
Chapter 4:The New Cardiau Gwysio

Located South of the island Snowcoastal.

Was a town a normal regular town where the population was sixty percent Mage's who live in the peaceful town with their families and friends.

The town was mostly famous to be the home of the Rhyfelwr Mynach Mage castle known as Cynffon Mwnci.

The mage castle was located at the heart of the town.

It was also the hometown of Neifion Dacus and Sky.

And now even Lili Hughes who had just moved in to her new home both the town and the mage castle.

The town was called Llyn Alarch with only a population of 30000 people the the town's national symbol was a flying swan flying over a lake while keeping a flower known as a daffodil in it's mouth.

The town was also known to be surrounded by a beautiful lake.

The morning shines through the new home of Lili Hughes of her window.

The sudden bright shine from the early sun had woken Lili from her deep sleep.

Lili yawns opens her eyes then sits up still being mostly asleep.

Lili rubs her eyes then gives her arms a long hard stretch.

Lili then gets out from her bed to open her window to allow the morning breeze to enter her home.

The sounds of the morning birds singing was the first she heard for her day to start fully.

From her window Lili rested her chin on her hand watching her new home Llyn Alarch already awake with full of live.

She heard a lot of chatter and many people greeting each other like old friends.

Ready for her day ahead Lili makes her leave and was moments away in closing her window but sudden movement caught the coroner of her eye.

Right outside of her house just outside of her window was a large oak tree full of it's green leaf.

And there sitting on one of the branches resting on the tree and getting comfortable eating a very crunchy green Apple was a young man with white hair.

Who Lili easily recognised.

' Neifion?. What are you doing here on the tree '.

' Waiting for you of course '.

Neifion Dacus takes a huge bite of his Apple while Sky his red kite companion flew down and rested on Neifion shoulder.

' What took you so long to wake up anyways. '.

' It was a long night for me okay Neifion '.

Lili moves away from her window.

So Neifion and Sky can enter her new home.

Neifion takes another bite of his Apple once there was nothing left Neifion stood up threw his eaten Apple away.

With a little run Neifion jumps from the tree branch to Lili's window ledge before finally entering Lili's home.

Sky enters the home seconds later after Neifion Dacus.

And rested on his shoulder.

' Madlen asked me to tell you that. A new bunch of messenger birds have arrived at Cynffon Mwnci castle. So if you want to have a look what Sgroliau Cenhadaeth they brought in. '

' Already did we just finished a Mage mission. That Dire Bear is still in my nightmares '.

Lili sat back down on her bed her eyes where still half closed.

Right now Lili wanted nothing more than to do nothing all day and sleep.

' Come on Lili. Like a great Mage always say. Trouble never sleeps so we Mage can't rest '

Neifion smiled at Lili who was half asleep and gave her a friendly thumbs up.

Sky leaves the shoulders of Neifion and started to fly around the room of Lili.

What caught the full attention of Sky was what was on the walls of Lili's home.

Covering her room completely was hand drawn art all with the name Lili Hughes at the bottom of the art.

' Lili did you drew all of these '.

The bird had asked.

' Yeah. Lili these are really great you know '.

Neifion said joining with his bird companion to look at the art all drawn by Lili.

To have a better look of Lili's work.

Neifion gets one for her works from the wall to hold it in his hand and have a closer look of the art work.

' Please don't touch my work. And yes it's all done by me '.

Lili quickly jumps out of her bed and snatches her art work out of Neifion hand all before he knew what Lili had just done.

With the art in hand Lili places it under her bed.

A lonely wooden desk with a single chair was next to Neifion and he figured that's where Lili must do her art.

And on top of the desk was a single blue card that Neifion knew was one of Lili's Cardiau Gwysio.

And Neifion also picks the card up to have a look at it while Sky keeps looking at Lili's art.

' Hey why is this card on it's own away from all the rest of your cards '.

Neifion questioned.

' It's because. It's still new to me. I haven't even used it yet '.

