
The System of Evil

- Do evil and become stronger. - I can't do that ... - How is it? Well, if you want to maintain a neutral outlook, then do evil, for the sake of good. - Is it possible? - I do not know. You have to show me if it is possible or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fandom: Jormungand / Black Lagoon Author: vitotitov original fan-fic: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/49224 (this is a translation and not an author's work)

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112 Chs

Chapter 91 - The Call

A long, bright corridor.

Lots of chairs over the walls.

And a bunch of offices.

And just in front of one such office there was a small colorful crowd of purely female persons.

— Don't loom in front of your eyes. Sit down quietly. — said Balalaika, crossing her legs, and sitting comfortably on a chair

Revie bared her teeth and winced in pain, clutching her shoulder — How the fuck am I going to calm down here?! He's there!..

— Don't quarrel, girls. Everything will be fine. Coco smiled weakly, putting her hands on her knee

— Of course everything will be fine! Revie screamed, raising her hands and wincing sharply from the pain — This is not even discussed!

Chiquita, leaning her back against the wall, said thoughtfully, looking at Sophie — It is extremely difficult to believe what you have told.

Balalaika looked at the woman and crossed eyes with her — I say it as it is.

Valmet folded her arms on her chest, her eyebrows raised uncertainly — But what you told me is more like a dream of a fantasist...

Sophie sighed under everyone's gaze—I didn't see everything. I told everything that Stefan and Mikhail told me. Of the witnesses, there were also Bao, Dutch, Benny, and this injured bitch herself with her little master.

Valmet shook her head— Jack is definitely the best. Training brings him huge benefits and every time he becomes stronger and stronger. He is a nugget even among talented monsters. But what you describe...

Balalaika shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Although she tried in every possible way to show a calm spirit and composure, she also, no less than them, worried about her man.

— Maybe I didn't see everything, but I caught the very end. And I have no doubt that they told me everything without embellishment. When Revie was injured, Jack... lost his temper.

Revie bit her lip, looking at the office where her loved one was undergoing surgery.

— He didn't feel any pain. He walked like a tank to the embrasure, holding a hundred-kilogram carcass with one hand and covering himself with it as a human shield. He was clearly in a state of passion.

Valmet looked at her hands—This... perhaps.

Everyone looked at her.

— When Hiro was killed, Jack was clearly weaker than his current self, but he had enough dope to move his hand- my hand.

Memories of that day flooded the heads of women.

— If this state of passion was the same in strength, then in fact you should not be surprised by this story.





Each of them considered the situation.

This was especially true of Revie, who clenched her jaw hard and rested her forehead against the hospital wall.

The fact that the guy suffered so much because of her, afraid of repeating the story with Hiro, angered her.

And at the same time, her feelings soared again from the realization that he was ready to do anything to save her.

The other girls felt the same, because Jack's act made it clear that he would stand up for 'his own' mountain.

It was already clear, but now...

In addition, Revie was haunted by thoughts about what she was hiding from other girls.

Jack today not only repelled the attack of Coco's killers and saved her.

He was also in a mess with that bitch Shenhua.

And even then the guy lost his temper from the accumulated stress.

A further shootout in the Yellow Flag clearly did not do him any good, even if you do not take into account multiple injuries.

But he also makes a plan of revenge on Dongfang Long...

What Revi didn't know was that there was another story this morning, but it concerned a certain Aimin...

Be that as it may, Jack's value in the eyes of his women has risen even more, and for better or for worse - no one knew.


The door to the operating room opened and an elderly-looking surgeon came out.

Balalaika and Coco stood up abruptly.

Valmet and Chiquita tensed their whole bodies.

Revie jumped to the doctor — Well, how!? Tell me already!

The surgeon looked at the excited faces of the women and smiled good—naturedly to himself - "Well, the young man collected the flower garden. Although, not surprisingly, after what I saw..."

— Well, I have good news. — the doctor shrugged his shoulders — He will live.

As one, the women exhaled slightly, and then the Balalaika asked — Can you elaborate, Doc?

— Of course, of course. — the surgeon nodded — to tell you straight about everything or...

