
Chapter 8:The Summoner And The Mayor

The hold coming from the mayor was firm and very strong around the throat of Lili's neck.

The Mayor kept onto his hold and was not letting go even after seeing that Lili Hughes was fighting for air.

' What did you say. Do you have any proof in what you say '.

The Mayor tightens his grip even more around Lili's neck squeezing the life out of her.

' I know everything. That you did to get your hands on this statue. '.

Her words were almost a whisper and she spoke very slowly while Lili struggles to breathe from the Mayor's grip.

' You are just bluffing. There is no truth in your words. You have no proof after all. You are just saying this so you can escape my home alive. '.

The Mayor once again tightens his grip around Lili's neck once more.

Lili sends out a painful grunt she did all she could to break free.

But the mayor's hold was just too strong.

Her feet have also left the ground from where the mayor has picked her up from the ground while strangling her.