
The System: The Real Civilian Shinobi

Okay, so how do I put this... I have never been the best at explaining stuff but I'll try, so the thing is have you ever felt like you are going mad, you see things that aren't there, hear sounds that are not real? No... uhhh... hehe Me neither, h-ahah-ah... So what do you say we get this show on the road, you're gonna go in and I'm gonna support you from behind... what do you mean that sounds weird, those bandits are not gonna clear themselves, chop chop, let's go we got this man! ------------------------------------ We'll There's +1 for the weird introduction, now before you click off, I'll just explain in brief what this story is about, this isn't a transmigration or reincarnation fic so I probably would lose half the audience, and the main character is weakish at the start, bye to the other half. The main character is a civilian, yes I know that there are many cool clans in Naruto world...but shush, my story, write your own then... Well there you have it a weird into and a weirder explanation, hey do I at least get points for managing to keep making it weirder and cringier... No? For 20 extra chapters- www.patreon.com/Version_401

Version_401 · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

The Anomaly!

{Class 401, Konoha Academy, Konohagakure}

{1st day of Class}

{3rd Person POV}


[Name: Uzumaki Naruto]

[Title: Academy Student]

[Level: 6]

[Chakra: 3320]

[STR: 16]

[VIT: 53]

[END: 49]

[DEX: 15]

[INT: 11]

[CHA: 83]




[Academy Student: +10% additional EXP gains towards quests and enemies slain (Title only effective till Level 20.)]


Description: Uzumaki Naruto's background is shrouded in mystery. Currently, an academy student with aspirations to become Hokage, Naruto has a long and difficult journey ahead of him before he can even come close to reaching his dream. At the moment many consider Naruto as a shoo-in for the title of Dead Last.



'...What are those stats, those combined stats are higher than mine and even Sasuke... what kind of perks does he have, I thought he was a civilian orphan.'

Ren's mind boggled a bit as he read through Naruto's stats, his {Observe} skill was quickly becoming his favorite skill as it let him see through and get a lot of information. He has been spamming {Observe} for the last couple of weeks at everything he could, although now he knows the depressing background stories of all his neighbors because of too much spamming.

'...it still is a bit weird.'

"...I haven't seen you here before." The Nara remarked as he sat in the seat right in from of Ren, "We don't usually get new students joining our class at the start of the year."

Ren observed the Nara, according to his description he was the heir to the Nara clan, with the highest IQ ever recorded in their clan's records.

"And it's the first time you have ever reached your final year of schooling" Ren answered with a raised eyebrow.

Shikamaru looked at Ren with narrowed eyes before his face relaxed as he put his head down and closed his eyes with a mumbled, "What a drag..."

Ren felt himself boil with annoyance as he looked at the sleeping Nara, his friend Choji chimed in, "Don't mind him... he is lazy... welcome to the class,"

'Maybe you should finish eating before you speak.'

Choji kept on munching on his chips so Ren smiled and nodded out of politeness. The chitter chatter in the room continued until Iruka shouted from in front of the class.

"...SHUT UP!!!"


"Uhmm, Hmmm...now that everyone is here, let's begin, I'll keep my introduction short, my name is Iruka, and you can call me Iruka-sensei. Now before we begin covering this year's topic, we will have a short revision exercise."

Groans filled the class and Iruka had to shout again to get everyone's attention, "LISTEN UP, everyone come one by one starting from row no. 1 and collect this quiz, remember this will be marked towards your final grade so hurry up..."

Kiba stood up and walked up to Iruka's desk, frowned as he took the test, and then hurried back to his seat. This gradual process continued until Ren had to do the same.

He arrived back in his seat and flipped through the questions, but as soon as he read through the first question a blue block appeared in front of him.



[A sharp Mind!]

[In a battle between two similarly powered opponents, the one with the sharper mind always comes out on top, being a shinobi isn't always about spamming fireballs at enemies. Most of the time, knowing more than your opponents would give you a distinct edge in any battle.]

[Main Quest: Score at least 70% on the written test.]

[Side Quest I: Score 80% or higher on the written test.]

[Side Quest II: Score 90% or higher on the written test.]

[Hidden Quest: ???]


[Main Quest Completion: 250 EXP]

[Side Quest Completion: 300 EXP, +100 Reputation [Iruka].]

[Second Side Quest Completion: 500 EXP, Acquire [Intermediate Shurikenjutsu Skill Book], +200 Reputation [Iruka]]

[Hidden Quest Rewards: ?, ?, ?]

[Failure: 100 EXP, -25 Reputation [Iruka]]

{This is a unique quest and is Mandatory}



Who is the first Hokage of Konoha?

a) Hiruzen Sarutobi

b) Hashirama Senju

c) Tobirama Senju

d) Madara Uchiha

Which village is known for its strong samurai tradition?

a) Konoha

b) Suna

c) Iwa

d) Kumo

What is the name of the ninja Village led by Hanzo of the Salamander?

a) Ame

b) Star

c) Iwa

d) Suna

Who is the current Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village?

a) Sandaime Raikage

b) Yondaime Raikage

c) Shodaime Raikage

d) Nidaime Raikage

Which ninja village does Orochimaru originally belong to?

a) Konohagakure

b) Sunagakure

c) Iwagakure

d) Kirigakure

Who is known as the "Legendary Sannin"?

a) Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade Senju

b) Shikaku Nara, Chōza Akamichi, and Inoichi Yamanaka

c) Minato Namikaze, Sakumo Hatake, and Shikaku Nara

d) Hiruzen Saritobi, Koharu Utatane, and Homura Mitokado

Which village is known for its strong water-based jutsu?

a) Konoha

b) Suna

c) Iwa

d) Kiri

Who is known as the "Yellow Flash"?

a) Kakashi Hatake

b) Jiraiya

c) Minato Namikaze

d) Senju Tobirama

Who is the student of Jiraiya?

a) Minato Namikaze

b) Kakashi Hatake

c) Maito Guy

d) Orochimaru



Ren read through the questions on the first page, as he flipped over, questions related to history continued before there were several more questions about shuriken jutsu, correct taijutsu postures, and identifying the hand signs.

Ren picked up a pencil and began marking the answers, the exam was a little bit on the easier side, the things taught in the final year were no longer in it so he was confident in getting most of the answers right, at least he should be able to get higher than 90% marks.

Ignoring the temptation of thinking about the rewards, Ren focused on the test in the harmony created by the tic-taking of the pencils on everyone's exam seats.


After almost an hour of answering questions, Ren double-checked his work and then he put his pencil down and waited for the time to run out. After 3 minutes of waiting for the time to run out Ren waited in anticipation as he thought about the amount of EXP he would be getting.

'I'm sure I got everything right, I wonder what the hidden quest is, is it getting full marks.'


"Alright time's up, everyone stop writing..." As Iruka started telling everyone to stop writing the much anticipated blue block appeared in front of Ren.

'...Sakura Haruno, so she's the bookworm of this class.'


AN- It's Sunday and I'm bored so I'll just write for a bit!