
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

The Tower

A two-headed goblin ate the charred remains of a wolf.

It had one arm longer than the other, at the end of which was grafted the head of a fire lizard.

His second arm had long purple claws.

Its two heads each had a large mouth full of sharp fangs.


The Fire Goblin was one of the common monsters of the region.

A peak rank 2.

The Fire Goblin was about to swallow the wolf's head whole when a spear pierced its chest.

It flew at supernatural speed.

The monster, still alive and on its knees, raised its right arm and conjured up a huge fireball that flew towards the enemy.


The fireball froze, splitting in two in an instant.

The Goblin's eyes widened.

"Behind you."


In front of him, a hand shot out of his chest, ripping out his heart.

Zeno retrieved his spear and dug into the monster's chest, pulling out a core of yellow and red energy.


All in less than 3 seconds.

"A hunting party is approaching," said Guizhong.

Zeno looked at her and shrugged.


"This is our hunting ground.

"And who are they."

"I don't know, I don't know anyone, maybe some of your classmates?

"Let's have a look."

They jumped onto the roofs, to get a good view.

In the distance, 8 humans walked cautiously towards them, lighting their way with a fairy.

They were all wearing heavy armour and armed with numerous weapons. 

Zeno raised his eyebrows.

"Luther's dogs. Do you think they're here for us?"

"I don't know."

Luther was the 'king' of the City of Wonders. Every human sitting in the palace was his servant. Over a thousand soldiers.

"Who's there?"

The only woman in the group pointed in their direction.

"Over there, I feel two energies."

Zeno and Guizhong jumped from the roof.

Several weapons were pointed in their direction.

"Don't move!"

The one in the lead hissed a threatening command.

"What are you doing here?"

Zeno didn't answer.

"I'm talking to you!"

Suddenly the only girl in the group froze.

"Arod....it's the twin demons."

Suddenly, all the hunters squinted.

"Are you sure."

"Careful." said the girl, drawing her staff.

However, before the group could even react.

Zeno was already behind the girl and chopped her head off.

Someone shot an arrow at her head, but it just went through.

1,2,3..4 Zeno.

That was his new ability using spirit haki, mirage.

Leave a real imprint of your being in the world and then disappear using Yami.

The perfect combo to disorientate the enemy.

At the same time, the only archer in the group met his end.


He was hacked in half by Guizhong's lightning blade.

In the space of a few seconds, the group went from 8 to 6.

And there's more to come...

Zeno was already on the move.

He drew his spear, wrapped it in the aura of celestial lightning and-"

Web of lightning

Hundreds of tiny bolts of lightning scattered across the ground around him in a 20-metre zone, freezing every living thing that wasn't resistant to lightning, only one of which could still move with power.

He charged Zeno and struck him with fluidity. However, his right arm was cut off.

A purple slash flew out of nowhere. It was Guizhong.


To them, these people were slow and weak, their power and technique truly atrocious.

The two he'd spent hunting in the outer city had only widened the gap between Guizhong, Zeno and the rest of the soldiers.

"What a persistent bunch."

"Guizhong I'll let you finish."


Zeno sat back and watched the massacre unfold in front of him.


Zeno watched the two monsters from the church exterminate an army of goblins.

They looked at the dozens of mutilated corpses. The monster in the armour was drenched in green blood.

This mountain of steel is intelligent...'

Normally it was the apex monsters who possessed a true form of intelligence, comparable to that of humans and sometimes even superior.

However, Zeno encountered many monsters in this highly intelligent world.

Not least the demon in the temple who performed the strange ritual, but also the duo opposite him.

Their tactics are so perverse.

'They are dangerous.'Guizhong said darkly via telepathy.

Zeno witnessed the execution of over 200 monsters and humans. He killed anything that dared to enter.

His skeletal comrade was the most dangerous. He could create illusions.

With a sigh, Zeno lay down on the bed with Guizhong in his arms and closed his eyes.


Zeno woke up with a great sense of oppression. Everyone felt it. 

The only star in the sky had disappeared, replaced by a larger one as red as blood.

Its glow pointed towards a giant tower. You could see it from everywhere.

It was one of two megastructures with the Castle of Wrath.

These two structures dominated the world.

The tower went beyond the sky.

It had appeared a month ago. Emerging from the bowels of the earth.

This was its quest... the quest of all the soldiers.

Noxus sent a message to all the soldiers.

[The tower of the 9 constellations and your hope.]