
CH 1: The Summon


Where ever I look, I only saw darkness. I didn't know whether it was because my eyes were closed or I was somewhere where there was no source of light.

It's not like I could found the reason as I couldn't feel anything not even the feeling of touch of any ground.

Well, It doesn't matter because I was in this state because of my own decision, my own choice.

"@#@ ^&&% *&& )&)^"

'Hmm.... what was that?'

"!#&^%&$ *&( &%$&"

'It was a sound but how? How was I able to hear a sound in this state?'

"%$@%^ *))^ %$^("

'No.... It's more like someone's voice, It's like someone was calling me but who? But whoever he or she is, that individual is definitely be strong. Strong enough to call me.'

"$#@^ *(&^ $#!)("

'It looks like he or she is calling me. Now what should I do? Should I go or not? Hmm... Not that I am busy or something. Well I have slept long enough, let's go and see who it is, I am sure he or she will entertain me.'

After I followed the voice, I began to saw a red light. When I came closer, the voice ceased as It wanted me to come near and I found that the source of light was actually coming from a space crack connecting to somewhere.

It wasn't something to be shocked for me as I had seen many weird and interesting things before and I knew that the individual was strong enough to make a space crack as that person was able to communicate with me.

'But the interesting thing is that the space crack is very stable, so much that I can see the other side of the crack.'

From what I could saw through the crack, there was a red colored circle glowing with words written inside it that no ordinary person could understand but It was very familiar to me.

It was 'Abyss language' which was being used to connect the crack to the Abyss. From the words written on it, they were trying to summon a being in a soul state from the Abyss and the position of this crack was definitely horizontally above the ground from their view.

'Normally, there is no way this method would have been able to summon me. Otherwise, the person who is summoning is incredibly strong which further describes how strong that individual is. This is becoming more and more interesting.'

While smiling, which was actually a very rare thing, I further observed inside the crack. There was an alter at the center of the glowing circle on which a humanoid shaped body, with no face, was laid. This was a soulless body without any defects that any other soul can easily possess it and could even allow the possessor cause some changes on the body to make an ideal body for itself. Anyone with knowledge can see that it was a high quality body.

As It was very difficult to find such strong and perfect body, and it required immense amount of knowledge to create one, It was valued greatly by transparent/spectral beings.

But as it was very painful for a mortal being to separate a soul from their body, which could even cause death, it was not so preferred by them.

As for immortals such as gods or constellations, using this method would make them much weaker than their original body which could become an opportunity for their enemies.

And it also required huge amount of resources, which could be difficult even for a mid-level god, to make a body like the one that I was seeing. Which shows that this individual had huge amount of resources with him or her and he or she might be even be one with a strong authority on their world.

The advantage of this body was that according to which world's resources you used to make it, after possessing it, you would not face any repelling force from that world and you could even use most of your strength on that world.

Each world had its own repelling force against foreign being, the stronger the being was the more stronger would be the force so you would have to lower your power if you wanted to enter that world but even after that you could only stay there for a limited amount of time.

The repelling power of a world depends on how strong it's inhabitants were, the stronger the inhabitants the weaker would be the force. But still a foreign being could never exist forever on another world and it will be soon be forcibly sent back to where it came from.

As the summoner had created such a unique body for his summon, It would mean that the summoner wanted to keep his or her summon in his or her world as long as wanted and wanted his or her summon to be in it's full strength.

As for me who didn't had a body, normally It would have been a very rare treasure but this body could not withstand all my power.

'If I tried to possess it, that body might explode before I can even completely control it. This body can only withstand the strength of only a demi-god level.I would have ignore it alone, If not for my strong interest on that individual who is calling me.'

I tried to find the individual from the crack but It looked like I couldn't saw him or her from my position.

I further tried to examine the body and found that there was a disc shaped tattoo on the side of neck of the body which couldn't be found until focused on. I hadn't seen a tattoo like that but I think it's purpose was to keep the being who possess the body in control.

It was a trap. If not careful, as soon as you possess the body and you would become a slave for the summoner as long as he or she desires. It's not like it would work on me.

It also showed that the summoner was very cautious and I had to give a point to this summoner as almost anything from abyss is extremely dangerous.

'This summoner must have some knowledge about the abyss with how this person has taken such safety measure otherwise no matter how strong, only a fool will summon a being from abyss even temporarily.'