
Chapter 19: A Losing Battle

Neifion Dacus tries his luck one more time and channels more wind, around the open palms of his hands, the wind moves quickly in his hands moving in a circle motion,

Edgar was high up standing on top of his hill that was made from his sand magic, as so was his whole body, his body was made from the very same sand that his hill was made off, and his once steel curved blade was now as solid as rock, Edgar was looking down smiling at Neifion showing his new sharp rock teeth, watching Neifion and the Mages pointless magic.

Neifion was looking up towards Edgar high in his sand hill and throws his two magic spells up high at the same time at the sand mage.

But Neifion`s effort was worthless, as his two hard thrown wind spells, gets sucked in the stomach of Edgar`s sand body as the sand around his body absorbs the magic like an animal trapped in a quicksand.

{its no use mage, I have already told you no magic can hurt me with this body}.