
Chapter 2:The Grand Master Mage

Lili could not believe her own eyes.

After two long days of travel she was finally here standing right outside of a Mage Castle.

The castle was massive for the start.

Towering almost any other house and even towers she have seen so far in her life.

It was a bit run down and goth looking but Lili did not mind that at all.

The castle had four parts with each a pointy roof that looked like a hat of a wizard.

It had stone walls that was dark.

It also had no door.

But instead had a long curtain that was red and printed on it was the emblem of Cynffon Mwnci.

A monkey with a vary long tail juggling the elements of magic.

' Welcome to Cynffon Mwnci. Your new home Lili '.

Sky was on the shoulder of Lili.

Even after two days traveling with the red kite Lili still could not believe she was talking to a bird and it was talking back.

Lili looks up to the vary top of the Mage castle has far her eyes could take her.

Lili takes a long and slow breath to calm her nerves.

And finally was brave enough to step inside the castle with Sky on her shoulder slightly moving the curtain to enter.

Once stepping inside the hall.

She was greeted with loud chatter from many other Mage's from inside the hall.

The hall had a long red carpet on the stone floor with many long marble tables and chairs for the Mage's to sit and rest.

Four large pillars at each corner of the hall held the round roof up place.

Each with a long red cape hanging low with the sigil of Cynffon Mwnci.

Lili looks up to see the round roof had the same long cape hanging low with the Cynffon Mwnci emblem.

Everyone from inside the long hall was of all ages.

Some old with grey hair to as young as early teens and all where Mage Mynach Rhyfelgar or some being called Mage Iau a trainee Mage who are still discovering their inner Mage.

Some where sitting among other Mage's talking and laughing together.

And some others where eating.

The food looked good it even made Lili hungry just by looking at the meat.

But there where also some most that Lili have counted all stood up arms crossed with heavy bags across their back with many equipment for traveling all waited for something to arrive.

To answer Lili's question vary quickly where birds of all sizes and colour.

All flies in from the outside and entering where Lili had just entered and all carrying unsealed scrolls in many colours with ribbons.

Once inside the birds drop the scrolls and all lands in the hand of a waiting Mage.

The scrolls are known as Sgroliau Cenhadol.

And each allows the Mage to see what's the next mission is where the location is how long it could take.

Once with the Sgroliau Cenhadol in hand the Mage's leave the hall to go on a unknown adventure.

Once the birds have did their job after a long day of flying.

They are allowed to rest.

Waiting for them after a long way of flying was a large golden bird cage that was as tall as the roof.

The birds are allowed to rest comfortably depending how long the travel was.

They get food water and grooming.

The bird cage was built at the back of the hall away from the Mage's.

To look after these birds while they rest was a female by the name of Madlen a professional bird watcher and carer.

Madlen waits vary patiently with the cage door open waiting for all the birds to fly inside the massive bird cage.

Madlen closes the cage door once every bird was once inside with a lock.

Today Madlen counted twenty birds inside the bird cage that just arrived today from their travels.

Making a full count of twenty five birds.

The five are the ones that are already resting.

Madlen places many water tubes all around the bird cage more than enough for twenty five birds.

And plenty of bird seeds so they don't get hungry.

' Hey Madlen '.

Came a voice.

Madlen checks the birds once more to see if they are more than rested before turning away from the bird cage to face the person who had just called her name.

' Oh yeah there Iestin '.

Iestin was a tall and lean man.

His hair was brushed back so he could hide his bald spots.

He was only one year away from becoming forty.

And every day since Madlen have known Iestin he always had a cigar in his mouth.

' I was hoping. You can see the gifts I have got for my wife. To see I did a okay job. You know what I am like once it comes to getting gifts. '.

Iestin laughs once handling his gift bag to Madlen who was more than happy to help a dear old friend.

She opens it and peaks inside.

' You see i have been married now for twenty years from tomorrow. And she has been asking for something special for nearly a month now. So I remembered that one day she complained to me that she starting to feel old. So I got her something that will make her feel so special. '.

Iestin told Madlen taking a long drag of his cigar and blowing out smoke.

