want to find out or not?" He looked over to his left side and looked Amanda in the eyes, She nodded her head and then backed up a little, wanting to have an easer way of turning away incase of emergencies. Titan reached his left hand out to the rusted door nob, trying to twist it to loosen it up and then he slowly opened the door with caution. Once the door opened all the way they both looked in there from a small distance, they couldn't see much it was a big room with no windows and the light was not on. Titan walked to the door way "Hello, Marshal are you in here?" Amanda started to tear up at the sound of silence.... Then out of no where BAMMMMM

Titan got soccer punched him the stomach by an older boy. Amanda ran back to the wall, she saw him from a distance he looked to be about 16 maybe 18 it was hard to tell. Amanda was scared she didn't know how to fight so she couldn't help Titan, and even if she could the boy was too strong and big for her to take down on her own. Titan was fighting off the boy, "WHO ARE YOU?" Titan yelled while fighting the boy, "NO ONE TO YOU" the boy answered back. Marshal heard yelling from the other room and held her stomach then got up and held the wall as best as she could, she opened the door slightly and looked out, "HeLlo?" Amanda looked over there and saw Marshal, she ran over and opened the doo, "Marshallllll!!!, I thought we lost you!!"Marshal looked at her and squinted her eyes, I don't know if we are out of the woods yet anyways so I would still keep and open mind" Marshal was in pain but not as much pain as to when the accident happened. "How long have we been here?" Marshal looked around at the place, "I'm not sure but I know I've been here for two days" Amanda looked out the window. Marshal looked over to where Titan and the other boy were, "Who is that?, she was very curious about him. Amanda looked at the boy, "We don't know, we just, um, well meet him?? I guess that's how you can call it."

To be continued...