
The System Begged Me For Help

Aria was the Goddess of beauty. She got killed by other gods and ended up at Li Ye's world, whose real name was Leon and he vaguely remembers the memories of all his past lives. She thought he was just an ordinary son of heaven and could take his luck by helping him defying his fate. She created a system with her authority to help Li Ye change his destiny and take his luck slowly. But Li Ye wanted to live an ordinary life, leaving no choice for Aria but to devour his soul and move on to the next son of haven. As she was trying to devour his soul, she found out that Li Ye was not someone she should have messed with. After witnessing Li Ye's power, she told him everything. Li Ye then wanting to experience the lives of his past self decided to help her. Leon then began his journey with his beautiful Goddess to know the secrets that the omniverse holds.

Pretom_Barua ¡ Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: Disposal of the Human Trash

Yanmei swiftly packed her belongings, ensuring she had everything she needed for the trip ahead. She folded her clothes neatly and tucked them into her travel bag, along with the essential items required for the journey to the Flying Tiger Sect.

After securing her personal effects, Yanmei made her way to Li Ye's room to inform him of her readiness for the journey. She knocked softly on the door and entered upon hearing his invitation.

"Master, I've packed my things and arranged for the carriage as instructed," 

Yanmei informed Li Ye respectfully.

"Excellent, Yanmei. You've done well," Li Ye praised with a nod.

"We will depart for the Flying Tiger Sect soon. Ensure you have everything we need for our journey."

Yanmei nodded in acknowledgment, her determination shining in her eyes.

With preparations complete, Yanmei awaited further instructions from Li Ye, ready to set forth on the path to becoming stronger and achieving her goals.

"Why not take additional guards with you?" Li Zhong inquired.

"You fret needlessly. I'll manage just fine," Li Ye reassured him.

"And when will you visit the Feng clan?" he pressed.

"Perhaps after the competition."

"Very well, just... take care," Li Zhong said with a solemn tone.

Li Ye bid farewell to the members of the Li clan.

"Let's board the carriage," Li Ye instructed.

"Master, as your maid, I can't share the same carriage with you," Yanmei reminded him.

"Just come in," he insisted, pulling her into the carriage.

"Now, make yourself comfortable," he urged, settling his head in her lap.

"Master, what are you doing?" Yanmei exclaimed, feeling her cheeks flush.

"I intend to rest, and your lap seems the perfect place. Wake me up if necessary. And call me Ye when we're alone," he directed before closing his eyes.

Observing Li Ye's peaceful slumber, Yanmei found herself captivated, forgetting everything else around her.

Li Ye ventured into his soul space, initially shrouded in darkness, before transforming it into a verdant expanse with a stately mansion.

"I suppose Sara and Aria will no longer dwell in darkness," he mused.

[Master, welcome]

"How are you, Sara? Has Aria absorbed the soul essence?" Li Ye inquired.

[Master, I'm well. Mother requires a few more days to fully absorb the soul essence]

"What do you think of the soul space now?" he asked.

[Master, it is better than the previous dark space]

"I give full control of the soul space to you. Customize it as you see fit. And should Aria require anything, you may provide it."

[Understood, master]

Li Ye opened his eyes to found Yanmei gently stroking his hair as he slumbered.

As Li Ye awoke, Yanmei withdrew her hand.

"Good evening, master," she greeted him.

"Let's find a place to stay for the night," he proposed to her.

"Yes, Master."

Soon, they arrived at a village.

"Master, I'll find us accommodations for the night," Yanmei offered.

Li Ye nodded in assent.

Before long, Yanmei found an inn suitable for lodging.

"Good day. How much for a room for the night?" Yanmei inquired of the innkeeper.

"1 bronze coin per room," came the reply.

"I'll take 5 rooms—"

"Make way for the young master of the Luo clan!" a voice interrupted.

The young man and his retinue entered the inn. Upon seeing Yanmei, he was captivated by her beauty.

"Lady, care to accompany me tonight?" he propositioned.

"I regret I must decline," she firmly responded.

"How much do you want for your company?" he persisted.

"I'm sorry," she declined again.

"How dare you refuse the young master of the Luo clan!" his attendant interjected angrily.

"Capture her and bring her to my chambers. I'll enjoy her all night," the young master declared lecherously.

Even though everyone in the inn knew about his lecherous nature no one tried to stop him because he was the young master of the Luo clan.

Witnessing the situation, Yanmei weighed her options.

"Yanmei, what's the delay?" Li Ye called out.

Everyone turned to see a striking young man approaching.

He came to Yanmei and asked, "Why the delay in finding a place to stay?"

"Master, I was just on my way," she replied.

"Who are you?" the young master of the Luo clan inquired.

"I am her master," Li Ye declared.

"Take this money and hand her over to me," the young master demanded.

"I cannot do that," Li Ye stated firmly.

"I'm the young master of the Luo clan. I'll have my way with her in front of you, and then I'll dispose of both of you. Capture them!" he ordered his attendant.

"Master, step back," Yanmei urged, positioning herself in front of Li Ye.

Before the attendant could reach them, his head rolled to the ground.

In stunned silence, the young master of the Luo clan stumbled backwards seeing the scene.

Yanmei was taken aback by the sight of the severed head of the attendant.

"All of you, reveal yourselves," Li Ye commanded.

Seven figures clad in black emerged from the shadows and bowed before him. "We obey, master."

"Which clan does he hail from?" Li Ye inquired.

"He belongs to the Luo clan, master," one of them responded.

"Bring forth the patriarch of the Luo clan," Li Ye ordered.

"Master, who are they?" inquired Yanmei, her curiosity piqued.

"They are my shadow protectors, Yanmei. They dwell in darkness to shield me," Li Ye explained.

After a brief interval, the shadow guardians ushered in the head of the Luo clan.

"Master, here stands the patriarch of the Luo clan," said one of the shadow guards.

"And who might you be?" trembled the patriarch of the Luo clan, sensing the weight of the Li Ye's presence.

"I am Li Ye, patriarch of the Li clan," replied Li Ye firmly.

The patriarch of the Luo clan quivered, realizing the gravity of confronting the head of the Li clan.

"Yanmei, how do want to punish the young master of the Luo clan for his action?" inquired Li Ye.

"Master, I don't bother with him. Let us depart to our quarters," urged Yanmei, anxious to leave the scene.

Fixing a frigid gaze upon the young heir of the Luo clan, Li Ye uttered, "Even if my maid forgives you, I won't forgive you for your words."

"Kill him," commanded Li Ye to his shadow guardians.

With swift precision, the shadow guards silenced the young master of the Luo clan.

"Now, patriarch, elect: Will the Luo clan serve as slaves to the Li clan, or shall they fade into oblivion?" declared Li Ye with a menacing undertone.

"I- The Luo clan pledges servitude to the Li clan. We shall obey your commands, even at the risk of our lives," capitulated the patriarch of the Luo clan, bowing low.

"Depart," ordered Li Ye, dismissing the shadow protectors.

"Yanmei, let us go to our room. " Li Ye commanded.

"Yes, master," acquiesced Yanmei, following Li Ye's lead.

Sorry for the delay. I will post another chapter tomorrow.

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