Inside the gift bag Madlen saw a colourful flowers all wrapped together in a shape of a crown for a queen.

Madlen closes the gift bag closed and hands it back to Iestin.

' She will love it Iestin '.

Madlen told Iestin smiling.

Felling good for himself Iestin takes another drag of his cigar and blows out the smoke that spelt victory in large letters before turning to leave. Waving Madlen goodbye.

' Oh. Iestin. There is one more gift you can give her tomorrow. '.

Madlen called.

Iestin stops where he was and looks at Madlen from over his shoulder cigar still in his mouth.

' You could always quit smoking. You know your wife hates all the smoking you do '.

Madlen said with a smile.

' You know. The one thing I love more than my wife in this world. Is my cigars. '

Iestin smiled back towards Iestin and continues to walk away waving goodbye to Madlen for a second time.

Madlen waves goodbye back.

Neifion Dacus also now enters the hall bringing a hint of day light from the outside while he held the curtain up while he looks around the hall.

Once stepping fully inside the curtain fell back in place blocking the sun light.

' Phew now that was a good trip '.

Neifion clicks his neck and back while finding a chair and table so he can rest.

With many of his Mage buddy's greeting him back with open arms as soon Neifion as taken a seat.

' So Neifion. Did you find him. You know Ioan '.

A young mage who was only a Mage Iau found his place right next to Neifion.

And places his hand on the shoulder of the white haired male.

Neifion looks over to the young Mage Iau not saying anything back at the young mage gets hold of the Mage Iau arm in a firm hold.

Stands up and flips the young mage over his shoulder in a perfect throw.

The young mage landed on the marble table back first.

' What the hell Neifion. That really hurt you know '.

The young mage sits up straight in a lot of pain and rubs his back from where he landed roughly.

Neifion was now standing up looking at the young mage with his arms crossed.

While the young mage rubs his back.

' That was for. Giving me the wrong info about Ioan. I though you wanted to be the best scout there ever was. So tomorrow in class before the training can even begin I want from you five hundred push ups and a hour sprint. At the end of the day deal. '.

Neifion told the young mage giving the Mage Iau a thumbs up and a cheerful smile.

' Yes sir '.

The young mage removes himself from the marble table.

And sits back down with Neifion Dacus joining him with many of his friends and students.

Neifion smiles at the young mage and messes up the Mage Iau hair showing there was no hard feelings between the two.

Soon the two begins to laugh together.

Lili looks around still having Sky as company.

All around her all Lili could see was a one massive family.

Even watching Neifion with his friends made Lili so happy in coming here.

' So Neifion did really return today '.

Lili heard the voice was coming from behind her.

Lili turns to see who it was.

To see a male roughly around the same age as her and Neifion. His hair was messy but styled it was a vary strange colour of dark blood red.

His eyes where also red.

He wore a vest that was also the same colour of his hair and eyes but only a slight brighter.

He wore dark shorts.

With a black and red high shoes.

' Hey Neifion!'.

The male called heading towards Neifion and his students where they where sitting together.

' What are you planning. Rhys Faughn '.

A woman with shoulder length hair stands before Rhys. Stopping him from approaching Neifion.

' Relax Cari will you. It's nothing serious. Me and Neifion have a deal to settle. That the next time me and him have returned home together. With both have a light spar. And the winner becomes the new teacher for the Mage Iau for the rest of the year '.

Rhys was about to walk past Cari But once again Cari steps between Rhys not letting him walk past her.

' Yes I remember one of your many deals with Neifion. I was there when you two made it. I also remember in which you agreed with Rhys. That the spar will be at the next training session. Where all the new Mage Iau can watch. Meaning three days time '.

Cari told Rhys.

' Ah why not let them settle there deal right now Cari. I think it will be fun to watch '.

The vary deep voice came very near Lili and Sky. And when she turned around to see who had just spoke.

What she saw was a mountain of a man standing behind her.

He towered over Lili and everyone inside the hall.

He was huge standing at seven feet tall and was built like a bull.

His neck was thick his arms and legs where like tree trunks.

He has a rough stubble as facial hair.

And his hair was short to nearly bald.

