
The Tale Of The First Demon Lord

Death is not the end, the future Demon Lord, will rise from another world in this tale of souls bound together by the red thread known as fate find out what the true meaning of the word monster is in this story written in the thick crimson liquid that runs through your veins

REDEYEofBLOODmoon · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Arc2: Heroes and villains chapter III: The Devil of Ice and snow (POV: Elrith Barnette)

The Atlas Hero Academy the most prestigious school of magic, alchemy, martial arts, and weapon training, on the Blessed Continent. This school garnered fame by being founded by the greatest mage the world has ever seen Van Riklon Barnnette my great grandfather.


A sound like a thundering trumpet filled the air.

"Buddy you know you're gonna be in the royal stables while I'm in class," I say to my companion beast Growdrin a chimaera with the head of sword snouted thunder trumpet dragon and the body of lion and a tail with the head of green wind eel at the tip.

Bromp! Bromp! Weeeen!

Growdrin was now giving me the monster equivalent of puppy dog eyes, which even on a draconic face makes your will weaken.

"Fine Growdrin, I'll come eat lunch with you okay." Growdrin's faces both put on goofy Smiles before I patted him on his two heads and walked him to the stables.

I entered the school to find it was far more grand and elegant than I had expected, the entire hall was filled with students and their familiars mingling.

"Yo! You're the prince right?" a girl yelled at me, running with a facial expression that you would likely only find in manga or anime in my old world.

"Yeah, I just want to be treated like anyone else so please don't hurt me," I respond with the girl getting right in my face, with her unflinching dominant expression.

"Are ya making fun of me?" She asks getting even closer.

"N..n….no," I answer with a trembling voice, and I notice my heart start to race as my face turned bright red.

Am I a masochist? I couldn't be I've never been into that stuff but here I am getting flustered and aroused while being dominated.

"Damn you puberty!!!!!" I say as I try to run away.

"Frost Prison," the girl says with a cold voice as my body freezes.

Every thing went black for a while until I opened my eyes to find my self laying down on the ground with my head supported by something soft, "what is this soft cloud my head is laying on top of?" I ask squeezing the pillow, wait that feels familiar is that skin? I look up to find the delinquent girl with a cherry read face.


Fwoosh… Slam!!!!

I was now pancake on the wall of what ever room I was in.

I regain the ability to stand and I look to see the girl at the door of the room pointing at me with an embarrassed red face, "This isn't over I Rei, the Devil of Ice and Snow will beat you up next time!" She said before running away.

Wasn't I beat up enough why do I have to get beat up again.

Wait is she, no, she couldn't be, that only happens in manga and anime, but this entire situation felt like something straight out of harem comedy anime, she might actually be Tsundere.