
The Tale of Infinite Dreams

A boy whos only goal is to be free gets his chance. Thrown into another place with a strange voice in his head, his only goal is to find what he wants to do.. and maybe cause some chaos along the way. Did I mention he was turned into a... cat?

BroThatIsSoCool · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

So.. fish?

(A/N: I changed the description of himself in the second chapter so read it again if you want. In the end it doesn't really matter.)

Waking up from his not-so-deep sleep, Samael heard the footsteps outside of the door, "Wake up runt! We're starting training in a couple of minutes!" Dale yelled from the living room. Samael put on some training clothes while grumbling something inaudible.

Making his way out of his room Samael made it to the 'backyard' that was just a barren field with some trees on the edge. Dale was already sitting down on a lawn chair drinking something, probably alcohol, while wearing a Hawaiian shirt, 'I wonder what its called here with there being no Hawaii?' Samael pondered to himself.

The previously awkward atmosphere of last night completely dissipated after a few minutes of stretching. Dale was doing minor stretches to the side in preparation for 'training' which was more like 'Dale beats the shit out of Samael without actually fighting back' but whatever.

"Alright runt time for round two!" Dale said while smirking at him. Samael immediately charged at him while applying some of the 'tips' that Dale seared into his brain at this point. After a few minutes of clashing with each other, "Your footwork got better kid, you still got a lot of flaws but I'll beat e'm out of ya hehe," He said as he finished with a small chuckle.

Feeling imminent danger from his words, Samael started attacking faster. "Your center of gravity is off, you're trying to fight like a normal human but that tail of yours destroys that possibility. Lower your stance a bit more and it'll probably work, I've hunted with a couple cat faunas' before. Your planting your feet to hard into the ground, your still too stiff with your moves, aim for blind spots and vitals instead of just kicking and punching randomly, and don't forget," he paused as he launched his fingers and jabbed Samael's forehead, "Even if you can sense stuff pretty well, it doesn't mean shit if your reflexes don't match," he finished while looking at the collapsed Samael on the ground.

Samael quickly got back up before charging at him again while lowering his center of gravity a bit, and once he did everything just.. clicked. He moved a little faster and could react a little faster, 'Huh.. wacky,' he thought to himself while he kept running and trying to punch, jab, or kick anywhere that could cause damage in a fight.

Happy at his progress, Dale gave a satisfied smirk before continuing to spar with Samael. After a few more hours of Samael and Dale sparring with each other Samael collapsed again. Once again heaving the small boy over his shoulder, Dale carried him back into the building before tossing him on the coach while he walked to his room.


A month of Dale's 'training' passed for Samael which proceeded with wake up, get the beat up, sleep, wake up again, eat, physical conditioning, eat again, sleep. Nothing much changed for the duo, but Samael finally snapped one night while eating dinner.

"Why does this goddamn food TASTE LIKE RICE! HOW DO YOU MAKE CHICKEN TASTE LIKE RICE!" He yelled out in desperation. Dale just shrugged his shoulders with a smug smile, "It's a gift," he said. "Gift my ass. I'm cooking dinner from now on! I don't even fucking care if it tastes like garbage! As long as it isn't that!" Samael said while pointing towards a VERY nice looking cooked chicken on a plate.

Dale nodded while grumbling, "ungrateful brat... my cooking is delicious," while he continued to eat the ri- chicken. Samael's face contorted in disbelief at the last part before he hurriedly ate the rest of his food and cleaned his plate in the sink before going into his room to practice on a punching bag Dale bought for him.

After an hour of slowly fixing his footwork into his muscle memory, Dale called for him, "RUNT! TRAINING TIME!" He yelled from the living room, "I'M NOT A RUNT! I'M JUST SMALL FOR MY AGE!" Samael yelled back with a smile while faking being angry. He's gotten used to the old man and has grown attached. He treated him well even with the 'training'.

Making his way to the backyard, Samael saw rows of wooden weapons that weren't there previously on the side, "What's with the weapons old man?" Samael asked to Dale who was currently spinning a spear in the air with a bored expression.