' Oh shut up. Eifion you big giant. You enjoy what ever has anything to do with fighting '.

Cari told the big man.

Softly tapping her elbow to the stomach of the big man.

' Of course little girl. It's what makes Cynffon Mwnci so great and strong it's all the fighting we do to protect Snowcoastal and the whole world. '.

' Hey Eifion '.

Neifion called.

The white haired male walks away from his friends and students to walk towards the gathered group to approach Eifion.

' Yes Neifion what is it '.

The big man had asked.

' On the next training session. I was hoping you can join me on the training. Would love to show the Mage Iau the strength of Eifion Scurlock Y Cawr Mage '.

Neifion said with so much of excitement.

' Sure thing Neifion. Glade to help out '.

Eifion said with a nod.

' Just don't do it. Before our spar '.

Rhys told Neifion.

' Oh don't you worry. Pal this deal we got going. Is what keeps me going at the moment '.

Neifion smiles towards Rhys showing his excitement at Rhys.

Rhys looks back at Neifion clicking both his knuckles and clenching both his fist till his knuckles turn white.

The two wants nothing but to go at it right here right now.

' Oh boy had Neifion and Rhys made yet another deal '.

It came from a yet another new voice.

Lili follows where the voice have came from.

To see it was another male voice.

He was sitting on the chair resting his feet on the marble table.

He was reading a book.

He flipped the page to the next with his finger while talking and reading at the same time.

The person Lili is seeing was easy to recognise she knew him vary well but not by person only by name.

Lili can recognise that long blue scarf from anywhere and his long Brown coat.

He was Llew a famous Mage for also being a world class author.

' Their rivalry alone can make me be a best seller '.

Llew burst out with laughter when he closed his book nearly falling backwards of his chair.

' Are you a newcomer '.

Lili saw that the person speaking to her was the bird keeper.

She was dressed rightly for the job with her hair tied backwards in a ponytail.

' The names Madlen '.

Madlen offer her thick gloved hand for a handshake.

Madlen kept that smile of hers when Lili was more than happy to shake her hand.

' Nice to meet you Madlen. My name is Lili Hughes '.

' Its always a great pleasure to see new faces around here '.

' Thank you so much Madlen '.

Lili said.

' No problem Lili. I will do all I can to make you feel right at home '.

One by one Madlen points out everyone inside the hall so Lili can get to know everyone.

She started with Iestin who say down looking at the flower crown gift he have got for his wife the next day keeping that cigar in his mouth.

' That is Iestin. He may act like a trouble maker smoking a cigar all the time. But in reality he is a lovely family man. That's Cari next to her is Rhys Faughn. The big guy is Eifion Scurlock he may love to fight all the time. But deep down he is a gentle giant. Him over there is Llew you may know him already. And I believe you have already know Neifion Dacus since you got little Sky right here. '.

After seeing Sky on the shoulder of Lili.

Madlen stroked Sky from under his beak that the red kite really enjoyed so Madlen kept going.

' That's right i bumped into Neifion and Sky two days ago at Tir Y Porthaddoedd '.

Lili told Madlen. While Madlen continues to pet Sky the red kite bird.

' So I hear you missed me. Ever so much '.

Neifion told Rhys with a shy cheeky grin.

' You know that isn't true. Neifion I was just waiting for you I was worried that you broke the promise because you where scared that's all '.

Rhys replied.

' So why wait for three days. If you are worried so much '.

' You just read my mind. '.

' Ah finally you two are going to fight. Action speaks louder than words you two. So let's get it on '.

Eifion walks between the two Neifion and Rhys so he can act as the official for the upcoming spar.

Neifion and Rhys steps closer together while Eifion watched arms crossed ready to call the fight.

But just as the staredown between Neifion and Rhys and just begun.

The curtain acting as the entrance of the castle hallway blew open as a strong gust of wind suddenly appeared.

Everyone stops at what they are doing including Neifion and Rhys to see what was happening.

Everyone seemed to fall silent when Lili and everyone else inside the hall saw who had just entered the castle.

He was a vary old man who dressed vary old fashioned.

He wore a vary old pointy wizard hat.

His beard was so long and grey his beard nearly touched the floor.