— That's it. Revie replied with lightning speed with a somewhat frantic look

— "Holy Mary..." — the doctor shuddered inside, from her look, but outwardly did not give a fright — Ahem. Well, then, from the very beginning. It is worth noting that the young man is just one continuous uniqueness. Of course, no research has been conducted, but it seems that he is absolutely healthy, if you do not look at the injuries! Just fantastic!

— To the point, Doctor. — Chiquita twitched her nose

— Oh, yes, ahem, well, a young man has amazing regeneration and vitality of the body as a whole. You may not have noticed, but even before you arrived here, the heavy bleeding stopped. In general, it's amazing that he survived...

Coco frowned—Are the injuries that serious?

- yes. But not the ones you're most likely thinking about.

Valmet pursed her lips — Affect...

— Yes, dear lady. — the doctor shook his head — Affects come in different strengths, but all of them, without exception, are an extremely strong load on the body. Have you heard stories about mothers who could lift a car to save their child? It's the same here. Although no, not the same thing, because the power of affect that this young man succumbed to was truly enormous.

— Is it that serious? Balalaika asked gloomily

— More than. — the surgeon shrugged his shoulders — I do not know what happened to him. I don't know how much time passed after the affect and hospitalization, but the guy still had a monstrous amount of adrenaline on my desk. They usually die from this, but this boy's body is very strong. It was very difficult for the anesthesiologist. It took a lot of sweat for the guy to fall asleep.

Revie pursed her lips—Sleep? But!..

— Yes, girl, to fall asleep. You were only anesthetized and had a simple operation, but there was ten times more lead in the guy's body than in you. Usually these are delivered to us immediately to the morgue, but everything is interesting here. The bullets could not reach the internal organs. Apparently, the boy got them already when they lost most of their destructive power. But even so, the wounds are serious. It took me a long time to pull out the fragments from his tissues. You know that the main danger of bullet wounds is not yourself... holes and bullets, and their concussive effect? Internal organs suffer from it, capillaries are torn and much more. The internal bleeding in his body was very abundant, but the body coped with it by itself, which is just nonsense!

The girls were silent.

The doctor shook his head — Although the biggest and most extensive wounds were brought by this strongest affect. A lot of muscles all over the body just tore from the load. Apparently, the brain turned off their protective function, and with such adrenaline, the guy took over terrifying physical strength and mobility. And of course it had its price and he had already paid it.

Coco looked thoughtfully at the floor, and then turned her gaze to the surgeon — Does this have further consequences?

The Doctor smiled faintly — Usually - without fail, but the young man's situation defies rational analysis.

Revie was ready to throw herself at the doctor.

As for her, he talked too much and abstractly, fluttering like a butterfly around the very essence.

Naturally, the doctor noticed everything and quickly began to finish — Ahem, if we talk about the guy, I think there will be no consequences, at least physically.

— Really?! — everyone asked at once

— These are just my assumptions. — the doctor spread his hands — When the operation was performed, I saw how fast his body was recovering and it's hard for me to believe it, but... yes, there will be no consequences.

Balalaika folded her arms on her chest — How long will the treatment take?

The Doctor smiled weakly and awkwardly—I don't know. I'm telling you, the boy is unique. I can say for sure that it will take, compared to an ordinary person, extremely little. It is possible that he will be able to lead a normal life in a few days.

This news shocked and pleasantly surprised.

They didn't count on this.

To be honest, the only thing they were thinking about was that Jack would just survive.

All of them here had a great idea about bullet wounds and knew how lucky they had to be to survive.

It is simply impossible to take on so many bullets and survive.

— We are... can we see him now? — Coco voiced the question that tormented each of them

The Doctor hesitated a little and sighed — Only with one eye. He needs peace.

The ladies were immediately inspired.

— But I'll tell you right away, we need to wait until they take him to the ward. The entrance to the operating room is closed to you.

The girls nodded in agreement.



Jack lay on the bed and slept peacefully while five pairs of eyes stared at him intently.

There was only a slight pallor on his face, which is surprising, with such wounds.

— He became... even cuter?

— Definitely.

— Or we just have a bigger crush on him...

— It's possible.

— Anything is possible.

— I think it is. He couldn't change in a few hours.

Balalaika thoughtfully looked at the guy's face —...I let the bitch go with a small one, but the Manzarella Cartel must be punished.

The other women's eyes sharpened.

