
The Tale Of 'Enchantry'

Lavanya_Sinha · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:The Endless Questions...

The loud wails of audience present in the audience was making King Martin, of the great kingdom Liedenschiff, helpless to the the extent of making his throat sore. It was not a day off from these screaming and pleading from the commoners and sometimes even the nobels to take care of those 'blood thirsty animals', to save the kingdom from those creatures.

" Call it a day!!"

After listening to almost everyone's pleading, The king decided to have a sit in his own room in the royal palace.

He rose from the throne to be accompanying by a female aide of his, The royal secreatary Martha. On their way to the royal palace, none of them says a word as if a weird aura is surrounding the atmosphere.

As they reach to the royal palace, the secretary bowed her head and left to ' The Granary tower' whereas some knights escort king to his room, which was at the end of a long hallway.

"Call General Lutton." Before shutting himself in his room, the king ordered the knights.

After a while, the general came.

"Your Majesty! I've been told that you asked for my presence." The man covered with armour bows his head dom in front of the king.

The king doesn't said a word but only nod his head and signals the general to sit on the couch. Both of them sat on the couch and a maid serve them a cup of herbs tea and some sweet snacks.

" You may leave now." The king politely ordered the maid.

"It's been long since I've ever feel this helpless." The king sighed with struggling to put a smile on his face.

It wasn't unusual. The king of Liedenschiff is a very generous and an accountable king any kingdom would want. The stubborn smile of his never even flinch from his, doesn't mattering the fact that how he is really feeling inside.

But this time the smile of his is struggling to continue it's stubbornness.

"...It is certainly a cause of concern Your Majesty! Our strongest soldiers are being bashed by those creatures now, the commoners of every class is facing life-threatening casualties while the nobles are facing a huge financial casualities..." General Lutton bows his head down and think for a moment and then continue," It looks like someone have to dare to go in the core of the forest.....atleast that's what the tip I got..."

The words of General were kind of being clear in yhe king's senses but for certainity the king asks him to be clear on his thought.

"It's....I..uh...I didn't meant to offend your majesty..but since the magic is involved..... don't you think 'she' could help us?"

The king's eyes widened both in shock and displeasure and the hanging smile on his face disappear completely.

"And in what circumstances do you think she would help us...General Lutton? I called you here to have a talk about the situation but looks like you want to take this conversation to a different extent..!?" At the king's words, General felt a glare from king's eyes as if he doesn't want this talk to be continued but general was a determined soldier and right now if he behave timidly the whole nation has to face the consequences.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty!! ....but if we take a close look ....we can use 'The Tomb' as a bait..knowing that she rebelled multiple times for it.....only if your permission is granted. ....But if we didn't do anything quick...one thing is sure your majesty....the soldiers are limited giving us a limited time to cope with this..."

His words were now enough for king to bwar his anger. The king stood up from the couch and point towards the big window in the room,"Its getting dark...you may leave now."

General Lutton cannot agree further after being coldly told off. The king turn his back towards him and again glaces at the general who was still standig there to gather some more courage for asking for an answer , "Looks like you have more to say?!" The king may said that but the only things he means that 'its good if you prevent saying anything further..'.

After hearing the aggressive order from The King, the gathered courage by the general shattered then and there making him retreat.

The king sat on his majestic bed glacing towards a painting hanged on the wall...."How can I allow myself as a father to do this..?" The king mumbled helplessly and covers his face with his hand.....but thinking from A king's perspective... general's words were making more senses. The complex memories and these stressful thoughts were emerging endless questions in his mind. The king took a long breathe and up his eyes to see the stars in the sky, where he was feeling himself in the room fill with darkness, those stars were seems to be light for him. A light of hope and the words of those audience were only telling him to agree with the general's words, "Do I even have the right to be worried abut her...?!" Anyone would guess the guilt and grief in his voice.