
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CH 28: [Spirit King] VS 'Shadow'.......(1)

In this world, there are multiple attributes of [Mana] as described in many fantasy works.


The most basic of them are Earth, Water, Fire and Wind which are known as [Basic Attributes]. Majority of spells the [Mana-users], also known as [Mages] uses belongs to these attributes.


Then comes the [Rare Attributes] such as Ice, Lightning, Mud and many others which are created by combining two or more [Basic Attributes].


And lastly the [Unique Attributes] like Darkness, Light, Time and Space which are very rare and unique in there own ways.


Of course, there is also Holy attribute but It is not considered in any one of them because Holy magic is lesser form of [Divine] power, which is entirely different from [Mana].


There are also [Non-Attributes] which are actually pure [Mana] without any relation with other attributes. They are mostly used by [Aura-Users] such as [Mana Strengthening] of Igor.


Through some kind of mutation these different attributes of [Mana] began to have there own consciousness through nature without any involvement of any God.


Which today are known as everyone as [Spirits]. These [Spirits] are usually invisible to ordinary people just like air, except If they intentionally show themselves or a person has talent in using [Spirit-Arts].


Even though [Spirits] has there own consciousness they don't have any kind of culture of their own civilization. They spent all their life with amusement and playing pranks.


It was the [Elves] who created the technique, the [Spirit-Arts] to communicate with them and borrow their powers by supplying their own [Mana] to them.


It was give-and-take relationship. But of course, there were such people who were so liked by [Spirits] that they could use there power naturally such people were known as [Blessed-Child] by others.


By going further these [Spirits] are divided into different ranks according to their power to distinguish them from each other.


[Low-rank Spirits] are very common and a [Spiritualist], name for [Spirit-Art] users, can also found and borrow their power easily.


[Intermediate-rank Spirits] are uncommon but not rare and they could be found and used by [Spiritualist] through some hard work.


[High-rank Spirits] are very rare and only [Blessed-Child] are known to be able to contact them. A [Spiritualist] having them can easily obtain a noble title in any kingdom easily.


[King-rank Spirits] are extremely rare. Each attribute has only one King Spirit. And there had been only few people in history who were ever able to use them. They are also the dream-aim of every [Spiritualist].


And lastly the [God-rank Spirits], which haven't been seen for many centuries by any human and their existence is only known through ancient records but even they couldn't fully describe them so now they are known as just a myth by others.


But It is rumored that whoever is able to find them and obtain their power, they will be able to obtain god-hood and became an actual God.


Also as the ranking increases the intelligence of these [Spirits] also increases. The [King-rank Spirit] is also popular for being able to communicate with humans in human's language.


Rem who came to this world gain the power of affinity with [Spirits] but her affinity was even more stronger than a [Blessed-Child] that she was able to use Low-rank and Intermediate-rank [Spirits] of all four [Basic Attributes] from the very start.


And after just two month of training, she was able to even use [High-rank Spirits] of [Basic Attributes] and not only that she was able to summon [King-rank Spirit, Ifrit] of fire attribute.


She was a living legend in the world of [Spiritualists]. But to summon or even use a [King-rank Spirit] a huge amount of [Mana] was required.


And also because of It's destructive power to even destroy an entire city easily. Rem never used It before and she never thought she had to.


…...Until now.






Right now in front of a shadow-like monster, something humanoid was floating with a body flames and a crown made of fire floating on top of his head.


If simple words were used to describe it, It was like a burning giant. Sizing about 3 floors of an apartment.


The giant was just floating slightly above the ground without taking any action but the heat that 'It' was emitting was enough to make everyone there to break into sweat, like they were in the middle of a desert.


Even the ground under the 'Giant' was blacked due to heat.


After moving It's burning eyes to understand the situation around it, 'It' finally moved It's mouth, breathing small sparks from It's mouth.


[Child, It's look like you finally decided to summon me and-]


Likely talking with Rem, the 'Giant' moved It's eyes moved towards the 'Shadow', who was tilting his head with same creepy smile on It's face, like trying to understand who this new individual was.


The 'Giant' frowned after seeing the 'Shadow' in front of him.


[.…You seem to be in a quite a trouble.]


The 'Giant' or the [Spirit King] felt nothing special from the 'Shadow' but that actually what was troubling him.


Because there was no way his contractor, Rem, would summon him for some weak being like in front of him.


It was likely that there was something much more about this 'Shadow' that the eyes meet and in his hundreds of years of life, he had never seen a being like this.


It's creepy face does remind him of those beings that he saw in that [Blood War] but he dismissed that thought because he could tell that the place he was right now was in Demon Realm.


And there was no way the [Demon King] would let a being from [Abyss] left alone.


After thinking and observing everything he could, he decided to use his full power and end this quickly as soon as possible as his contractor, Rem, was in a weak and vulnerable state after summoning him.


Rem had used almost all her power just to summon the [Spirit King]. She was right now on her knees and breathing rapidly.


This was the reason she had never summoned the [Spirit King] before. In this state, even a child could defeat her easily.


After glancing at Rem, the [Spirit King] finally moved. He raised his hand towards the 'Shadow' and used a single spell.


[Fire Spear]


He just used a single [Intermediate-rank Fire Spell] but on the sky rather than a single [Fire Spear], there were a hundred of them on the sky.


Almost covering the sky on above of them all, each tip pointing towards the 'Shadow'.


As Suzuki and others saw this, everyone was dumbfounded. Even the 'Shadow' was watching It like 'It' was mesmerized by this. 


They all knew that a [King-rank Spirit] was very powerful but they never knew that they were this powerful.


Even the Sage, Suzuki, could only form 15 [Fire Spears] at a same time by using her full focus and power. But this was nothing compared to what she seeing right now.


She had heard that [Spirits] were able to perform any magic spell much better than human mages, both in quantity as well as in quality, as they were familiar to [Mana] than any other being.


And now she saw that It was completely true. Even with her talent she wasn't sure If she could ever perform such feast.


And the [Spirit King] without caring about other's opinion on his power, just casually clenched his giant fingers, causing the spears to fall towards the 'Shadow', like they were determine to make the 'Shadow' full of holes.


As Suzuki saw that the battle has began she quickly formed a [Mana Barrier] around everyone. Because there was another ability of [Fire Spear] spell.


It was explosion.


As the first spear came down, even with It's high speed. The 'Shadow' easily dodged It but as soon the spear touched the ground, It exploded, causing dust cloud to rise again.


But without trying to give even a second of breathe, all spears continued to fall down each exploding after there impacted, making more dust cloud to rise again and again.


Even If Suzuki and others were not the target of these attacks, they still could tell from the ground that shaking like earthquake that no one among them would be able to escape this attack without any life-threatening injury.