
The Tally Game

Three teenagers wake up in a garage right after a a deadly heat wave hit the planet. They find a piece of cardboard that has 6 names on it each name has tally marks. What Do the tally marks mean, and where are the other 3 names on the list? [{ chapters 1-3 1,000-2,000 Wordcount}]

Lizzie_Taylor · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Wave

It was early in the morning. People where trying to stay alive, after what had happened to their small town called Bringston.

Would you like me to tell you what happened before the Heat Wave that killed half of the population?

It was Wednesday morning everyone was on their way to school. It was like every other day, the kids would be riding their bikes to school and meeting up with friends.

The small town of Bringston had a population of 9,470. That may seem like a lot but it really not.

After everyone had gotten to school and took their books out of their locker, they headed to class. Which meant the school's hall ways were silent, the playgrounds where bear and the streets where occupied by adults and very small children. It was just a normal day, well a normal morning.....

A few hours later...

It was noon time in the town of Bringston. The school's he just released the children for lunch. They all grabbed the lunch pals and headed for the cafeteria and the outside sitting areas. When everyone was eating the news came on with something very bad. There was an experimental energy trial going on the town and it had started to backfire. Everyone was notified to quickly find shelter. Before the news got to everyone the energy surged into the ground the burned through everything around the lab and it collapsed, the lab was distorted and the energy surged through the ground and the lights blew up and all of the power went out.

Each power plant in the town had blown to pieces nothing of them was left. When the places went down it left a het wave and it went through the entire town. Whoever did not know about the power surged and that was outside got hit with the wave of heat. They either died instantly or got mutating into some kind of meta human they mad them go insane and go on a ravage killing spree. No one in the town was safe. They didn't know how long the wave would be so everyone stayed inside for 2 weeks.

Once the two weeks were the ones who survived the wave all went outside and looked around. The town looked like it had been abandoned for over a century. There were dead people and viscously insane "people"( if that's what you want to call them) roaming the streets. People went into a panic thinking there was nothing to do. They thought no one knew about this and that it would be extremely hard to get out of what had just happened.

Three years of this and people are already getting emotional and angry, I mean who wouldn't be. The school turned into a storage for food, homes that were not burned down from the wave were used as shelters if there were enough room. Stores either tuned into hospitals or more shelters. And the county jail was under construction. It would upgraded into a place to hold those who were hit by the wave they that thought could be save. But the station wouldn't be ready for a while because they need to get more supplies to do the construction.

There were new roles in the town, the kids from ages 7-10 were put on getting water. The kids from the ages 11-17 were put on food and learning how to build homes, cars, and how to use weponds. Then from the ages of 18-20+ they are out and trying to catch those who have been infected by the wave or they are out trying to get supplies and other things so people can stay alive during the crisis.

Its been a few years since the wave and people are starting to get used to it. The wave has also spread tot he other towns near Bringston, which means the world could be at risk for all they know. I am going to start introducing you to some of our characters. WARNING some of them are either mean ruthless and cold but there are some who are nice and cheery for all that has happened.

We take a stroll down a street called Hamilton:

Meet Marshal, She is a 16 year old girl, she was born and raised in the town of Bringston. Her mother and father were in the wave, her mother died from it and her father was never seen again they do not know If he was killed or turned. She has two older brother Ian who is 17 and Luca who is 22. They all seem like they are sick and tired of each other but they are the only family left and secretly they still love each other. Marshal was supposed to be doing what her faction was doing which was getting food and learning how to build things, but she had something better in mind. She wanted to be on the front line where everything happened. She wanted to see the newly made creatures and find out what makes them tic. But it was harder to do that than she thought.

