
The System Admin

...... this is my first attempt at a long novel, also English isn't my first language, fell free to leave comments, and mention out any mistakes I may have, and I will try to fix them, thanks, and have a great time hopefully.

Ahmed_M_Oshey · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

The world of <Elysium> is a big world –WAY BIGGER THAN EARTH- It has five continents, positioned equally apart on the vast sea, each is twice the size of Earth, with billions of population in each continent.

In the far north we have the Northern Continent, where Winter reigns supreme, far in the south is the southern continent, Rain here is the key world, so you better prepare your Autumn Clothing.

The east is beautiful, with lush greenery all around, and beautiful weather, truly, the land of nature and harmony, this is the Eastern continent, the land of Spring and nature.

The went is HOT, like really hot, on a normal summer day you could easily fry an egg in the street, it's like the sun had come too close to the continent known as the Western Continent.

In the center of it all is the Central Continent, seasons here are divided equally through the year. The Central Continent is the most prosperous out of the five, the most advanced technology is researched in this continent, the land of wealth, science and technology, it also has the most number of advanced cities.


In the northern Continent, In a C Ranked city, Inside a large villa, not too big, there lived a family somewhat rich, and their villa had two floors.

The Ground floor had many Rooms, such as; the kitchen, living room, dining room guest room, gymnasium …. Etc.

The second floor mainly had bedrooms, inside one such room a young boy who looked to be thirteen years old, was sleeping soundly when suddenly



He woke up from his sleep so the sound of the door knocking, and then he heard a voice, "Wake up, Cole" a woman's voice said on the other side of the door.

Barley opened his eyes, Cole said replying to her in a sleepy voice "Five more minutes, Mom".

"It's already ten in the morning," said the woman, her voice has a hint of anger, then she continued, "If you don't come down now you will miss breakfast, and will not make you anything new"

"Fine "Cole replied slightly frustrated from being wake up from his sleep.

After that he got up from his bed and went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and left the bathroom and the room altogether, heading downstairs for breakfast.

Cole is a young boy with black hair and blue eyes, he has a twin sister named Rose, she has the same height as him, with the same hair and eye color.

After reaching the first floor, he went straight to the dining room, where he found a table, rectangular in shape with five people sitting on it.

Cole has two older siblings, Ron who has a height of about 185 cm, and a slightly muscular build, he is 20 years old, and Ava with a height of about 175, has long black hair reaching near her waist, her age 18 years old.

His father was sitting in the main seat, he looked like a middle-aged man in his late forties, he had black hair and blue eyes, a good muscular body, his height is around 176, his name is John, sitting across from his father was his mother, she had long black hair and brown eyes her name is Kathrin Blackstone.

This is the Ravenblue family with their raven black hair and ocean blue eyes, now you might wonder why his mother's last name is different from the rest of the family. will that be because in the Elysium world people don't change their names when they get married not even women?


In the space outside the world of Elysium, a small portal opened, barely noticeable, and then a small round object came out of it, before it closed like it was never there.

The small object had a round shape with a smooth surface, probably the size of a baseball, it lingered there in place for a moment before it started to discern, heading in the direction of a certain icy continent, in the direction of a certain house and room.


Now that he finished with breakfast, Cole went to his room, today was a holiday and he didn't have school, so he is just going to sleep or do whatever, but as he entered his room and sat on his bed, he suddenly felt like something had hit him in the head really hard, he felt intense headache and heard a dinging voice in his head


Before the sound could continue he passed out unconscious on the bed, from how much pain he just felt.

But the voice continued nonetheless.

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And this marked the beginning of future events that would change the world, never to be the same again.