Lili sits back on her bed and lays down resting her head on a soft pillow closing her eyes.

' It looks like it has a dog on this one '.

Neifion looks at the card from front and back even top to bottom.

' Yeah it's a tracker dog. This summon has the ability to smell out traps. Bandits camps if you are looking for some bounty work. And my personal favourite this dog can even find lost treasure. '.

' Show me '.

Neifion gently throws the card towards Lili.

Who catches the card between her two fingers and once again sits back up from her bed.

' Okay watch closely. Both of you '.

Lili stands from her bed and looks directly at Sky.

The red kite bird stops looking at the art finally and rested back on Neifion shoulder.

Lili moves her hair away from her right eye.

To show that her strange right eye that was shaped as a key had started to glow vary brightly.

Blinding both Neifion and Sky who both had covered their eyes.

Neifion using his arm while Sky used his wing.

' Ci Traciwr '.

Lili throws her card like Neifion did before her.

But this time just before the card lands to the floor.

The card burst to a bright light.

Blinding Lili's room completely.

Once the light vanished.

And Neifion and Sky can now see.

The two first saw Lili folding her arms with a smile to her face.

Then the two saw it at the same time.

There sitting down wagging it's tiny little tail and tongue out was a dog.

A Corgi.

' Oh wow. That dog is the cutest ever '.

Neifion screams with joy as he is a great lover of all dogs.

Goes down to knee level so he can pick up the Corgi and hugs the dog.

While the Corgi licks the face of Neifion Dacus.

' His name is Traciwr. And it seems he has a liking of you Neifion '.

Lili laughs softly while she watched her new summon and Neifion embraced each other.

' Traciwr here can be a perfect part of our new team we seems to be building '.

Lili told Neifion.

' You know something '.

Neifion began to say after letting the Corgi down and stood back up.

Traciwr starts to look around Lili's room and starts to sniff around so the dog can get use to its new home.

' With my Wind magic skills. And your power to summon. Also with Sky and Traciwr by our sides. We can complete almost every challenge that comes out way '.

Neifion told Lili with a thumbs up and a wink with Sky on his shoulder.

' What do you have in mind '.

Lili had asked looking behind her to see that Traciwr had jumped on her bed and started to sleep on her pillow.

' Well with me. You. Sky and Traciwr '.

Neifion said pointing behind Lili and towards the Corgi dog who had already fallen asleep.

' With a awesome new team like ours. I think we are ready for a great new challenge '.

From his back pocket Neifion Dacus brings out a unsealed scroll a Sgroliau Cenhadaeth a blue one with a red ribbon tied on it.

And passes it to Lili.

Lili opens the blue scroll by removing the red ribbon and starts to read what was on the scroll.

Once reading it Lili looks up with her eyes up towards Neifion Dacus.

To see that the mage was looking back at her art on the walls with Sky.

' It says here that we need to break into the Mayor's home. '

Lili said seeing that Neifion was smiling at her.

' A Mayor of a town!'

Lili repeated.

' That's right Lili. And I have a plan that is impossible to fail. On how we can do it '.

The mage castle of Cynffon Mwnci was packed from the inside full of Mage's all gathering around so they can get hold of one of the many scrolls that many new birds had dropped off and leave town for a few days.

The massive golden bird cage that was placed at the back of the main hall.

Was now full of resting birds.

Madlen had just closed the bird cage shut and climbs a ladder up to the Bird cage and places many water bottles into the cage so the birds can drink.

For the first time in a very long time Madlen job is coursing a sweat.

The line was massive.

Packed full of Mage's all waiting to grab a scroll.

The line went from the marble table that was placed inside the castle hall and on top of the castle was hundreds and hundreds of Scrolls all with many different colours.

The line went all the way outside.

From the middle of the line was where a Trio of Mage's waiting as patience as they can be.

The team where well known and they were called The Darganfyddwr Golau.

The leader of the trio a female was constantly tip toeing to look over the line to see if that scroll she wanted was still there.