Dale immediately answered, "Your footwork is good so its time to learn how to use a weapon, go pick one, I know how to use most of them anyways." Practically beaming, Samael skipped on over to the weapon racks before taking a closer look. "Swords.. nah. Weird snake whip.. nah. Gauntlets.. meh." Samael continued to list off some weapons until he spotted a plain looking spear.

'I do mostly use magic in fights.. so a medium-ranged melee weapon would be best.. Alright I'll choose it.' Samael thought to himself while picking up one of the wooden spears in Dale's collection. Once he walked over to where Dale was still spinning his spear while looking in the air, Dale looked over. Once he saw that Samael chose a spear his grin grew even wider, "Good runt! You chose the weapon I am best with! Thank the Gods! I completely lied about being good with the other weapons!" He said while shamelessly saying that he was lying the entire time.

(A/N: There are two gods in Remnant, hence 'Thank the Gods!' line.)

Samael deadpanned a little bit at how shameless he was being before he sensed Dale swinging his wooden spear towards him. Lifting up the spear in an attempt to block, he barely was able to lift his spear in an attempt before Dale fainted the strike and swung and hit him in the side of his stomach.

Gritting his teeth from the collision, Samael was attempting to get used to used the spear. After around 30 minutes of sloppy spearman ship from Samael Dale said, "Fix you center of balance again, don't only use your spear.. kicks work well too even if you can't throw punches, stop swinging it around like a stick.. stab, parry, thrust, or slam take your pick. Your not holding it correctly grip it tighter, stop trying to be so close.. your using a god damn spear, read my movements instead of just focusing on where I am going to hit you, and faint some of your blows against human/Faunus opponents to catch them off guard!"

Trying his best to implement all of the new knowledge from Dale, Samael attempted to integrate with his advice. After a few more hours of continuous sparring, Samael has gotten visibly better with his spearman ship. Definitely not a master, but no longer a complete novice.

"Alright that's enough.. Even I sometimes get tired of carrying in your unconscious body into the house." Dale said with a smile. Heaving a heavy sigh full of exhaustion, Samael clumsily walked back into the house before flopping onto the couch for a small nap. Before he could fully embrace sleep, "Don't forget you said you were cooking runt! I want to see how your cooking skills match mine!" He said with a bark of laughter as he closed his rooms door.

Samael, with his enhanced hearing, heard some coughs coming from Dale's room, but ultimately, ignored them as he was exhausted and already half-asleep. After an hour long nap, Samael woke up and started to cook dinner.

During his past life while his uncle was at work Samael used to use some of the old food in the fridge he wouldn't miss to make some meals so he wasn't new to cooking. Looking in the fridge he mentally deadpanned, 'It's pretty much all meat..' he thought to himself. Samael grabbed some ingredients and tossed them into a pan while using [Minor Creation] to summon some spices that he liked back on Earth.

After 15 minutes of cooking food, a nice smell permeated throughout the house. Samael was satisfied, he wasn't trying to compare his cooking's scent with Dale's.. because well.. he already tasted Dale's and knew scent wasn't everything when it came to food. He grabbed his and Dale's plate and set them on the table before yelling, "Old man! I cooked food!"

"Coming in a minute runt!" he hollered back. Taking a bite of his food, he was satisfied. While not 5-star's worth, it was a HELL of a lot better than Dale's. Which was a win in Samael's book. Dale lumbered his way to the dining table and plopped down in his seat while taking a bite of Samael's food. His eyes widened for a second, "Well.. it definitely tasted better than mine.." he grumbled to himself while muttering about talented youths, which Samael took in stride.

Samael smiled happily at the compliment and ate his food which thankfully didn't taste bland as hell. After having a good meal, Samael grabbed his plate before cleaning it and leaving it in the sink like every night. Dale was still eating his food, but he had a happy smile on his face so Samael wasn't very worried.



Samael and Dale kept spending their time bonding through training/ Samael getting whooped while Samael polished his skills both with a spear and in the kitchen. After about two years (give or take) Samael turned 16. He still hasn't upgrade from 'trap territory' but his face looked less feminine and more masculine now but still feminine. Samael's height is just above 5'9 which he is comfortable with.


