
Chapter 12:Death Magic

The Mighty the great white large ship known for its speed and its large golden sails was already making its leave away from the docks and was heading out for much more travel.

Giving no time whatsoever for Edwina to quickly go on bored of the large ship to grab a fellow mage who was still on the boat asleep.

Edwina could do nothing but just watch the Mighty leave through the water of the docks taking Neifion with it.

The red kite bird was on her shoulders too watching the boat leave for its travels with Lili and Rhys not far standing behind the archer.

{I can't believe it The Mighty is already gone and Neifion is on that ship heading back home if we don't get him off.}.

Edwina watched the ship as if her long lost lover was leaving her forever.

{Edwina we might be lucky. Neifion could be already off the ship and is already looking for us somewhere in the docks. We all know how bad he is with his directions he could be lost.}