
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 46-Disaster Cooking Skills

Chapter 46-Disaster Cooking Skills

Dwight stretched his hands as he rose from his bed. He understood Tessa had left their world to undergo training with Athena.

He held no doubt in Athena's powers and abilities, knowing that she was the queen of spirits and that her realm was the perfect environment for Tessa's growth.

Although he had deceived Tessa about the impending catastrophe, Dwight felt no guilt.

He had done so for her own good, not wanting her to rely solely on him. Opening the door to his room, he caught sight of Tessa cooking in the kitchen.

Her eyes lit up when she heard the door open.

"Young Master Dwight!" she exclaimed, rushing towards him and enveloping him in a warm embrace.

She leaned in for a kiss, but Dwight gently pushed her away, a serious expression on his face.

"Athena, enough with the charade,"

Dwight admonished her. Tessa was taken aback, her eyes welling up with tears. "Young Master, don't you care for me anymore?" she whimpered, her voice filled with sadness.

Dwight shook his head, his tone firm. "If you continue to act in such behavior, I will confine you to the void."

The threat hung in the air, causing Tessa's expression to shift from sorrow to horror. In an instant, her body was engulfed in a radiant light, and before Dwight stood Athena in her diminutive form.

"Hehe, Sword God, you're always so serious," Athena teased a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

Dwight paid no mind to Athena's display of affection and made his way to the table, where Athena had prepared a meal for him.

With excitement in her eyes, Athena eagerly awaited his approval.

"Sword God, please taste this dish," she urged, her voice filled with anticipation.

She took pride in her culinary creation and couldn't wait for him to try it.

Dwight gazed at the beautifully presented food, sensing that there was more to it than meets the eye.

Letting out a sigh, he muttered to himself, "What terrible luck. This might be the end for me."

Though he was only joking, Dwight was aware of Athena's disastrous cooking skills. He remembered a previous attempt of hers, which left him feeling nauseous even as a god.

Since then, he had made a firm decision to avoid any food she prepared.

Observing Dwight's hesitation, Athena grew frustrated, on the verge of losing her temper.

However, before she could unleash her anger, a knock came at the door, accompanied by Arthur's voice.

"Saint, it's me!" Arthur called out.

A sense of relief washed over Dwight as he realized he had been saved from Athena's cooking.

He opened the door to find Arthur standing there, looking exhausted and disheveled from his strenuous task of plowing and cultivating the backyard soil.

"I've completed the task you assigned to me," Arthur stated with bitterness, sweat and dirt marks visible on his shirt. Dwight smiled warmly at him.

"Hehe, I knew you must be hungry. Why don't you try the food Athena prepared?" Dwight suggested, pointing towards the dishes on the table.

Arthur's gaze shifted toward the food, and his stomach grumbled in response. He was indeed famished, but he couldn't help but feel surprised to see Athena, a spirit in their presence.

Unable to perceive her true powers, he understood that she was far stronger than him.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Arthur reminded himself that anyone associated with the saint was not to be underestimated.

He approached the table cautiously, his hunger overpowering any trepidation he felt.

As he took his first bite, a burst of flavors filled his mouth, and he couldn't help but be impressed by the delicious taste.

"Wow, this is incredible!" Arthur exclaimed, genuinely surprised by the quality of the food.

He continued to eat heartily, savoring each bite.

Athena's eyes sparkled with satisfaction at Arthur's response. She had managed to create a culinary masterpiece that even a warrior like him could appreciate.

It was a small victory for her cooking skills, and she felt a renewed sense of confidence.

Dwight observed the scene, his smile widening.

"Sorry, Arthur, but I will compensate you later," he said, acknowledging the unfortunate aftermath of Athena's cooking.

Athena couldn't help but grin as Arthur praised her culinary skills. Each compliment he gave her brought a sense of satisfaction, and she found herself looking at him with growing favorability.

Her confidence soared, bolstered by his positive response.

Meanwhile, as Arthur continued to devour the food, he suddenly felt a sharp burst of pain in his stomach, causing his face to turn purple with agony.

Clutching his abdomen, he let out a cry of distress.

"Ah, no!"

Arthur exclaimed, his mind consumed by the overwhelming discomfort.


Disregarding everything else, he hastily rushed outside, desperately searching for a restroom.

Tears welled up in his eyes as the pain intensified.

Dwight's gaze shifted to Athena, who appeared bewildered and at a loss for the severity of the effect her cooking had on poor Arthur.

Shaking his head, Dwight understood that even though the food tasted good, it didn't necessarily mean it was edible or safe.

He sighed and approached Athena, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It seems we still have some work to do when it comes to refining your culinary skills," he remarked, his tone lighthearted despite the situation.

Athena nodded sheepishly, realizing the importance of ensuring the edibility and safety of her dishes.

As Arthur slowly recovered from his gastric ordeal, Dwight couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and sympathy for Arthur.

It was a lesson learned the hard way, but one that would undoubtedly lead to future improvements in Athena's culinary endeavors.


The Academy buzzed with excitement as cheers filled the air. The students, filled with anticipation, engaged in lively conversations with one another.

Today marked a momentous occasion—the founding anniversary of the World's Academy.

To commemorate this special day, numerous influential figures and powerful individuals were expected to grace the event, joining in the celebration.

The students couldn't contain their eagerness and enthusiasm, for not only was it a day of festivity, but also the start of the highly anticipated tournament.

Various competitions awaited them, each offering greater rewards for those who emerged victorious.

The prospect of showcasing their skills and proving themselves in front of esteemed guests fueled their drive to excel.

As the campus bustled with energy, students began to make their way to their respective departments.

The heads of each department called for their students, summoning them to gather. The departments themselves were a diverse array, encompassing various fields of study, from magic and combat to alchemy.

Each department had its own unique atmosphere, reflecting the distinct paths chosen by the students.


In the Academy, one can observe thousands of students with excited expressions, while professors and staff members remain busy making preparations for the 107th founding anniversary of the world's academy.

The event will take place in the Huge Dome, situated at the heart of the academy. This enormous structure has the capacity to accommodate millions of people and is only open for grand occasions.

Tomorrow marks the anniversary, and it is anticipated to be one of the most significant events in the world.

In the Sword Department, Commander Sophia surveys the crowd and addresses them, saying, "Now, we will demonstrate to everyone that we can reach the pinnacle by competing for higher rankings in the upcoming tournament. As promised, those who achieve outstanding results will be rewarded by me."

She speaks with unwavering confidence, well aware that she is often ridiculed by her colleagues due to consistently placing at the bottom of the rankings.

Though she possesses a competitive spirit, Sophia understands that it is ultimately the students who have the power to influence the rankings.

Thus, she can only provide support and encouragement, such as offering rewards to those who excel.

Her presence exudes a dignified and sharp aura, capable of cutting through anyone with a mere gaze.

While many formidable individuals take notice, they refrain from questioning her, for everyone harbors their own secrets.

Sophia has indeed become stronger, not in terms of her cultivation level, but in her comprehension of the sword.

She discovered that the stone she stumbled upon, marked with the words "Sweet Dreams," possesses miraculous properties.

Merely being in its presence allows her to grasp sword techniques with ease. At present, she feels confident in facing any peak tier 8 star professional, yet she remains modest, recognizing that she still has a long way to go to achieve her goals.

Among the students below her, excitement permeates the air, except for a handsome man on the side who finds himself surrounded by women who pester him.