
You Better Not Disappoint Me

Elder Xuan led Lin Xun and Haoyu through a series of hallways, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. As they ventured deeper into the Martial Tower, the air grew cooler, heightening the anticipation in Haoyu's heart.

Finally, they arrived at a grand hall with an imposing entrance door. The door, adorned with intricate martial arts engravings, stood tall and formidable, as if guarding the challenges that awaited within.

"This is the entrance to the Trial Chamber," Elder Xuan announced, his voice carrying authority. "Beyond these doors, you will face a series of trials designed to test your martial prowess, resilience, and strategic thinking."

"The Martial Tower has been standing since the first generation. The trials and their difficulty were personally set by our esteemed Founder. According to the ancient records, all of the Founder's disciples managed to clear all twenty floors."