Chiquita grinned bloodthirstily — We won't tolerate this and forgive, will we?

Revie's eyes were blazing with furious anger—I'll wrap their guts around the necks of my own children...

Everyone looked at the Two—Armed one at once -"She is clearly more than just angry..."

Coco's eyes shone with a bone-chilling coldness.

1 >

A soft alligator smile appeared on her face—Sophie, you already know the location of the Cartel, don't you?

Balalaika looked at Coco.

It was the first time the girl had addressed her by a nickname other than her nickname.

- yes.

— It simplifies a lot...

Valmet swallowed her saliva, looking at her boss, Coco... you want to...

The girl grinned, looking into Valmet's eyes — Do you think they expect carpet bombing on their heads?

2 >

— I think not. Valmet licked her parched lips, but the innocent will suffer.

— Let them. You can't cook scrambled eggs without breaking eggs.

Chiquita grinned— Besides, we don't have to tell Jack everything thoroughly, do we? To say that the mafia has been destroyed is enough so as not to upset him.

Balalaika grinned — Not bad, Coco. But it will attract attention.

Revi bloodthirstedly said — It's too easy to die...

Everyone looked at Rebecca.

— They will die quickly and will hardly notice anything. It doesn't suit me. They fucked me with Dutch and Benny... Jack was extremely seriously injured... will we give them such an easy death?..

Revie turned to the girls—Without even holding her throat?.. Will you be satisfied with the fact that their families will continue to live peacefully on their money after the death of the bastards?..

Chiquita grinned — What do you suggest, little devil?

Revie grinned, with a wide grin, showing a row of teeth, especially fangs — I propose to pay an unexpected visit and return the favor. If we're lucky, he won't even wake up by the time we get back.

There was silence for a while.

Grinning, Coco reached for the phone— This is Colombia, right? For some specialists there is a debt to me.

Balalaika also took out a phone with a look promising deadly problems — Then I will make one call.

3 >

Revie, without losing her grinning grin, stuck out her tongue and licked her lower lip — What I love you for, girls, is your determination and Godlike kindness to your neighbors.

4 >

In response, all the women sneered mockingly.


Jack was recovering.

The whole body felt like lead.

Heavy and exhausted that there are no words to describe it.

Even the eyelids were not easy to lift.

My throat was dry.

My head is foggy.

In the chest, stomach... yes, there is hellish pain and unbearable itching all over the body.

- "Fuck... it's like a skating rink has moved." — Jack groaned mentally

And then, with an eternal smile, O'Dim appeared — "Oh, my beloved Jackie. After the rink, it wouldn't be as bad as it is now. You would just be reborn in a new world, and so you will have to accept the consequences."

The guy's memory was pumped well, so the events that happened instantly flooded his head — "Damn... How could I?.. What's with Revie?!"

— "Everything is fine with her." - Gunther shrugged his shoulders — "Everything is more complicated with you. Think better how to get back on your feet before the bastard who killed Hiro escapes to China."

- "Fuck! That's it!.. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"—Jack clenched his fists through the pain—"Gods... how long has it been?"

Gunther, caricatured at his own hand, as if there was a watch there — "Well, how did you fall asleep, it's been almost twenty hours."

Jack let out a sigh of relief.

Twenty hours isn't that long.

He still had plenty of time.

- "Well, you gave the heat, Jack. Bar Bao has never experienced this before..."

Jack cursed to himself in anger — "Fucking bar! It's all his fault! The tattered shack is cursed to hell!"

— "Yes, everything is already." — shrugged O'Dim — "Now what? Better check the alerts..."

Jack sighed, wincing at the pain in his chest and opened the system alerts.

The task 'Not Equal Fight" has been added!

Goal: Defeat Roberta

Reward: Affect Modifier [Lv - 1]

The Task 'Not Equal Fight" Is Completed!

Goal: Defeat Roberta

Reward: Affect Modifier [Lv - 1]

Affect [Lv - 1]

Upon activation, the user's body will enter a state of passion and reach the peak of its physical capabilities.

'Go beyond the usual possibilities.

Do not burden yourself with pity and kindness.

Smash, break and kill, but don't forget - you have to pay for everything.''

"Not bad, huh?"

Jack thought in silence...