
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


The next day at 6.15am at the training ground.

"Welcome disciple, you're right on time."

"In your opinion, what is the most important thing in learning fencing?"

"Is it talent, a powerful body or a stable energy centre?"


"Wrong, it's true that all those are important, but there are two things above all else. Willpower and stamina."

"I know a good way of developing both very quickly."

"And that's running!"

"Run laps around the arena until I tell you to stop. Full speed!"

"Come on!"

As soon as he'd finished speaking. Zeno moved.

He filled his lungs with fresh morning air and charged forward.


The years of torture from his first ordeal were worse than running at full speed.

Running to exhaustion is easy compared to the prince's ordeal.

An hour had passed since he had started training.

'Endurance can be increased and talents could be developed.However, perseverance is difficult to develop.'



He had exceeded Vildred's expectations. His eyes shone.

'He ran out of stamina a long time ago. He shouldn't have been able to stand but he keeps moving while maintaining his posture.'

He had seen many talented students at the Artoria Academy.

There were warriors who would surely reach the pinnacle of their art and magicians who would change the rules of the world with their magic who had tried to become his disciples.

'But none of them have as much perseverance as this kid...'

After 5 hours, he was still running at full speed.

"It's going to be fun teaching him."




Zeno exhaled vigorously.

His reserve of endurance was empty. His head was spinning so hard he was seeing double, but he managed to resist it.

"Good work."

"You can go home and get some sleep or go and eat in the cafeteria."

"Come back tomorrow at the same time."



The days passed and the blue cauchmar came closer.

Zeno continued to train for 11 days in a row.

The same programme, running until Vidred told him to stop.


On the 12th day at 7.00am.

"We can take it to the next level.

"Do you know what you need most right now?"

"An aura technique."

"Yes, a technique to cultivate your aura." 

"There are thousands of different aura techniques. The one taught by the academy is the best on the continent."

"But I don't think it will suit you. It's too simple."

"You my disciple must surpass me and a simple technique won't help you."

Vildred closed his eyes and opened a small portal in front of Zeno.

"This is my pocket dimension. On my travels, I've amassed a lot of treasure and techniques. Put your hand in there and think hard about what you want. The book you need most will come out."

"But don't expect to come across a celestial book, I'm only at Nexus rank, techniques above rank 4 are not in my possession. Only the great clans and heritage lands can provide you with such a thing."

"Very well."

Zeno calmed down and approached the portal.

He placed his hand inside, hoping for a technique that would suit him.

Zeno thought of his inner world and its element, death. 


A proficiently black book appeared in front of Zeno.

It emitted a black light that consumed the surrounding light, plunging the field into a black night.


"What is this book."

Zeno swallowed.

The book descended and landed in Zeno's hands.

"Culture of the Draconic Flame?"

Reading the words about conversion, he tried to open the book. Just then, the pages began to turn on their own and the book began to turn to ash.


The paper was reduced to powder and flew away.

What just happened?

[Culture of the acquired Draconic flame].


His head began to throb with pain as if a scean of molten steel had been poured into his skull.

Zeno's knees wobbled from the pain.

The pain subsided after a few minutes when the black veil lifted.


Vildred came to support him.

"What did you just do?"

"I don't know. A pitch-black book came to me. I read the title and the book started scrolling by itself.

But I remember the whole technique disappearing."

"What was the name?"

"Draconic Flame Culture..."

After a long silence.

"Fine, as long as you remember."

"Kid, I don't know whether to bless your luck or curse it."

"This book is a forbidden culture."

"It chooses its owner. Even the hero Arthur failed to be chosen by it."

"I found it in the tomb of a Hero 1 years ago when I explored the white cauchmar..."

"What is its rank?"

Zeno mentally scanned the Culture of the Draconic Flame.

It's a cultivation technique that's much deeper and more meticulous than the others.

It not only contained an aura cultivation technique, but also a fencing technique and information on the age of the gods.

He silently invoked his status and found the runes.

[Cultivation of the Draconic Flame (unknown)]

"According to Noxus, his rank is 'unknown'..."

"Don't lie kid." 

"I swear that's what it says!"

"PFFF very good, you're lucky kid.

"Today's your day off, go home. I can feel you dying to start practicing. If you remember what it says, you should know how to do it, yes?"

"Yes sensei!"

"Perfect, go before I regret giving you this book!"

"Thank you," said Zeno, starting to run towards his lodgings. His eyes were filled with excitement as he ran at full speed through the academy.