
the system is me?

this is my first time writing so feel free to tell me how much it sucks I'll try to make my chapters at least 600 words this is basically just about a guy that becomes a system and his hosts that's about it

no_life · Fantasy
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9 Chs

curse you truck-kun!

Today started just like any other day I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Then I went off to work at the job I hate.

As I started walking to work I noticed that it was quite cloudy today. It's probably going to rain later. I passed by a few stall on the way and decided to get some food. I got some putton and went on my merry way.

After I got to work I sat at my desk and started typing up my weekly report. It was about how we are behind schedule and will be needing more time as we always do. Mainly because we're understaffed and honestly my coworkers don't even try I have to do most of it myself.

That was when my new BOSS called me in. Now I'm a real chill guy and try not to offend anyone but for some reason my new boss dislikes me. You might have noticed I said new boss well my old boss real cool dude named Conor died a few months back. Struck by lightning if you can believe it so here I am in my new boss's office.

new boss: So Damian I'm guessing your group didn't finish their project again.

Damian: No I haven't as you should know no one in my group besides me does anything.

new boss: Well whose fault is that other than your own for not leading them properly? Listen Damian this is the 36th time your group has failed to complete a project on time.

Damian: Well it's not my fault no one in my group wants to do anything and I'm practically doing it by myself.

new boss: The problem doesn't lie just with your group but with you as well! I'm gonna have to fire you and your group.

Damian: That's complete bs I'm one of the hardest working guys here.

new boss: Your 36 late project say otherwise now go pack your stuff and get your pay then get out of here!!! I have to do this 7 more times.

Damian: fuk you!

After I left left his office while slamming the door I went to my desk and started packing my stuff. When my coworker James walked over.

coworker James: Damien what happened why are you packing up.

Damien: I'm getting laid off me and my whole team are.

coworkers James: What they can't do that your the most hard working guy here.

Damien: Ehh well they did.

coworker James: Don't worry Damien I know I guy that could use a person like you. Let's talk later and I'll introduce you.

Damien: Thanks man.

coworker James: Don't mention it.

Just like that I got fired after I finished packing my things and getting my pay I started walking home with a box of stuff. I don't live far from work so I usually just walk. As I was walking home as if the day couldn't get any worse it suddenly started raining like really raining. I could hardly see 10 feet away!!

And that is when it happened my fated encounter with truck-Kun. As I was walking I suddenly heard the sound of a truck horn so I turned around only to see the blinding lights of a semi-truck as it is swerving towards me. On the wet road I tried to get out of the way but obviously failed then everything went dark. My last thought being curse you truck-kun!!!

I'm typing this on my phone you got its trash right now editing on phone is super hard

no_lifecreators' thoughts