And he was not even standing up.

He was sitting down flying on his multi coloured flying carpet.

He was just sitting there scratching his long grey beard while his flying carpet took him where he wants to go.

' Who is that '.

Lili had asked Madlen.

' That right there. Is Maddox Dewy. He is the Cynffon Mwnci Grand Master Mage '.

Madlen told Lili.

' You two knock it off. It's only a light spar in three days not a real life death fight. So I only want to see ten percent do I make myself clear '.

Maddox told the two Neifion and Rhys when his flying carpet got him near to the two.

He looks at the two while scratching his long grey beard.

' Yes Grand Master '.

Both Neifion and Rhys said together bowing their heads and putting their hands to their chest.

The flying carpet moves slowly taking Maddox to Lili.

The carpet stops and the Grand Master Mage looks at Lili continuing to scratch that beard of his.

' Ah it seems we have. A new face around here. It's a pleasure to meet you my name is Maddox Dewy The Grand Master Mage around this beautiful home of ours '.

' Its great to finally meet you Grand Master Mage '.

Lili said with the same bow as Neifion and Rhys copying the two.

' Please the pleasure is all mine '.

Maddox nods towards Lili Hughes.

And his flying carpet moves him forward to his next location.

The flying carpet takes Maddox towards the giant bird cage and rises him up high so everyone can see him.

Maddox was now close to touching the round roof of the hall.

Maddox stood up from his flying carpet and clears his old throat before speaking to all of his Mages inside the hall.

' You see this '.

Maddox announced from above. The Grand Master Mage was holding up a small wrapped bag the bag suddenly puffs out of nowhere and into his hands.

The bag was full of gold.

' This right here. Is our reward from the Twr Mage. For taking away the evil that roam Snowcoastal and the whole world. Rhys for stopping that thief. Eifion for stopping that evil beater who had nearly killed his wife and kid because of his drunken rage. And Neifion Dacus '.

The Grand Master Mage takes a short break of his speech to look down towards Neifion for a short moment before he continued his speech.

Neifion looked back up to his Grand Master Mage as did the others around him.

' Quite recently you stoped a Mage who pretended to be you. And brought shame to Cynffon Mwnci well done. So thanks to all your heroic deeds and bringing peace to this world. The Twr Mage gave all of us this reward in my hand. '.

Maddox held the bag full of gold up high so everyone in the hall can see what he was holding.

And suddenly the bag of gold goes up in flames as Maddox burns the gold in his bare hand.

The Grand Master Mage drops the burning gold to the floor below.

It fell heavily once it landed on the ground burning. The strong magic from Maddox even starts to melt the strong gold.

No one in the hall makes a attempt to stop the small fire but all instead looks up towards their Grand Master Mage.

' The Twr Mage needs to understand that we don't do this for fame and riches. We do this because no one else can't. We do this for our love of Snowcoastal. We do this because we are Cynffon Mwnci!'.

The Grand Master Mage shouts out the word Cynffon Mwnci.

And everyone in the hall erupts with cheer for their Grand Master Mage.

Lili looks around the cheering crowd with Sky on her shoulder.

She saw that not one eye was looking at the bag burning with its melting gold.

And that moment Lili knew that these Mage's her new friend's fights for the right reasons.

So she joins in with the cheers.

Once everyone inside the hall had time to settle down.

Lili was sitting down with most of the Mage's she had just meet talking to every single one of them many where the same friends as Neifion and his students.

Most of Neifion students the Mage Iau where aged Fifteen to Nineteen.

And all of them where telling Lili how great of a teacher Neifion was.

Teaching them a bunch of Wind Magic spells and hand to hand combat.

Neifion who was now changed into different clothes.

Now wore a sleeveless white hooded coat with black cloth wrapped around the top half of his right arm.

He wore a long headband that went across his forehead and went down to his back.

On the middle of the headband it had the sigil of Cynffon Mwnci printed on it.

He had his same bottoms with the black cloths wrapped around his both knees and kept his feathers shoes.

Neifion Dacus was looking down at a vary long marble table that kept the scrolls scattered across.

Neifion was thinking which one to choose for a mission.

