
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 12

In a basement filled with antiseptic smell, various medical kits lying here and there and tens of bed filled with people of all ages but mostly young people. Some of them had surgery while some of them are getting ready.

They put her in a corner bed.

-Don't let anyone roam around her. Also test her organs and see if they are good enough to trade otherwise we'll make use of her blood.

-Yes boss.

-Boss should we bind her?


-Ok boss.

Shooting the orders at them, he went upstairs resumed to enjoy his night. After some time head of the henchmen came and showed the results. Seeing the results, he got furious.

-That bastard sold me a weakling. None of her organ is strong, everything is weak.

-Boss what do we do with her now? Should we kill her?

-NO! We'll kill her but of course by gaining profit. We'll sell her blood and the results show that her blood is completely fine.

-Ok boss. Shall we get her ready?

-Not now. We'll do it tomorrow. Leave me alone for now.

Suddenly he remembered something and took out his phone and called someone.

-Hello? Who is this?

-You're hell.

-Oh, Mr. Kim. I'm sorry for my rude behavior. How is it that you call me?

-You're daughter's not a single organ is strong enough to trade and earn profit from it but luckily her blood is super pure. There's no defect on it.

-What do you mean by this?

-Nothing much. I'm just telling you that I'll sell her blood since she can't give me anything. And I think eventually she'll die given her present weak condition.

-Wh-what! You didn't mention anything 'bout killing when we signed the deal.

-Wait. I did, didn't I? And even if I didn't, I bought her. So it's completely up to me what I will do to her, isn't it?


He hesitated to speak for long but finally spoke.

-Won't I get caught for all these, right?

-Of course not. You don't have an idea how strong and wide my network is!

-Ok. I'll count my life on it.

Mathew cut the call first and resumed what he was doing leisurely. In the meanwhile all of the henchmen became super busy to arrange a separate bed for her and prepare all of the equipment ready which are going to be needed for tomorrow. They place her on the bed and tie her up tightly.

Everyone present in the basement at that time was looking at what they were doing to the girl. As if a stage show was going on, they were all looking at them in wonder what they were doing. As time went on everyone got busy with their own things.