[Name: Samael]

[Race: Cat of Duality]

[Level 10/50]

[Health 1100/1100 -->1800/1800 ]

[Mana: 2900/2900 --> 3500/3500]

[Strength: 70 --> 100]

[Vitality: 110 --> 180]

[Agility: 125 --> 210]

[Magic: 190 --> 250]

[Attribute Points: 245 --> 0]

[Innate Skills]

[Dream Manipulation] [Nightmare Manipulation] [Magic Manipulation] [Speed Boost] [Health Boost] [Cursed Eyes of %#$#% and $#%#$#%] [Strength Boost] [Yin/Yang Affinity]


[Immolate (95/100%)] [Sleep (MAX)] [Rend (60/100%)] [Water Pool (10/100%)] [Mana Skin (MAX)] [Minor Creation (10/100%)] [Mana Sense (MAX)] [Weapon Storage (10%/100) ]

[Close Combat]

[Master Footwork] [Master Spearman] [Air Step] [Mana Reinforcement]

[Master Footwork: Through trial and error you have adapted your body to move efficiently during and out of combat. Reflexes, Speed, and Strength have been enhanced.]

[Master Spearman: Through the training and hardships of learning about spearman ship you have become a master Spearman. Even though [Master Spearman] isn't the top level for Spearman, it is still impressive. 80% better handling when using a spear.]

[Air Step: A combat skill that focuses on air maneuverability. Place a very thin layer of physical mana to launch yourself off of to dodge attacks midair or just move generally while falling.]

[Mana Reinforcement: Reinforce your blood, bones, and muscles with rich mana. 25% boost in speed and strength when used.]

[Weapon Storage: The ability to create a small pocket dimension built for the use of storing weapons. Max capacity: 4]

Happily closing the notification, Samael stopped practicing his spear movements and walked inside. A series of harsh coughs was heard from the living room, 'God damnit old man! I told you to lie down!' He sighed to himself while walking inside.

Running into the living room, Dale wasn't there. Worried about his teachers health, he frantically started to search around the house while stretching his [Mana Sense] all around the compound. Hearing another set of bone-rattling coughs coming from Dale's room dread crept into Samael's heart.

"Dale!" he yelled while running to his room and slamming the door open. After sensing that he was laying down he walked over to his teacher violently coughing and pulled a chair and sat next to him. "Damnit old man, why did you get off the couch when your sick?" he questioned him in a pleading tone.

Dale coughed a little more before pulling out a long plain looking box from under his bedframe. "You're going to Beacon soon runt, I had to come and get your gift." He said with a smile as he pulled the top off the box.

Laying the box was a beautiful black spear with white symbols running along the shaft. In awe of the spear in front of him, Samael looked at the craftmanship in admiration. Dale seeing the admiration in his gaze, chuckled a little bit, "It used to be my wife's when we went hunting together." He said while affectionately looking at the spear.

"I was shit at using a spear before she taught me," he said while reminiscing. Snapping out of his daze, Samael asked "It's very well made." He complimented.

"Yeah she loved it a lot.." he said while looking at it affectionately, "and that's why I am passing it onto you," he finished while picking it up gently out of its box and setting it into Samael's hands. Samael gaped, "W-what? Why?" he asked.

Dale laughed a little bit causing Samael to flush in embarrassment. "Me and Sarah could never have a kid." He said while his mood dropped a little bit before it picked back up, "I am going to be honest with you kid, you are the only person I can consider as a son of mine. I want you to use her weapon, I am getting too old to swing it around like I used to so your just going to have to do it for me," He finished while looking at the shocked Samael.

Even if Samael never brought it up, he desperately wanted familial affection. After waking from his stupor, Samael smiled brightly while a few tears fell from his eyes. "I could never call anyone else dad other than you old man," Samael said while stopping himself from giving a bone-crushing hug to the old and sick Dale.

Smiling warmly Dale said, "Alright enough of this emotional bullshit! I scrolled (Remnant equivalent of a phone) the headmaster of Beacon and pulled a few favors to get you in," he finished while breaking the previous emotion-full environment.

