
Dimensional Kings! Colors!

"Oi, Oi! Teach me that armament technique, stated Zoro! You have to get better at using your sword before I will show you, stated Jacob!"

(I wanted Zoro to learn the 720 pound phoenix before the time period, If only I had a list of all of Zoro's moves)

*Clash* Fists in armor with steel blades clash.

"Humph, you're not bad for someone with no haki, smirked Jacob." "Yer not bad yourself your keeping up with me without your sword, smirked Zoro."

(Nani?, he realized I was a swordsman, I didn't use any no sword style moves or anything of the nature)

"In a calm demeanor, Jacob stated, How are you so sure?"

Zoro replied, "Swordsmen can recognize each other no matter what, and we've been training for 4 months." Then he surprised me with Dragon Twister just as my conquerors haki unleashes upon him without my activation.

Jacob started with a cold face, "I should have had a hold on my conquerors, it's been out of control recently. I'm surprised, he's not fully cold. Jacob pondered, "When did he learn dragon twister? Might the timeline or my training improve Zoro to learn a sword move 100 episodes early?"

(He's improved over the 4 months greatly, I would say he's above Thriller Bark Zoro. We are nearing the Alabaster Arc. I'll let Luffy handle it.)

Facts: "I'm a Tardigrade, my body adapts fast and has great stamina. I can go centuries without food or water, withstand freezing and scalding temperatures and endure blistering radiation and the vacuum of outer space, stated Jacob in his consciousness. My durability exceeded Kaido's. Moreover, I have a level of immunity towards Akainu and Aokiji DF's respectively."


"That's the sound of blade, he got back up, I forgot how stubborn he is, stated Jacob. Oi, silver boy, you've got to tell me how you do that, smirked Zoro." But first... I've got to fix your sense of direction" There is nothing wrong with my sense of direction, exclaimed Zoro!"

Sure buddy...

Zoro's Training:

"Your first step in your training is to learn how to cut steel, and a special technique called Tekkai, this way you harden your body and sword, next is Geppo and Soru. This will enable you can move at high speeds and have airrol or mid air movements to dodge attacks better and confuse opponents as it looks like your bouncing around which makes you hard to eat and unorthodox so you can end your enemy as quickly as possible. You need to train your Haki up too so that your swords won't dr---, stated Jacob as he stopped. "What were you going to say, stated Zoro." Oh, I forgot what I was going to say, stated a "seemingly" embarrassed Jacob as Zoro looked dumbfounded. You'll get these techniques within 1 1/2 years, and master them as you enter combat utilizing them, stated Jacob."

I'd thought him Buso, Ken, and some Conquerors Haki.

*Enter New Scene*

"Oi, Blackbeard, where do you think yer going, stated Ace." Ohhh, Ace, how are you doing, zehahahaha, join my crew and become my right-hand, stated Blackbeard." I won't become your right-hand man, but I'll take it."

"Dai Enkai: Entei Azure, exclaimed Ace as he held a gigantic blue sun above Blackbeard!" Ace threw it towards Blackbeard, however Blackbeard laughed and used Black vortex to suck up his sun. Ace, you are a fool. My dark dark fruit has the power of darkness as a result gravity. I CAN absorb and hit devil fruit users, zehahaha!!!, stated a maniac Blackbeard. "Humph, you shouldn't have taken your guard off, I can also use haki, smirked Ace as he had a hole through Blackbeard" "Huh when did you get that close, stated Blackbeard." (How did he hit me from feet away, wheres my right arm????) "I learned it from a friend, smiled Ace." At that moment gunshots *SIZZLE POW* were heard as Blackbeard was decapitated by his teammate??"

Jacob D. Tardigrades Thoughts: (I Can count on Luffy to take care of Kaido and Big Mom, Ace on Blackbeard, Sabo on World Government, and I against Shanks...)

"DIVINE DEPARTURE SILVER FORECAST REVERSAL!!! *SWISH*, stated Jacob as he... Humph, It did not pierce through my skin, that a good sign, stated Jacob with a smile. I have to be ready to face of Shanks and his ENTIRE CREW at Egghead!"

Power Levels So Far: Tardigrades D. Jacob: Near G5 Luffy First time(Yonko Level) Luffy:(Beginning Wano level Luffy) Ace:(Admiral Level) Sabo:(Katakuri Level), Zoro:(Post-Time Skip Beginning)


Sneak Peak: "Huff, puff, holy shit this is a huge mess, DIVINE DEPARTURE was stated by two masters of Haki. *CLANG* *SWOOSH* *SWIZZ* as a yellow beam of conquerors was the after-effect." *CLANG* "What do I do here. It's not who I save... It's who I execute! stated Jacob as he started to hyperventilate just as his systems quickly returned back to normal." Trails of Conquerors Haki Coating spread all around the gassy body as a figure arrives which leaves the participants startled. "Jacob stated, no way would I have predicted that Im-