
Chapter 33: Close Call

Llewsern, who had observed the fight from the sidelines, approaches the unconscious Vaughan as Neifion Dacus rises triumphantly.

“I must admit, Mage, you are skilled. Few mages can defeat Vaughan so effortlessly,” Llewsern acknowledges, eyeing Neifion.

Without a word to the humanoid feline, Neifion remains composed as Llewsern warns, “You may have bested Vaughan, Mage, but let’s see how you fare against me.”

As Llewsern extends his sharp, cat-like claws, Neifion remains unfazed, with a thunderous lion’s roar, Llewsern charges at the Wind Mage, attacking with incredible speed. Despite Llewsern’s swift assault, Neifion anticipates his moves effortlessly, dodging the claws expertly. A powerful uppercut to Llewsern’s gut leaves him breathless and defeated, collapsing unconscious as Neifion looks on.

“You should both be ashamed for endangering the civilians on this island,” Neifion scolds the fallen adversaries, readjusting his headband and heading towards the cave.