
The Tale of The Strongest Magician

A young boy name Shen wants to become the Strongest Hero this is his adventure but is he destined to become one? Follow Shen and his companion on a journey of a lifetime. Authors note: Hello everyone this is my first book and I hope you enjoy it. 14 chapters per week

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17 Chs


Meanwhile in the Territory of Saravia*

The Head Guard Chris report the news to Baron Dandy, "Greetings My Lord" Chris said while bowing.

"What is your purpose for coming here, Chris?" Baron Dandy asks.

"I'm here to tell you that Shen and Fenrir are slaughtering Goblins everywhere they went, I'm concern that too much killing will affect his mind. The Dark Mana that came from the monster might erode his brain." Chris said with a worrying tone.

"Don't worry my son is a strong-willed boy, he won't give in to that kind of problem" although Baron Dandy said this he's not confident in this.

Fighting and killing Goblins for the past month Shen mentally is slightly affected by all the killings his done.

" I didn't know it would be this fun slaughtering all this Goblin," Shen said while smiling with a creepy face.

Fenrir is slightly worried by the reaction he saw from his Master.

Shen sense that Fenrir is worried for him.

" Don't worry Fenrir, I can control my emotion and won't turn into a killing machine" Shen said to calm Fenrir.

"Now let's advance deeper, this Goblins won't help us grow anymore" as Shen and Fenrir enter deeper into the forest more strange sounds can be heard.

Both of them are vigilant from their surroundings and their senses are on the highest alert.

Walking almost a kilometer now, they didn't even encounter any single enemy.

Both of them didn't know that they already enter the Territory of the Shadow Leopard and is already stalking them.

The Shadow Leopard is a smart Middle-Rank Monster and just waiting for them to let their guard down.

"The forest today is so quiet, I don't feel good about this," Shen said.

But he suddenly thought that if he run once again he will be labeled as a coward.

So he took a deep breath and continue his exploration once again.

Shen is quite smart putting marks on every tree they pass so that they won't get lost. There are also dangerous places that if you mistake it for mud maybe that will be the end of your life."

Shen and Fenrir just pass almost 3 quicksand while exploring this part of Tyburn Forest.

Looking at the surrounding Shen feel that there is a swamp nearby.

They both also need to drink water and need to check if the water there is can also be consumed.

After walking for a short time both they reach the swamp. Shen went directly near the water to check if it's safe to drink, and behind his back, Fenrir is following him."

Arriving near the swamp Shen and Fenrir let their guard down for a bit

The Shadow Leopard took this opportunity the prepare for an attack.

Shen is coming near the water but before they reach their destination a Shadow Leopard suddenly appears outside of the bush.

The Shadow Leopard is so fast that Shen almost couldn't react in time.

Luckily Fenrir is by his side and immediately try to slow down the Shadow Leopard by using "Fire Spit"

But he couldn't hit the Shadow Leopard as it can easily evade his Magic.

But that is more than enough time to let Shen cast his Magic. Using "Bind" Fenrir immediately attacks the Shadow Leopard.

Biting it in the neck but before he could lock his k9 into the neck of Shadow Leopard, the Shadow Leopard swipe his paw in the face of Fenrir causing it 3 slash wounds in the face.

Fenrir retreat with the pain on his face.

"Fenrir are you okay?" Shen shouted.

"Damn this Shadow Leopard is so fast and the stealth he uses is so concealed that we didn't even notice it."

Fenrir tried to use "Howl" but Shen order him not to use it because it may attract another monster within the area.

"This is a big mistake coming here, if there is water surely there are also predators," Shen said with a disappointed face.

"This is no time to regret my actions now all I need is to kill this cat."

The thought of killing suddenly makes Shen grow excited, but dismiss it and focus on fighting.

Shen provokes the Shadow Leopard by calling it a cat, although he is not confident that the Shadow Leopard would understand him he just tries anyway.

"Hey, the little cat is that all you've got?" Shen said mockingly

As soon as the Shadow Leopard heard it he roared at Shen, Shen immediately felt a shiver.

The Shadow Leopard charges at him with intent to kill once again, the Shadow Leopard pounce with full force.

Before the Shadow Leopard land at Shen, he cast a magic "Earth Wall" the appearance of "Earth Wall" shock the Shadow Leopard.

He can't change his direction or stop mid-air bumping into the wall with full force.

The Shadow Leopard felt dizzy bumping into it creating an opportunity for Fenrir and Shen to use their full offense.

"Fire Spit" Fenrir cast it multiple times cooking the Shadow Leopard for revenge.

Shen smiled with this hard-fought victory and try to heal Fenrir.

Now Shen also learn Nature Magic most essential support skill "Heal"

Mana gathered into the hands of Shen then putting it on the face of Fenrir healing the scar that the Shadow Leopard causes.

Shen celebrates this victory with Fenrir as they both eat the Shadow Leopard.

Eating a Middle-Rank master is full of nutrients and can help you achieve a much better physical body and sharp mind.