
The Swordsmans Return with Mana

[] KAISER ARNOLD was born as trash, someone who couldn't even harness their mana circle. Being mocked by everyone, he decided to become stronger. Through sheer luck, he gained a forgotten aura technique and became the strongest Aura user in the world. Time passed and dark age has begun. He got ambushed by an unclassified monster and found himself at his deathbed. In his finale moment a mysterious book appeared before him granting the one thing he wanted more then any thing "MANA" But by twisted fate, he realized he couldn't survive and laughed at the cruel fate bestowed upon him. And on that day, Arnold died and was reborn in the house of "Owsdin," a renowned family famous for their mages sixty-eight years in the past, even before he was born. Join him as he changes the very core of the cruel fate that was about to befall the world. And become the strongest magical swordsman in history. By [] MOON_GRANADE []

Moon_Granade · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter two: New fate new beginning

799th Year of Eclipsis, 18th octovia

[Verdon family Estates]

46th Household of Rhys Verdon.

"M-My child" A weak voice escaped from the beloved wife of Rhys Verdon as she reached out

towards her new born child which the midwife held out towards her.

In the dimly lit room, Lady Alessia cradled her newborn in her arms, a mixture of exhaustion and joy etched across her face.The maids surrounding her also looked at the baby with joy.

The baby slowly opened his eyes and gazed at the surroundings cautiously and curiously assessing the situation he was in.

Lady Eleanor was happy seeing such bright eyes. But a look of concern appeared on her face when she realized the baby wasn't crying.

Unaffected by the others in the room,the little baby reached his hand out, almost as if trying to grab at something. The small hand had tiny fingers and a puppy palm, raised up and pointing toward the sky.

The baby blinked in confusion seeing the small hands. The mother held out her tiny finger, the baby grabbed on to it.

A dim glow appeared behind the baby's palm, hidden from the sight of the adults. Seeing the glow, tears trailed down from the baby's eyes.It was no dream but a miracle, a continuation of his journey.

He wanted to laugh at this turn of events yet he began crying and the mother sighed in relief seeing the baby was normal and proceeded to give the baby to the nearby maid.

All were unaware of the child's inner thoughts, which would've been quite shocking for them to hear, "I've been reborn with magic...."

Fate was changed,the child supposed to die in history had come alive albeit with a different soul. And thus just like that the history was overwritten and a new unpredictable era began.


Time passed by,

In the blink of an eye, Twelve years had passed.

31st day of Decembriya, 811th Eclipsis,

A young boy with striking blonde hair sat leisurely on a tree branch atop a hill, gazing at the distant town of Erys. This town was also home to Rhys ver Owsdin, the residence where he lived.

A gentle wind brushed past him, causing his blonde hair to dance with the wind. Blond hair with blazing red eyes, he watched the setting sun, it was a peculiarly captivating scene.

"I'll finally leave this place," he muttered, closing his eyes and enjoying the last warm breeze of this place, his hideout.

The sun continued to set and he jumped down from the tree. Looking at the view below the hill he could clearly see the town and the tall imposing building that was his home.

The home of his New life, Lukas Ver Owsdin,the second son of the 46th household of the Verdon Family, Among the fifty households rulling the territory they were assigned to.

Turning around, he gazed at the colossal tree. While it may appear ordinary to others, it provided the perfect scenery he needed. He touched the tree, and a red circular tattoo appeared on his palm. Magical circles emerged from within the soul gear tattoo, attaching themselves to his hand and expanding to cover his entire right arm. In the next moment, the magical circles vanished, revealing purple armour adorned with intricate circles on his hand.

Nodding, Lukas channeled mana through his arm, which swiftly entered the tree. As if awakened, the tree began to transform slowly and opened up to make a door big enough for him to enter. Stepping into the darkness through the door, Lukas found himself enclosed in sheer darkness as the door on the tree closed revealing no trace of it ever being there.

The only sources of light inside were the intricate magical circles on his right arm's armour and his glowing red eyes.

He reached out his hand and the magical circles on his arm began to spin. A purple pen appeared in his palm as the purple armor on his hand retreated back to his palm like slime.

He tapped the floor with his feet, channeling mana. The mana flowed into the magical circuits, glowing and slithering swiftly like snakes. It entered the middle of the room, illuminating a yellow orb. The room lit up, revealing strange magical gears alongside the mechanisms.

