
The System of the World

A young man receives a mysterious system that can help him achieve anything he wants in life. He decides to use it to write a webnovel with a system and create an original webnovel. However, he soon discovers that the system is not as simple as it seems. It has its own rules, secrets, and dangers. What will he encounter in his journey of writing and living with the system? Will he succeed or fail? Will he find love or enemies? Will he create a masterpiece or a disaster? Cover: A picture of a blue planet with a golden ring around it. He clicks on "Confirm" and waits for the system to process his input. After a few seconds, he sees a message: "Webnovel created successfully. Please start writing your first chapter. The system will provide you with guidance and feedback along the way. Good luck!" Liu Ming feels nervous and excited. He opens his word processor and starts typing his first sentence: "In the year 2023, Liu Ming was an ordinary college student who loved to read webnovels..."

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3 Chs

The Penalty Mode

Liu Ming's eyes scanned the system's response, a mix of shock and anger coursing through his veins. The system's unforgiving penalty felt unjust and unreasonable. The impossible and stressful task it had imposed left him seething with frustration. He grappled with a surge of emotions, an overwhelming desire to scream, curse, and rid himself of the system's presence. Yet, he knew he had no recourse but to submit and comply, to begrudgingly accept and undertake the assigned challenge.

Thirty days. That was all the time he had to craft a webnovel with a system, forging an original tale from his creative depths, or face the irrevocable loss of his cherished system. Fear and panic tightened their grip around his heart as he questioned his abilities, unsure if he could accomplish such a monumental feat. The consequences of failure loomed ominously, a shadowy specter haunting his every move.

Gazing upon his first two chapters, Liu Ming recognized their potential and the promise they held. Yet, deep within, he understood they were insufficient. More words, greater quality, swifter progression—these were the demands he had to meet. With the specter of impending loss driving him forward, he steeled his resolve, mustering the strength to confront the challenge head-on.

Fingers poised over the keyboard, he felt a flicker of determination mingling with his trepidation. He made a silent pledge to himself, vowing to give his best effort, to exhaust his every ounce of creativity and devotion. The daunting deadline would be met with unwavering dedication.

Embracing his destiny, Liu Ming began to type his third chapter, his fingers dancing across the keys, capturing the disbelief, the harshness, and the turmoil he felt in that pivotal moment.

"He stared at the screen in utter disbelief, his eyes widening with each word. The system's response had dealt a blow to his very core. It was an onslaught of harshness, an onslaught of unreasonable demands that threatened to consume him. It was a battle against his own doubts and the relentless clock ticking away. But amidst the storm of emotions, a flicker of determination ignited within him, illuminating the path ahead. He would forge onward, wielding his pen as a weapon against adversity. This was his story, his journey to overcome the impossible. And he would not waver..."