
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


They both fainted at the same time, each in the other's arms.


Zeno opened his eyes, and they were flooded with information.

[Ability created: Celestial Link(4star).]

[An invisible link connects you to your other half, you can communicate telepathically and read their status.]

Name : Guizhong.

Title : Narukami.

Rank : Anima.

Origin : Imperatrix Umbrosa (6 stars).

Description : The most powerful incarnation of thunder in this world, reigns supreme.

Lineage : Oni

Element : Lightning.

Trait : Resistance to lightning (4 stars).

Innate ability : Eye of stormy judgement - Stygian resurgence - Rainblade.

Eye of stormy judgement (sealed).

Stygian resurgence (sealed) : manifests his inner domain in the physical world.

Rainblade (5stars) : Impregnates his weapon with divine lightning, making every attack unstoppable. When such attacks hit opponents, it regenerates the energy.

Inherited ability: [Apocalypse, the Emancipator.]

Description: Increases damage penalties. Damage inflicted by attacks can reduce the enemy's stamina. When she deals a fatal blow, triggers the Lightning Weakness Break effect.

[You have received a reward for the death of the GossIron.]

[You have received the Scaly Veil.]

A black robe with a breastplate made of the same metal as GossIron appeared in front of him.

"You need clothes, take it."

"Yes," she said with a slight smile.


Beyond the desert, the young couple watched the azure waters recede.

Zeno looked at the compass.

The needle pointed straight ahead, towards the west.

"Master, I think you should try to build a boat or else you can stay here and die with your pretty girlfriend."

"I know."

"When do you think Quizhong?"

"It's dangerous, I can feel it, many creatures live in these waters."

"But we're lucky, your magic compass will keep us on the right course."

Zeno nodded.

"Let's go to the swamp to gather some wood."


They took bones from the colossal monster to form a solid hull. They created a second layer from the armoured monster.

Zeno cut down a solid tree to form a mast, and Quizhong went off to hunt snakes to make dried meat.

In the end, all that was left was the sail.

They found a monster, a giant snake.

It had one enormous eye. Black corners sprouted along its back, and it was devouring another snake.

"Darling lend me your weapon."

"Very well" he drew Elusacra and held it out to her.

"Thank you" she said with a big smile.

She slowly approached the snake and stopped 10 metres away.

The snake, noticing the intruders, began to whistle.

Its red scales rubbed against the ground, forming sparks.


The snake charged at Guizhong.

From the sight of Guizhong the world seemed to freeze.

She took up a counter position.


When the monster's fangs were less than 15 centimetres from her head.


A bolt of purple lightning flashed across the forest.

The giant snake and all the trees within 15 metres were split in two.

Zeno's eyes widened.

The power she had just displayed was on a whole new level.

"The snake's skin will serve as our veil hehe." She said with a big smile before handing the sword back to Zeno.

Zeno remained speechless for several seconds.


"You're incredible."

"Hehe I know Darling." She said as she kissed Zeno from behind.

Zeno responded by patting her on the head.

"Well done."



By nightfall, the boat was finally ready.

"It's much better than I had in mind."

The hull was made of leviathan bones reinforced with plates of monster armour.

The whole thing was held together by the strongest lianas in the swamp forest.

The mast was made from the strongest tree he could find.

There was even a steering oar made from the backs of monsters.

"Darling, it's beautiful and strong...but how do you make it go."

"As you know, I can infuse my aura with various magical and physical properties.

My inherited ability, spirit haki allows me to create many wonders, coupled with my draconic aura technique, I can work miracles.

Zeno touched the boat and covered it with his aura of draconic flame.

The boat took on a demonic appearance. The flames strengthened it to the extreme without reducing it to ashes.

Then Zeno tried to give it the wind.

Wind, the element of freedom, according to Zeff's archives, its rune is pronounced...'


Suddenly a green wind surrounded the boat like a barrier.

At the same time, Zeno sent the compass to Guizhong.

"Darling, I'll leave it to you to take the helm and guide us to the city, I'll take care of fueling the boat...and take the sword too."

"Very well, darling."

Zeno sat down cross-legged and passed around the culture of Draconic Flames.


"What a wonderful cultivation technique darling, you've been powering the boat non-stop for an hour but you're still full of energy."

'As long as I can keep the draconic culture flowing, I'll gather the energy of the world to make it my own. But I can't do anything else at the same time. '

'You must be the navigator as well as our shield and sword, I'm sorry.' He said telepathically.

"Hehe no problem. This is the beginning of our legend!"


Their enthusiasm disappeared.

As soon as night fell, the world went wild.

Lightning flashed. The waters raged and the monsters came out to hunt.

The sea awoke.

Zeno intensified his aura, increasing the boat's speed.

The swift ship cut through the waves like a blade.

The only sound that could be heard was the cracking of bones and the crash of water against its hull.

Guizhong guided the boat with the compass of desire.

It was easy enough to stay on course.

Black sky above, dangerous sea below.

They sailed through the night like a ghost ship.

Guizhong tightened her grip on Elusacra. She felt presences closing in on the boat.

But the boat managed to outrun them.


The boat got closer and closer to the west.

Suddenly, disaster struck.

Zeno and Guizhong felt nothing.


The whole boat was thrown violently into the air, and he heard the hull break.

Zeno and Guizhong were both plunged into the depths of the sea, tentacles wrapped around Guizhong...then without a cry she disappeared into the depths.

Zeno was stunned but did not let himself be outdone.

The enchantment of The Ring that allowed him to breathe in water was activated. He closed his eyes and activated the celestial link. A thin red thread appeared, running from his right to Guizhong's hand.

Summoning all his strength, Zeno swam towards Guizhong with all his might.

Gritting his teeth, Zeno plunged into the abyss of the sea. He couldn't see in the darkness, relying solely on the purple thread.

Paying no attention to his wounds, Zeno used Zephyr on himself to triple his speed.

He could feel tentacles moving around him, dragging everything in their path into the monster's giant maw.

Zeno dived deeper.

The pressure of the water was beginning to squeeze his lungs.

Zeno finally noticed something.

A short distance away, Guizhong was fighting the other tentacles with his bare hands.

Filled with fury, Zeno exploded forward AND


He cut the tentacle that had wrapped itself around his waist, freeing it.

Quizhong was barely conscious.

He grabbed Quizhong by the torso and kissed her, pumping air into her. He pressed her against his chest.

He looked up and his hopes sank.

He was far from the surface and the sea monster was stirring.

He held on tightly to Guizhong and swam.

The tentacles approached him with a rhythm.

They began to block all his escape routes. Zeno gritted his teeth and...

Suddenly a shield of water materialised.

The tentacles that collided with the water barrier were reduced to dust.

[Pfff humans hurry up or you'll die].

Namiel's voice echoed in his head.

'Thank you.'

Zeno wasn't going to pass up this chance

He swam to the surface with all his might

Guizhong needed air.

Guizhong began to spasm, his muscles had been deprived of oxygen for too long. His consciousness began to decline. But finally, her head surfaced, she inhaled deeply and coughed inescapably into Zeno's arms.

They did it.

Zeno looked around and saw a patch of land in the distance.

He hugged Guizhong tighter and swam in that direction.

(Goodbye Elusacra :") )