
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 3

We left the house. I saw him looking at me sinisterly. But I ignored that and went along with mama. We hired a cab and it took us to our hotel.

On the way to our hotel, I thought to myself that maybe this is what freedom feels like. Everything seemed so unreal to me that I couldn't believe all these until we reached our hotel.

We checked in and went to our room. I put mama to sleep and I searched for several houses for low rent and also found some which was also near from our work places.

I got up early and dressed up and then woke mama up. I took a day off to visit houses. We visited those houses and one of them really meets our standard. A small but spacious place with quiet neighborhood where no one will disturb us and ask us what is going on in our lives. It also offers a low rent which is perfect for us.

We rented it right away. We shifted there as soon as possible and started our new life full of freedom. We got ourselves several jobs with good salaries.

Our new life was going on very smoothly. Schedule of mama's and mine are bit a different so we get to see each other only on off days. Our new life filled with quietness for which we anticipated for so long.

I got a scholarship on one of the famous university and started my studies once again. I stopped my studies 'cause of him. I had to stay home to protect her and keep her strong. Also to refrain her from doing anything ridiculous.

Coincidently I met up with one of my old friend Kevin Lee. He is also my good buddy. He and I kept in touch all these time. He also helped me to stay strong. He knows everything going on in my family. Often papa hit me very hard, if he was nearby he went to our house and stopped papa from hitting me but got hit instead.

There was a time when papa hit him so hard that his head bled. Mama and I got him to a nearby hospital. After some time of his admittance to the hospital his family came. His family is super rich. I thought they would scold me and curse me and also won't let him ever meet me. But I was wrong. They came and asked if I was alright. I got bewildered. I asked if they were mad at me but they said they knew it all what has happened to me all these time. He told them everything. I asked for their forgiveness for getting their son hurt 'cause of me. They forgave me. From then onwards, whenever I met them they treated me like their daughter. They never even talked to me rudely or disrespectfully. Their maids even respected me.

After finishing our schedule, we met up at our old place. We celebrated our reunion.