
the tale of an elf in the 100

Hi there this is the story of Eredhon, a person from earth reincarnated to the world of the 100 Current update schedule 2 chapters per week maybe more depends on how i feel

Lucaevers1 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Waking up and smithing

I woke up feeling the sunlight on my skin, taking a fresh breath of air and opening my eyes, and saw the trees and plants." it happened, I was reincarnated by that letter." I thought to myself. before I could move again another letter appeared in my hand. I opened the letter and it read

" Hello again, Eredhon as you can see you have been reincarnated as you wished, it is now 10 years before the dropship lands, and don't worry about the little radiation in the air as you are an elf and because of your heritage, you are immune to it. as you would have noticed you're only wearing a thin shirt, some pants and your rings the rest of your equipment is in a house I made for you. The house is not big if you want that you should make it yourself, but the house is ok for you at the time, the house is "hidden" from the world with your ring, in the house are all of the things you wished I even added a forge. the plants you wished for are all in your garden and are ready for harvest, you have enough rations stocked up for 2,5 years the rest is up to you. I hope you have a lot of fun and fulfill your dreams A/N(THIS ISNT A WISH FULFILLMENT FIC I HATE THOSE)

Have a great time Eredhon,

your neighborhood morgan freeman."

After I was done reading the letter Morgan Freeman had sent me I looked around and saw an elven-inspired house, the house was beautiful, as the letter said it isn't big but it is big enough for a family of 4. I walked over to the house and opened the door, the moment I stepped in the house the smell was just like my own home in middle earth as I saw from Eredho- my memories. As I walked through my new home I saw a kitchen with a nice fireplace. the house wasn't modern as it is from middle earth so no gas but it's okay as I have 6334 years of experience. I went up the stair and there I saw my armor on an armor stand stood a beautiful armor like Haldir's.


There was an elven sword it was crafted by me and celebrimbor, the blade is made from mithril as I was a dwarf-friend. They had gifted it to me once, the hilt of the sword was made of a branch of one of the 2 trees of Valinor, I once bought it in my younger years it was one of the few that remained from Morgoth's attack. On the back of the chestplate was a quiver full of arrows and a bow attached to the shoulder. the bow was made from the wood of one of the trees in the woodland realm. The rest of the house was amazing as I went out a saw a big garden, a lot of plants and trees were planted, as it is impossible to plant them all the important ones were planted. next to the garden was the forge it was built in a smaller house, I walked up to the forge, opened the door, and saw loads of ores. the forge was one of the ones Celebrimbor and I had built. my hammer was positioned on one of the anvils. I missed the forge so the first thing I did was warm it up, after 20 minutes the forge was hot. I decided that would create a crown like the one Lord Elrond had. I grabbed a bit of mithril and put it in the forge after a while it glowed red and started hitting it in shape, slowly the form was coming along and after another hour of working, cutting, and sculpting it was done. as it was dark it was time to sleep.

image of Elrond's crown()


I'm sorry for not uploading for a while, I had a school project that was difficult ill try to make more chapters this week. if you have suggestions please leave a comment.

Have a wonderful day