Smirking slightly, Samael asked the most pertinent question on his mind, "When do I have to leave?" Looking at the happy Samael, Dale also smiled wider, "A couple of days and you'll have to go to the pick-up zone."

Lifting his hands up in the air, "Wooo! I can't wait to beat u-.. ahem. Fight some of the other students!" Samael said while thinking of a certain Faunus-hating bully. Chuckling slightly at his antics, Dale asked a very important question, "What are we having for dinner tonight then?" he said with a serious type tone.

"Oh.. fish?" Samael asked while drooling. Dale sighed, "Why do you like fish so much? Is it because your a cat-Faunus?" Nodding his head, Samael used to not like fish much in his previous life but now it's like eating a 5-star meal made by the best chefs even if its raw or cooked poorly.

"Alright I can go for some fish then." Dale said while pushing himself into a sitting position and hoisting himself up with the help of a cane. Samael helped Dale fully get up, after making sure he was OK Samael took the spear and tapped it with [Weapon Storage] as not to lose it and went to go prepare fish for dinner.



"Don't forget to call me kid!" Dale yelled at Samael who was climbing into the bullhead to go to Beacon. "Got it old man!" Samael responded while flashing him a smile. Dale seeing Samael was doing fine, started walking away. A couple of the other students were looking at him from him yelling, but Samael didn't mind nor did he pay them any attention.

'Hmm. There are some strong grimm that come out during the plot... I wonder if I can fight them.' Samael thought while his smile grew bloodthirsty. Samael spread his [Magic Sense] out farther to check and see if he found anyone from the plot on his bullhead. Sensing nobody important, Samael inwardly sighed in relief, 'I don't want to fuck up the plot.... yet.'

After getting bored of listening to the cannon fod- other students, so Samael tuned everything out and started fiddling around by checking out his stats which haven't changed much other than some spells he used in private gaining a higher proficiency.

Thankfully, once he was done fiddling around looking at his stats the bullhead landed. Walking off the bullhead, Samael followed a group of students so he wouldn't instantly be lost since he has never been here.

After a few minutes of following some students around, they arrived in a large open auditorium that had a bunch of chairs already set. Taking a seat in one of the back corners of the empty room, Samael he patiently waited for the welcoming ceremony to start.

Around 30 minutes later, the auditorium was bustling with prospective students, a whitish-gray haired man with tiny glasses on the bridge of his nose walked up on stage and stood in front of the microphone while clearing his throat, "Ahem,"

Hearing the voice most of the students, except a few annoying ones, stopped talking and started to avidly pay attention.

"I will keep this short.. you have come here to hone your craft and acquire new skills." Ozpin said while scanning the crowd before pausing briefly on Samael before looking at the other students. Samael zoned out after his first sentence, it pretty much went the same as it did in canon with Ozpin talking about collecting knowledge and some other stuff.

Samael started fiddling with his tail while sleeping bags were being passed out to all of the students. After joining the line in the pursuit of getting one, he happily left with his own while he set it up in a remote corner. Not soon after, Samael crawled into the sleeping bag and fell asleep.



Standing on the edge of a cliff, Samael was found sitting on top of a launcher that would send him into the Emerald Forest.

"Now, I am sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well let me put an end to your confusion, each of you will be assigned to a team... today." A blonde-haired teacher with green eyes said. After pausing Ozpin picked up where she left off, "These teams you will be assigned will be with you for the rest of your stay at Beacon. So it is in your interest to be teamed with someone you can work well with. That being said, the first person you make eye-contact with when you land will be your partner for the next 4 years." He finished while the majority of the students looked on with bewilderment and confusion evident.

After a few minutes of confused noises Ozpin continued, "Once you have found your partner, make your way to the Northern section of the forest. There will most likely be grimm so do not hesitate to fight them or you might die." Causing a couple of the weaker-willed students to think about leaving. Snorting at them Samael continued to listen, "You will be monitered and grade for the duration of your time in the initation, but the instructors will NOT intervene at all." He said making the same group of students even more worried.