He was thinking vary carefully scratching his chin.

He wanted the most dangerous mission going with the most travels.

So Neifion picks up the Blue Scroll with the red ribbon.

' Good choice '.

Sky was now on the shoulders of Neifion Dacus.

' I know buddy. Let's test our skills out there '.

' Any news yet '.

Neifion heard the voice of a vary young boy. While holding the Blue Scroll Neifion turns to see a vary young boy a twelve year old named Terrwyn talking to the Grand Master Mage.

Neifion noticed that Terrwyn face was red his eyes all teared up from all the crying and has a running noise.

' I am truly sorry. Terrwyn but there won't be any news not for a long time. Your Father will be alright '.

The Grand Master Mage sat on his flying carpet while talking to the young boy.

' But it's been three days already. Can you do something about it '.

Terrwyn looks up at the Grand Master Mage.

His cheeks starting to flood down with his tears once more he tried his best to not cry anymore.

' Terrwyn. Listen to me. Your Father is a Mage. So as a Mage to be classified as missing must be a week minimum. So Terrwyn go home. Your Father could be returning home at any movement now '.

Maddox told the little boy. From his flying carpet and scratched his long grey beard.

' You are all cowards. All of you!'.

Terrwyn could not help he cried when shouting the last words. Tears flown down his cheeks ever so fast.

' You watch your tongue boy you hear '.

Maddox angrily told the young boy.

Terrwyn wipes his tears away his eyes burnt from all the crying.

Maddox wanted to comfort the young boy.

But Terrwyn hits the Grand Master Mage hand away and runs out of the long hall with his cries being heard even from the outside.

Maddox nods his head with a long sigh of sadness.

Neifion who had just watched the full thing from a small distance.

Looked at the Blue scroll in his hand.

And without a second thought throws the scroll behind him.

And it landed perfectly back in the marble table.

Neifion Dacus walks out of the hall and out of the castle with Sky on his shoulder.

' I take it Neifion is going to search for the boy's father. '.

Lili said after watching Neifion leave the hall without saying a single goodbye.

' Most likely '.

Madlen was just standing behind Lili.

' Neifion does have a soft spot. For children who have lost their parents. Or can't find them ever since his own father never returned home one day '.

' Neifion father never returned home?'.

Lili questioned.

' Yeah have Neifion told you. Ioan Marchog Y Ddraig Wen is his father. '

Madlen told Lili.

Lili decided to join Neifion on his quest for the search for the boy's father.

The two decided to hire a carriage a coachman with just a single horse.

The travel was indeed peaceful for Lili and Neifion.

The weather was cool and the sun was still out.

There was nothing but green fields and strange flowers that Lili thought did not exist some big and some small.

Lili sat on the wooden carriage resting her chin on her hand watching the fields past.

The coachman does not say a word but whistled to his horse to guide it.

While Neifion slept even it was a hard floor Neifion Dacus slept heavily while Sky rested on his chest cleaning his feathers.

' So where are we going '.

Lili asked.

Sky finished up with his cleaning and looks up towards Lili.

' A dangerous place. The last known location of Maxen '.

' Maxen?. That's the boy's father right '.

' That's correct. Maxen was sent on a mission. To the.......'.

' We are here '.

The coachman interrupted Sky to announce they have arrived.

Once the carriage had came to a full stop.

Neifion wakes up sits up straight and starts to stretch his arms.

Once finished with his stretching Neifion leaps off the carriage and lands with a perfect landing.

Lili and Sky did not take long to join Neifion on the ground.

' Ah the lovely Y Forest Marwol '.

Neifion Dacus announced stretching his arms and legs.

' So uh. Are you sure this is the right location '.

The coachman has asked.

Quickly turning his horse and carriage hoping to get away from this place as fast as possible.

' Sure is buddy. Thank you '.

Neifion gave a thumbs up and a smile to the coachman.

Who was gone faster than a blink of a eye.

Lili looks at the place they have just arrived.

A entrance to a large forest.

But the tress where all dead so was the all the leaves.

All falling to the ground as was so many twigs.

This dead forest Lili was looking at was once a beautiful sight to look at about hundred years ago.

