
The Tallest Island

A Fairy Tale resounds in the world of Nuswantoro, a huge world that is breaking up into countless islands. Various Races are present in it filling the countless islands. One person on one island from level one to level seven, all races are competing to climb to the highest level. Each level offers unimaginable rewards, from age to life to even immortality. See the struggle of a young human named Daniswara to reach the highest island and reach the realm of immortality which is located on the highest island in the world of Nuswantoro. This is a discord author. If you like discussing this novel, please stop by https://discord.gg/rPgrwnmE (buy me coffee :https://ko-fi.com/adigm17)

adi_gm · Fantasy
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112 Chs

alliance between races

" My king seems to have some figures waiting for us " an elf spoke to the Elf King.

"I know, and their identities are the human race and the angelic race, from what looks like they are quite friendly, but still alert the troops to anticipate unwanted things" the King said again.

"Ready King" replied the elf.

There was no need to wait any longer, before long they arrived tens of meters from Danis and Gabriel's position.

"Come on let's welcome them Queen Gabriel" Danis said inviting the queen of angels to come to them.

Seeing that Danis as well as Gabriel approached them, the elf King who was also responsive immediately asked several of his subordinates to come with him and meet with the representatives of the two races.

"Greetings to the elves" Danis greeted first.

"Greetings also to the human race" the elf king replied.

And followed by Gabriel who also greeted them, after greeting then the elf king first introduced himself.

"Here Richard the king of the elves greets two emissaries, may I know who I'm talking to?" Introducing himself and asking Danis and Gabriel to introduce themselves.

"Greetings King of elves, I am Danis the king of the human race" Danis spoke introducing himself and then followed by Gabriel.

"Greetings King Richard I am Gabriel the queen of the angel race, nice to meet you" Gabriel kindly introduced himself.

"Ohhh....king Danis and Queen Gabriel forgive me for my rudeness, hope you don't feel offended by my impolite behavior" Richard immediately corrected his attitude, at first he thought that both Danis and Gabriel were just messengers from their race .

He had never thought that the identities of the two of them were similar to his own, namely the King and Queen of their race.

"It's okay you understand" Danis replied generously.

"As the king of Danis said, King Richard is not important, it's just that before that I said welcome to the oasis" Gabriel joined in the conversation and then did not forget to convey his congratulations.

"Thank you Queen Gabriel and king Danis, but may I know if we are not too late?" Richard asked Danis and Gabriel.

" No, king Richard you are lucky because you are not late and congratulations you are the third race to arrive at the oasis or it can be said that you have fulfilled the quota, it's just that we have to apologize because there is only one place left for you to occupy" said Danis explained.

"Yes, it's a shame you were late King Richard and could only accept the last place" Gabriel also added.

"It's okay, King Danis and Queen Gabriel have been able to get to third place, we are very grateful, while for the place you mean I don't mind as long as I and my race can live in the oasis" replied King Richard again.

"Alright then let's talk about it while entering the oasis area" Gabriel interrupted the two and asked them to talk while entering the oasis to explain further to Richard and his race.

So then with guidance from Danis and also Gabriel Richard along with his race entered the oasis, there like the first time Gabriel and Danis entered they were amazed by the sights they saw inside the oasis, on the other hand Richard was also explained about the 3 places in the oasis and which area is where he lives.

After doing this, Danis then decided that 1 hour later they would meet again to gather to discuss the alliance between them.

As for why Danis stated this, it was inseparable from the fact that now 3 races had occupied the oasis, so then they had to immediately form an alliance and with this alliance they could immediately make better arrangements to defend the oasis from attacks by the other 4 races.

The one who was fated to be their enemy until the next 3 days when this exam ended.


A distance of 5 km from the oasis, you can see the Orch race together with dozens of large wolves gathering, not far from where they gathered there were dozens of orches that seemed to be rushing towards them.

"Is the oasis occupied yet?" asked the orch king named Agor.

"Report sir from our reconnaissance results, it has been confirmed that the oasis has been occupied by another race" replied an orch who looked like a general from the Orch race.

"Huuuu....snort.... Which race are they from?" Agor asked his general again.