She had vary pale skin and eyes.

Her hair was long and white.

She wore a very thick white cape her name was Leri and it only takes a few seconds for her to lose her patience and starts tip toeing once again to see if they have even moved a single step.

' Hey boss just relax will you. There will be plenty of Scrolls for us to have. Even if we where back of the line again '.

A very large man for all the wrong reasons stood behind Leri.

His stomach was bigger than even Leri it poked out of his shirt.

His cheeks where all red and swollen making his eyes look like as if they where closed.

He also wore the same large white cape as Leri have.

' But Glaw. You know so well that there is a scroll some where on that table that I really want to get. '.

Leri jumps up and down on her ankles for hoping to catch the scroll she was talking about.

But there was so many of the blue Sgroliau Cenhadaeth with the red ribbons.

Leri could not tell which one it was.

' But why do you want that scroll so much '.

Said another man who stood behind the large Glaw.

A much leaner man compared to Glaw who stood right next him.

Who also wore the same thick white cape.

' Because Huw. I know that this scroll. Is the most interesting in bunch that came. Come on you two. You know what I can get like with the most challenging adventures their is '.

Finally after a nearly a hour wait.

Leri has just reached the end of the line.

And she ran towards the marble table that was still full of Sgroliau Cenhadaeth.

She was like a little girl who had just woken up for Christmas.

Leri looks at the scrolls before her seeing so many blue with red ribbons.

It was indeed the colour scroll she wanted.

But not the one she was looking for.

Leri looked and looked moving so many scrolls out place but couldn't find it.

Her excitement completely have left her body.

Glaw and Huw both saw that the scroll she wanted so badly was taken and tried their hardest to not laugh in front of their boss.

' Madlen!'.

Leri called to a almost a shout.

After seeing Madlen climbing down the large golden bird cage once her job was finally finished.

' Yes'.

Madlen answered back.

' That Sgroliau Cenhadaeth you told me about. Where is it. Please don't tell me I was too late '.

' Oh that scroll. I am deeply sorry Leri. But Neifion slept on that very marble table all night without even going home. So he will be the first to get a Sgroliau Cenhadaeth when the next drop off happens. It seemed that he picked up the one you wanted '.

Madlen called over towards Leri.

But kept her focus towards the bird cage to see if the birds where all resting and wipes the sweat from her forehead with her gloved hand.

The news broke Leri.

She sits to the floor in a almost a fall.

Puts her knees up and buried her head between them and started to cry like a spoiled child.

Unable to hide it anymore Glaw and Huw both began to laugh out loud.

While Huw picks up a random blue Sgroliau Cenhadaeth with the red ribbon without even reading it.

A shadow creeps over the weeping Leri.

Leri looked up with tears still in her eyes.

To see the Mage Master himself Maddox Dewi who was sitting on his flying carpet and scratching that long grey beard of his.

' What are you sulking about now Leri. Honestly girl you are such a cry baby. Their are just as challenging adventures await you on that table '.

' But they are far too boring '.

Leri said between sobs.

' Just be grateful you did not ended up with that scroll and it was Neifion Dacus instead. '.

' What you mean '.

Leri had asked.

' It is the Mayor of a fancy town we are talking about here. If anything goes wrong with Neifion. We could see him in life of imprisonment. That even I can't help him with '.

Rhys Faughn who was sitting down leaning on one of the marble tables.

Reading his own blue Sgroliau Cenhadaeth.

Had just heard what the Mage Master has just said.

Rhys stands up puts his scroll inside of his traveling bag.

And slings the bag over his shoulder and makes his leave.

' You better be careful out there buddy '.

Rhys Faughn smiles when he left the castle through the curtain.

Once ready and packed.

Neifion and Lili had finally left the new home of Lili Hughes.

' So where are we going '

Lili said taking in the outside breeze and fresh air.

' We are heading to Tref Greenville '.

Neifion told Lili watching Sky take the air so his companion could take the lead.