This was his research room, where he spent most of his time developing his own magic through the unknown artifact of his which is his soul gear now. Which was surely linked to his rebirth at 799th year of Eclipsis ten years earlier from the time his past self will be born. Which means he has been reborn exactly 68 years in past.

As he surveyed the room, memories of his research flashed through his mind.

He took a moment to think deeply. Despite being reborn as a child his mindset didn't match theirs so the kids around his age didn't mix with him thinking him weird. Which was a perfect excuse for him to do his own things.

Thus as a result researching magic and his soul gear became his goal. Luckily his father didn't even question him when he asked him for a private room. Thus this place became the place which he spent most of his time.

Practicing his fighting skills from his previous life, to recalling most of the events that happened back then and those that he wanted to change.

He honed his body by practicing daily and kept track of his research on whatever he could about his soul gear and magic .

Nevertheless, he knew he had to depart from this place.

"Let's wrap this up quickly," he muttered, seizing the pen. The pen vibrated, its runes glowing. In an instant, it expanded into a slender stick and transformed into a deep purple saber. Its runes gleamed brightly.

He looked at his left hand. Just like his right hand a red circular tatto appeared. And from the tattoo the area above his hand started twisting and slowly from the destortion a purple book appeared with an infinity knot on the cover.

The book hovered right above his hand. And slowly opened it self. The book opened itself revealing series of informations.

[]Soul power: 15.6

Mana: 65%[1st circle unfinished]

Aura: 78%[ 6th layer 56%]

Element: Not Awakened

[•] Creation [•]

• Mana circulation Lv 3, Mana shift Lv 4,

He observed them and nodded with satisfaction. Most kids his age didn't have a magical circle, but he had already almost finished his first one.

The mysterious artifact defied all logic. He had already discovered its function, and it was truly terrifying.

It could enhance spells, making them more powerful. What made it even scarier was that its source of energy remained unknown. Furthermore, once a spell was activated, the book could remember the sequence and activate it again quickly, reducing casting time significantly.

The pen, on the other hand, possessed illogical abilities as well. It could shape-shift into any object of its mass, like a shield, arm armor, sword, or saber. However, the real fright came from its connection to the book. With a simple mental command, he could activate skills through the pen without even taking out the book.

What made it even more impressive was the ability to cast spells while moving, a feat not many could achieve. Unlike a staff, which required visualizing the spell and sigils in the correct position in one's mind, the pen didn't need that. It directly copied the inscribed spell from the book.

He closed off the book and gazed at the deep purple saber. Two lines popped up above the saber named " Mana shift Lv 4, Mana circulation Lv 3"

This was also one of the function. If he think about the spells a transparent page also appeares in his mind. Which only he can see and sense.

" Mana circulation " He muttered.

One of the magical circle on the saber started spinning slowly sucking the mana in the surroundings.

Warm and cold sensation started spreading through his arm to his heart.

He can feel his mana recovering slowly each second. And in couple seconds. His mana recovered completely.

With that finished , he stepped in front of the yellow orb which was the power source of this place.

As he was finally leaving for the long awaited magical Academy " Owsdin Academy of Magus", He first thought of destroying this place completely. But he felt sentimental ,with it being his safe house for so long he didn't want to destroy it just like that.

So he chose to shut it down completely. The easiest way was to destroy the source which was powering it making so that not just anyone can enter here by simply using mana.

He approached the wall to see the lists pasted on the wall. Names to kill, Things to change, Important events and lastly,

One named "For Father".

He wasn't well aware of many details of what happened in his past life because even as the strongest aura user one could not compare to the existances like the top mages, one's loved by mana, by the dragon and by the world itself,so he wasn't involved in the most important battles.

But some major events that shook the world, He can remember the causes and the effects very clearly before the fall of portal break.

Looking over the lists one more time,he burned them all except for the " For father " which he left there.

Lukas stood before the yellow orb again and with determination, he channeled mana through his saber and struck the orb, causing it to shatter into fragments. The room began to lose its magical glow as the gears and mechanisms came to a halt.

As the room darkened, Lukas nodded with satisfaction. He had effectively sealed off the place.

Ready for a new chapter at the Owsdin Academy of Magus, he took a final look before leaving.Closing the door, Lukas walked towards the distant town of Erys.

As he walked down the path, his assigned butler stood there waiting for him. The butler smiled and nodded as Lukas approached.

Lukas returned the nod, excitement gleaming in his red eyes. "It's time for a new beginning," he thought.

He and the butler headed towards Erys, leaving behind the hideout which was not so hidden....

[ To be continued...]