"Human race, angel and elf lord" replied the general.

"Ohhh weak humans, and self-righteous angels, and vegetarian elves...they are not difficult opponents..." Agor answered back.

"Then you don't need to scout anymore, just find a hidden place and watch the rest of the other races fight each other, and then in the end we will be victorious" Agor replied viciously, waiting for him to take advantage of the other 6 races' fight.

And then dealing the finishing blow to whoever won so that then he and his race would be first in the end.

In a different place, the other races who were also late to come to the oasis now realized from the observations of their scouts, that their destination oasis had been occupied by 3 other races who had already arrived.

In response to this, they realized that now they only had the chance to pass this test as attackers to seize the oasis from the three existing races.

" My Queen we late and the oasis is already occupied by the other races" a devil race spoke up reporting the situation to their queen.

Sarah, who heard reports from her subordinates, now felt angry at the reports made by her soldiers.

"Which race dares to precede this queen???" Sarah angrily asked her soldiers back.

The Queen's report from the results of their observations were, the human race, the elven race and…and…." The three warriors wanted to mention the third race he was confused and afraid to report it.

"What race is the third??? Quickly say???" Sarah angrily snapped at her soldiers.

"That...that...the queen...they...are...the angel race" bitterly the soldier spoke.

"What??????? What did you say earlier?????" With a red face Sarah asked again.

"Race....race...angel queen..." Again holding back the tears inside the soldier spoke to Sarah.

"Damn.....those prostitutes...that...no...no...can't be tolerated.....we have to take the oasis...especially from that angel prostitute" with hatefully Sarah said.

Elsewhere, the same thing happened to the dwarves and the demi-human race who realized too late that the oasis was occupied by the other three races, namely humans, angels and elves.

Realizing this fact was the same as the other race leaders who didn't make it to the oasis in time.

They can only look for other allies to work with in fighting for a place in the oasis.

"You now look for the whereabouts of the dwarven race and the demi-human race convey my greetings as the demon queen, and tell them I want to form an alliance" Sarah ordered sternly to her men.

"Okay queen...but...what about the Orch race?" asked his subordinates again.

"Don't mind the Orch race, they're a cunning race!!!" Sarah replied firmly refusing to tell the Orch race to form an alliance.

"Okay queen then we will go" replied Sarah's subordinates and immediately they went to find the whereabouts of the dwarves and demi humans to make an alliance.


"We filed Kings" answered a demi-human with a dog-like appearance.

"Ohhh...who has come to the oasis first?" asked the king again.

"From the smell, they are humans, angels and elf kings" replied the demi human dog.

"Ok because we are late, then we have to find allies to defeat them" the king again commented.

"Then who do you think we should partner with?" Asked the king again asking for advice.

"Report the king according to my thoughts, we should ask the dwarves and demon races to cooperate, while for the orch if we are not urgent it shouldn't be necessary" said a demi human with chimpanzee stature said giving advice.

"Ohhh why don't the orchs become allies?? Aren't they a strong race?" asked the king.

"They are indeed strong, my king, but they are a cunning race and like to break promises" replied back for the sake of that human.

"Ohhh about breaking promises, aren't the demon races the same??" Asked the king they doubted.

"Depending on the strength of the master, if it is weak then yes the devil will break the promise but if the situation is like this then it is impossible for them to do that.

Because from what I know that the angelic and devil races have deep grudges, and this time the angelic race succeeded in becoming one of the overlords of the oasis, in that case I believe the demon race would never railed against that.

So it is certain that they will destroy the angel race, but it is also clear that their strength will not be able to compete directly with the angels at this time because the angelic race must have made an alliance with the other two races who also occupy the oasis, so if they only rely on their strength they will only there is a failure.

Then their only way to be able to win and destroy the angel race is to join us and the dwarves race to defeat the alliance of angels, humans and also elves" explained the demi human at length.

"Ok what you said makes a lot of sense, even though in the end we still can't fully trust them, staying alert is the important thing we have to do" said the king agreeing to the views of his subordinates, only he also understood above all that alliance what is without interest is just empty talk, and in the end when victory is won then the so-called alliance is just a promise without any weight.