And know it's just a forest waste land known as Y Forest Marwol.

' I heard about this forest. The legend goes. That who ever enter this forest. Never comes out and never to be found '.

Lili said.

' I know it's great isn't it '.

Neifion cheerfully responded with Sky on his shoulder.

Neifion keeps smiling when he joyfully enters the dead forest.

Neifion enters the forest like a kid in a park.

' I must be careful. Once stepping in I might not be coming out '.

Lili goes through her belt and brings out one of her Cardiau Gwysio.

She held up a blue card that had a fancy gentlemen beard printed on it.

Lili moves the right side of her hair.

Her right eye starts to glow while she held up the card.

' Y Bwtler Bonheddig '.

Lili called the name aloud when she threw the card to the floor that had many dead twigs and leaves.

A golden flash blinds Lili's sight with a strong light.

When the light goes away the person standing before Lili where the card was once was.

Stood a smartly dressed male butler.

His beard was smartly done up and he was holding a umbrella in one gloved hand.

' Ah lady Lili. How can I be your service today '.

The gentlemen butler greets Lili with a full bow.

' Bonheddig. Make sure we travel safely in that forest '.

' So why did Maxen travel to a place like this '.

Lili had asked.

The two Lili and Neifion where now deep inside the dead forest looking for Maxen.

Everywhere they stepped the two stepped on either a broken twig or a dead leaf.

Neifion looked behind at every dead tree hoping to find Maxen sitting or sleeping in one behind a dead tree.

Sky was up high searching for Maxen.

Lili was searching the forest with Bonheddig standing underneath his umbrella.

With Bonheddig held the umbrella for her keeping a close eye if anything falls of the dead trees.

' Well Maxen was giving a scroll by a village. That a Dire Bear was troubling the people in that village. And said that Dire Bear lives here in Y Forest Marwol somewhere. So Maxen went here to hunt it down. '.

Neifion told Lili.

While looking behind a dead tree with Sky landing on his shoulder.

' Wait a Dire Bear. '

Lili had questioned.

' Oh yeah. They are like any other bears out here. But a lot and I mean a lot bigger with sharper claws and teeth. '.

Neifion told Lili.

Unknown to Lili and Neifion.

Creeping in the shadows behind a tree.

Watching the two watching it's next food.

Was a dark Dire Bear that had many scares from many battles with many beast and Mage's and won those battles.

It was missing a right eye.

It's front teeth was large and sharp that nearly touched the ground itself.

With its claws digging into the earth and twigs.

' There is no way Maxen is far. Me must be near. We must look harder '.

Neifion Dacus leans on one of the dead trees to rest and think for a moment.

While Lili went down to knee level to examine the ground making sure she stayed well under the umbrella from Bonheddig.

Lili found no footprints of a male human and thankfully no prints of a Dire Bear also.

Meaning there was no leads to follow.

Lili was about to stand up back to her feet.

But heavy movement was heard behind her.

There was sounds of snapping twigs getting closer and closer to Lili.

' Lili watch out!'.

Neifion shouted.

But his warning was just too late.

Lili turns around and sees a great Dire Bear running towards her.

With no time to react The Dire Bear had already gotten hold of Lili with its sharp long teeth.

And still somehow the teeth did not harm Lili.

It's teeth had completely missed Lili and had just got hold of her clothes when it dragged her across the forest ground running away with its next meal.

Bonheddig chased after the beast to save Lili but the Dire Bear was far to fast for the Gentleman Butler.

But Bonheddig don't not give up and continued to chase after the beast with his umbrella.

Lili cries for help while getting dragged in the jaws of the Dire Bear. She called Neifion's name.

And watched helplessly when Neifion Dacus and Bonheddig disappeared from view even Neifion could not keep up with the bear.

' God dame it. That Bear is fast '.

Neifion went to his knees to take a moment for a breather after losing sight of the Dire Bear and Bonheddig the butler with the umbrella.

' We must save her Neifion '.

Sky said from Neifion shoulder.

' I know Sky. I won't just leave her. You have my word '.

Neifion breaths in and out quickly getting his stamina back. Neifion goes back into chasing the bear.