
The Tale of Kazimir

A riveting tale unfolds as Kazimir, the central protagonist, ascends to power and greatness amidst the looming threat of encroaching hordes invading his homeland—a narrative that seamlessly weaves elements of discipline, indomitable willpower, and a captivating romance.

KujoJin · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Meanwhile, the orc guards went to report to their leader, Seba.

"Chief! That prisoner you told us to keep an eye on attacked one of the guards," said one of the grunts. "We brought him to the arena," he added.

"Already? Good! I will handle it," Seba said as he stood up from his stool and headed towards the arena.


Kazimir stood alone in the middle of the arena stage, awaiting his opponent. Suddenly, the doors on the other side opened, revealing a familiar face.

Seba entered, holding the chains to which the earlier captured bandits, who attacked Kazimir, were bound.

Walking towards Kazimir, Seba smiled at him. "See? We are not just bad!" he laughed and threw the bandits onto the stage.

Kazimir, understanding his intentions, smiled viciously and said in a low voice, "I do not repay goodwill with enmity."

Taking a combat stance, Kazimir charged at the bandits, prepared for the impending confrontation in the arena.

The arena resonated with the sound of flesh meeting flesh as Kazimir engaged the three bandits in a bare-handed brawl. With calculated strikes, he delivered precise blows, incapacitating his opponents one by one. A solid uppercut sent one bandit stumbling backward, while a swift knee to the gut doubled another over in pain.

"Give up, and I might end you swiftly" Kazimir taunted, his words punctuated by the crowd's alternating cheers and jeers. Undeterred, the bandits regrouped, launching a coordinated assault. Kazimir, however, showcased a mastery of hand-to-hand combat, smoothly evading their attacks and responding with a series of punishing counterattacks.

Seba, watching from the sidelines, raised an eyebrow at the unexpected skill displayed by Kazimir. "Quite the fighter, isn't he?" he mused to a fellow orc. The crowd, initially skeptical of a bare-handed confrontation, grew more captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

As the bare-knuckle brawl persisted, Kazimir's strikes intensified, culminating in a brutal maiming of one of the bandits. A vicious combination of punches and knee strikes left the unfortunate assailant incapacitated, sprawled on the arena floor, clutching his injured limbs.

With a menacing glare, Kazimir turned his attention to the second bandit. In a swift and ruthless move, he executed a bone-crushing maneuver that snapped the bandit's neck. The audible crack echoed through the arena, sending shivers down the spines of the spectators.

The third bandit, witnessing the merciless fate of his comrades, attempted to flee, desperation etched across his face. Kazimir, however, pursued him relentlessly. In a display of raw strength, he kicked the bandit off the stage down into the fiery depths of the surrounding lava. The crowd fell into a hushed silence as the bandit's anguished screams mingled with the roaring flames.

Seba, observing the brutal spectacle, raised an approving eyebrow. The orcs in the stands exchanged nods, acknowledging the unexpected ferocity displayed by the human fighter. The atmosphere in the arena shifted, as a mixture of awe and trepidation settled among the spectators.