"Once you reach the Northern part of the forest you will find an old temple containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. Those with the same relic as you and your partner will from a TEAM. Any questions" Ozpin finished while taking a sip out of a coffee cup he was holding. Samael's head immediately shot up, "How the hell do I make eye-contact with someone?" he asked.

"Huh.. I didn't think about that. Well just figure something out," he said while completely avoiding the question. "Assho-" Samael started to say but was interrupted as he was launched off the platform into the forest.

Ozpin and a couple of other students broke out in small laughter before they were also launched. Glydna (blond teacher lady) looked at Ozpin seriouslely, "Isn't that a little unfair for him?" she asked in slight concern. Ozpin shook his head, "Dale trained him so he obviously has to be decent," he said while a chill went down his spine about Dale's training. "Oh.. He'll probably be fine then. Dale was always a tough huntsman," Glynda said while stilling having a hint of concern for one of her students safety.


"That asshole! I was asking a serious question!" Samael yelled while plummeting at high speeds towards the ground. He got a couple of concerned glances from the other students in the air before he summoned the spear Dale's wife used. Looking at a nearby tree, Samael kept falling and once he neared the tree he struck his spear deep into the base of the tree. Samael's spear slid down a little bit from where it originally struck due to the weight and force caused by falling.

After he stopped sliding, Samael put his spear back into [Weapon Storage] and rolled onto the ground. Samael heard a growling noise from behind him and sensed a claw coming for the back of his skull. Skillfully dodging, Samael quickly counterattacked with a jab from his spear that he pulled back out from its storage.

Looking at the now dead Beowulf that he killed, the other 10-15 Beowulf's trailing it start to howl in anger at seeing its kin die. Seeing the Beowulfs charging him Samael let out a smile before covering himself with [Mana Skin] which passes off as Aura.

(A/N: For those of you who HAVEN'T watched the show, aura is pretty much the [Mana Skin] description with a couple of extra stuff added on.)

Thrusting his spear into the skull of the nearest Beowulf it instantly crumpled causing the previously angered Beowulf's to become completely enraged. Parrying a claw-strike from one while dodging multiple other swipes, Samael quickly stabbed and swung his spear trying to kill them as swiftly as possible. After a few minutes of minor scuffling, Samael was surrounded by the corpses of the Beowulf's as he was wiping some blood off his spear with a cloth he created.

Hearing some cracks from broken sticks, Samael upped his [Magic Sense] temporarily causing him to see two people walking to him from opposite directions. Facing his body towards the both of them, he managed to sense them better now that they were closer.

One was a blonde-haired girl with purple eyes with... very little clothes. The other was a black haired girl with a bow on top of her head with golden eyes that was, thankfully, wearing less revealing clothes. Looking in their direction the three of them just had an awkward stand-off for a few minutes.

Trying to break the ice, "Yo," Samael answered shortly and cautiously. "Hello.." Blake (black haired girl) answered just as shortly causing the awkwardness to increase further. "Uh... is this how partner's work? We all saw each other at the same time... so are we like a... trio?" Yang (blond haired girl) asked confused.

'Fuck my life. I already royally fucked up the plot,' Samael thought while internally groaning. 'Why! Why couldn't I get some random kid as my teammate other than PLOT CHARACTERS!' (A/N: teehee)

"Sooo... lets go find a relic then?" Samael asked while sitting up from his crouching position, "But first.. what's your names? Mine is Samael Morgan," he asked even though he already knew the answer. 'If I told them I already knew their name that would be creepy as fuck,' Samael thought inwardly.

"Yang Xiao-Long. I guess we're officially a trio then?" The blonde-haired girl, now Yang. asked while Samael shrugged his shoulders. "Blake Belladonna," the black-haired girl, now Blake, answered shortly.



Glynda was looking at her scroll with Ozpin nearby, "What should we do with them?" She asked. "Nothing. There was going to be a five person squad anyways with the uneven amount of students this year. We can't just expel one of them seeing as we need as many new huntsman as possible with 'her' being a problem." Ozpin said simply while slightly grimacing when he said 'her'.

"Understood," Glynda stated with full trust for Ozpin.