Marshal was hiding in the bushes outside of the newly built jail which they named Phycadronix (sika-drone-ex). It was a very dangerous place to be, there were newly turned Phykes (Sikes) and Phykes that had mutated into a higher class. She waited there till the day guards left and the night guards were just arriving, she walked in. She hid underneath the broken desk that used to be the receptionist desk.

time go down another street, Abonmarsh Circle :

Meet Titan he is 17 years old, He had just moved to Bringston a month before the wave had hit. His mother and father were away on business trips when it all went down, and they still haven't returned because they closed off the entrances and exits to try and make the virus slow down. His father was supposed to be gone for 2 months and his mother was supposed to be gone for 5 weeks. They both were international workers. They would travel so much they were ever rarely home to notice anything. Titan was an only child so he never made friends because he didn't have the best people skills. Titan was in the same faction as Marshal was but he didn't know her, well not yet at least. Titan was about to turn 18. He had two days to figure out if he was ready to changes factions. But he still wasn't sure of it.

So Titan decided if he wanted to make his mind up he would have to see for himself what it is like in the other faction, so he left is station at the food bank and sneaked over to the Phycadronix and went inside and told them that he was there to see if he was ready to switch factions. And they allowed him to look around but told him that if he was wanting to go the restricted areas to have a prelesional with him and to be extremely careful. So Titan looked around and walked over the broken desk and noticed there was something moving from underneath it. He looked at the desk "Is anyone under there?" he asked softly like he didn't want to scare what was under there, even though he didn't know what was there if it was either a Human being or a Phyke. Marshal looked through the broken crakes of the desk and whispered to him "Shhh don't blow my cover". He looked at the bright blueish greenish eye showing from the cracks of the desk. Titan crooked his head sideways "Why are you under there if I may ask". Marshal hesitated to answer but then finally she did, since he did not call her out at the beginning. "I am hiding under her to see what they really do, you see I want to know what is happening on the front line, I am tired of giving out food and building things. I want to be where the action is. "

Titan smiled a little, "I'm happy that you want to do this". Marshal peaked her head out in the part of the desk that had fallen off, "What do you mean Know what I want to do, Don't you want to see what they are doing as well?". Titan was not sure what to tell her so he just improvised, "I'm not sure yet, I have two days to find out if I want to stay in my faction for my 18th year or moved to the new faction and start learning how to do more things". Titan sat down in the chair that was next to her and looked at the wall to not make it obvious that there was someone under there incase somebody walked passed him. Marshal looked at him from under the desk "Oh well, uh when will you know? It would be soon right?". She was surprised to have found someone who did not want to go into the new faction, she had always meet people who want to shift over into a new faction a month before their 18th birthday. Titan glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "I'm not sure yet. Hopefully I will know soon because they want an answer in 24 hours and I got nothing so far". Marshal looked stunned "So far, so far, man come one look around this faction is known as the bravest one of all they are the front liners and if you are good enough they put in the position of where you go out into the V-line, you know the places where the Phykes have taken over or are running around like wild animals. Oh oh or you could be put in the med room with the other intelligents to come up with an anti-surem to fix what happened to those poisoned by the Phykes." Titan seemed a bit shocked when he heard all of this, he didn't even know there were different jobs with-in this faction. "Wait so your telling me there are different things in one faction? How I thought there was only one, well at least that is what they said in the books" He looked a bit overwhelmed and did not know what to do.

Before Marshal could speak up about the other jobs the sirens went off. People in grey uniform were marching in lines out of a room were The Grey Legion and onto the trucks heading out to the V-line. Marshal got an idea. "Hey since your here and you want to find out more want to come with me, you know into The Grey Legion and join them?" Titan looked at her like she was one of the Phykes, "What hell no, what are you trying to do get us caught or worse killed for all we know?!?!" Before Titan knew it Marshal was already heading into the Grey Legion room and was getting ready, he ran over and went in as quite as he could. "Hey kid lets go we shouldn't be in here" Marshal was in uniform, "Uh no, I am not missing my chance to see the V-line for myself", Marshal then ran out the back door to the trucks. "Damit" Titan grabbed the gear and quickly ran out to her, she was already in one of the trucks. The truck started up and started to drive. He ran to the truck and joined her. " you are completely insane you know that right?" Marshal chuckled " I know I've been told that many times, and do I acknowledge that? Nope not even a little. Now shush or we'll get caught"

Titan shook his head "We are so dead"....

To be Continued....