
The Tale of 2 Kingdoms

Ribbinna reborn as Ryuko in modern era with the immortal power of the sun because of the curse. She was the sun god who protect the earth and has the twin who betrayed her. The mystery still on going after long time where the war began at the past. Will Ribbinna stop her immortality?

RexTimer24 · Teen
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17 Chs

The Curious Boy, Takashi Ren (Part 2)

No one...

Nothing left after the accident.

I'm sorry to calling you to go home. Please don't dead...

Ryuko is missing and I already near to graduate. I want to be detective in the future. I want to know the truth about this accident. As I see the crowd left the house, I go to the house and sense a strong scent of oil.

So, it was not the accident...

I go inside the burn house. The elegent type house, I see...

Second floor not really burned but, I know this is Ryuko's room from the way how tidy she was at school and of course her collection of books. She really loves book, wait what is that? Open a book that the only one on the table.

'Black sky, full of star, I wish Ryuka can see that. I miss her already since she was sold to the scary aunty. I want her back!'

'Not gonna lie, my birthday is not something special anymore. Everyone is busy in their own routine, no party anymore and I don't hope it anymore.'

'I wish Ryuka can help me to memorize what happen to me. It was really bad nightmare but when I woke up, I don't remember every single thing like everything reset to 0. I write it to help me remember one day I forgot.'

'I using magic what I saw in the dream and I learn it by myself. When I go to sleep, the pen or pencil will moving on it's own to rewrite what I saw in my dream. Here are some of them:

1. It's a castle and very beautiful, I saw a prince who's sad about something and keep telling me about sorry and promise.

2. There is a beautiful lake and pond in the middle of jungle. Wait, it's waterfall and a pond! I keep seeing the prince is crying over there because of the blood maybe, but as I look closer, there is a girl who looks like me in the coma maybe. He keeps telling about sorry and defeat the enemy called witch.

3. Seems the prince at least can smile only with the girl whose looks like me because I saw they both a sleep in the castle together for a long time in the castle of unknown but still, it's beautiful.

My memories of those was lost as I expected every morning but, I can remember with this diary. If someone saw this book, please kindly help me to search the meaning of these dreams.'

I keep this book, Ryuko don't worry, I want to solve this matter until I found you.