
The Tale of Dagger Everblade

Love is such a complicated thing. Many people will have their own interpretation of what it is, many people will for it differently. Dagger is one of those who recently discovered romantic love and is willing to sacrifice anything, just to see her loved one happy, even if it means embarking on a whole journey and maybe lose her own life.

Aoi_Yumi_Ito · Fantasy
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63 Chs

After the Storm

Seeing from far away, a strange light was lit on our vessels. It seemed like they were preparing to fire the trebuchets once more and, soon, fireballs were sent flying again to a specific area, but they didn't hit anything but the seas... At least, the fire illuminated the area for a second, revealing the other enemies that were approaching silently... Just like the criminal told us.

"See... I told you, the remaining ships... They are there!", the criminal shouted while our ships continued to fire at the enemy, while I started to increase our speed, attempting to get closer to the battle ahead of us.

After a few minutes, we were close enough to see two enemy ships being hit by the trebuchets, starting to burn down and the crew jump on the water to save themselves.

Meanwhile, our ships were caught unguarded, so they were now maneuvering to get in a better position to attack the enemy... It seems like that extra mobility was something that we actually needed, our enemies approached them faster them the vessels could maneuver and the battle raged on, with the cannonballs piercing through the wood, making holes, devastating our fleet.

We heard the screams of pain and despair from both sides, but our ships fired back, the prototypes of our gunpowder cannons proving their worthiness against the enemies while our catapults and trebuchets fired the most they could, even if they were hard to use at close range...

The battle ended when the day brought the sun rising on the horizon... The light illuminated the wood planks, the wrecks, the cannons, the sail, the blood... The corpses...

Even though we were 20 against 15 now, their cannons had shredded our forces to nothing... Only two ships actually survived the heat of the battle, but they were severely damaged... And they didn't fly the colors of the Waterkill kingdom...

We had been defeated... And the criminals would now attack the city, I just thought with myself while looking down. But suddenly, the two warships of the criminals turned around, away from the city...

The big sailing ships passed right beside us and I thought for a moment they would take us as hostages... But instead, the criminals aboard just stared at me, several of them wounded and angry. One of them seemed to give me an expression that said to me "You're lucky to still be alive, enjoy it while you can".

After the ship was far from us, we got back to the port, rescuing the survivors that we could save on our way there. When we were finally standing on the ground, we saw a large number of small boats docked there, the crew of the fireships had returned from their dangerous mission and were now doing the same as me, getting survivors and corpses from the seas.

I tried to help the wounded... First me, who was wounded from the fights aboard the warships, and then Jeffrey and Beech, who were aboard the same ship and were hurt on several places. Lastly, the other people that participated in battle... Of course, we used all the three loaves of bread we had for that, but even so, much less than half of the wounded were able to receive our treatment... We just hadn't enough healing potions...

"Why... Why they retreated?", Jeffrey asked while sitting down, waiting for the healing effects of the bread, and I just sat beside him, turning the shoulder bag upside down to take out any crumbs of the loaves, careful to not let the papers fly away.

"They didn't have the resources to attack us anymore", the leader of the troops said, approaching us. He had lost his whole arm during, but he was still the guy we met at the fortress on the port to plan our defense. "It was only two ships, probably with many wounded and too little food and cannonballs remaining... They simply couldn't continue", he explained and sighed a little, looking to his lost arm, but then he looked at me with a slight smile.

"Anyway, Dagger... I wanted to personally thank you... We might have lost many good men out there and many won't be able to live normally anymore, just like me... But your help certainly saved this kingdom, this city... And probably, many, many families who didn't have to do with this mess. If there's any way we can retribute your actions..."

"Yes, of course. I would... I would appreciate it if we had a vessel for ourselves... We need to travel to another continent, I need to speak with Fire himself...", I said and almost said why I was going after this god, but I bit my tongue just in time.

"A vessel? Well... I will see what I can do...", he said and walked away, getting close to a few of his people and speaking with them. I felt a little bit guilty to request something from them, mainly after the battle that we just waged here, but well, my journey can't just stop either.

"Hey, miss...", someone suddenly said and I immediately turned to see who it was. It was the criminal that we saved in the middle of the seas. "I didn't notice earlier... But you're the Dagger Everblade, right? My bosses hate you..."

"I know... I think this is the third time I interfered with their plans..."

"Well... Umm... I couldn't help myself but hear that you want to see Fire himself... Probably to get his element, I suppose. And... I think I can help you, I am sure that my skills as a criminal can help you sneak through the Roseblood forces of that continent", he offered. I looked back at the fox and Jeffrey, as if asking their opinion about it, and they signed they were against it, probably because they didn't know who was this criminal and didn't trust him.

True, he was a criminal and probably just told us what he knew of the attack for his own survival rather than trying to save other lives. But... Won't he be very helpful as well? He's probably just trying to escape being arrested by Waterkill, of course, but his words can be trusted at least, he didn't lie about the attack, after all. So I couldn't see why not take the offer.

"Sure, come with us... But we're still skeptical about you, okay?", I said as a warning.

"Well, we can give you that vessel", the leader suddenly said while approaching us again and pointing out to one of the vessels docked at the harbor. "It's not the best we ever produced, but it can keep up with small travels for no commercial purpose. We loaded it with some food, in case you need it. Now, let me take care of this criminal for you...", he said and approached to arrest the criminal, but I signed him to not do that.

"Sorry... I think he might know a thing or two to help me... I will be taking him as my prisoner, if you don't mind"

"Well... If you're sure... I will let you be. Well, the vessel is at your disposal, it's ready to sail anytime and I assume you're leaving already, are you not?"

"Yes... Thank you very much, I will be leaving now...", I replied and started to walk to the ship, with the criminal, Jeffrey, and the fox following right behind me.

"Have a safe trip... And thank you against for protecting this city, Dagger", he said and waved goodbye with his only arm, while we started to sail away from there... To the Fire's lair.