
The System of Virtue

Dumont_foundation · Fantasy
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71 Chs

A pig is still a pig

*The Demon King's eyes shifted around him, surrounded by a group of rogues, their eyes gleaming with opportunistic intent. Despite their attempts to encircle him, the Demon King showed no signs of fear. In fact, he welcomed the confrontation, recognizing an opportunity to test the limits of his newfound body.*

**System Voice:** *"Engage wisely, Demon King. Your actions shape the path of your journey and the System of Virtue's response."*

*He surveyed his surroundings, realizing these rogues were no more than novices. They thoughtlessly surrounded him, leaving little room for retreat. The Demon King, however, had no intention of running. A smirk played on his lips.*

**Demon King:** *"So pigs still act like pigs, hunting for loose scraps. Let me guess, you've been doing this to travelers or anyone foolish enough to move away from the path."*

*The air thickened as he spoke, the rogues frozen by his boldness. Their leader, undeterred, retorted with a threat.*

**Rogue Leader:** *"Big words coming from a man about to die."*

*The leader stepped forward, brandishing a medium-sized sword and a foot-long dagger. The Demon King, analyzing their weaponry, couldn't help but smile. Their lack of skill was evident; no seasoned warrior would hold a blade like that.*

**System Voice:** *"Evaluate their weaknesses, Demon King. Your understanding of combat will be crucial in this realm."*

*He shifted his stance, subtly moving his weight to his back foot. The realization struck him – this was his own body, and with that knowledge, he moved.*

*Suddenly, the air shifted with a gasp behind the leader. The Demon King's movements were beyond normal perception, catching his adversaries off guard. He struck swiftly, his left hand firing out with a sickening snapping sound, screams of pain filling the forest.*

*Unfinished, he pivoted, his left hand rising to strike the man square in the head. The sound of the leader's neck breaking reverberated through the clearing.*

**System Voice:** *"Swift and decisive. Well executed, Demon King."*

*The Demon King stood over the fallen leader, picking up the discarded sword and dagger. Slowly turning to face the remaining rogues, he issued a commanding ultimatum.*

**Demon King:** *"Run now or stand and die. Do not make me repeat myself."*

*The System of Virtue hummed softly, acknowledging the Demon King's actions. The rogues, now faced with a formidable foe, hesitated, caught in the shifting dynamics of power and the consequences that lay in their choices.*