
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 28

"UGH!!!!" Mitchell threw everything in his way. Ella came towards him hurriedly.

-Darling, calm down. What happened?

He just growled.

-Those bitches. Luna got away. Mathew was killed.

-Who killed him?

-I don't know. His whole gang was killed with one shot on the head.

-But you said that his gang was really powerful in the underworld. Then who dared to kill his entire gang?

-Damn it! I'm also looking for answers. I just can't believe this would happen.

-Don't worry. You'll take your revenge on them in another way. Should I ask my daddy to help you to kill her?

-No. They're mine. I'll do what I want to do with them. Having you daddy kill them won't make my urge to make them suffer calm down.


Ella started to talk in a seductive tone...

-Darling, just forget 'bout them for this once. Let's have fun tonight.

Mitchell started to unbutton his clothes.

-Okay babe. I'll give you the pleasure you need right now. Let's make some love tonight.

Ella laughed and shrieked and made various noises.

Next morning

Mitchell woke up early and was staring at the window.

In his thoughts

"I must catch them hurry."

"Will I get jailed for it?"

"I need to be cautious."

"Damn that guy who killed Mathew's gang."

"Who killed the gang? Why?"

"I'll make them suffer for sure for leaving me."

"I need to make a move. Otherwise they'll get to the police."

End of his thoughts

He clenched while thinking. And in the meanwhile, Ella woke up. She saw him standing there. She moved towards him and hugged him from behind. His thoughts got distracted. He turned his attention towards her.

-You woke up?


-I'll get your breakfast ready.

-Okay. Darling, by the way, what were you doing over there standing and staring at the window this early in the morning?

-Oh. I was just thinking.

-What's stressing you?

-Nothing. I was just thinking 'bout what to do with them.

-Make them suffer what they deserve for leaving you behind on the cold.

-That's my baby girl.