
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 15-Points

Chapter 15-Points

After Prof. Sophia told all the things they needed to know, they gave everyone a card that would store their points.

"Take care of your cards and don't lose it"

Suddenly a student raised her hands and asked, "What if we lose it?"

Prof. Sophia immediately replied, "Well you can get a new card and we will freeze the lost card but you will pay huge amount that you cannot imagine"

The student nodded and everyone asked questions and Prof. Sophia answered all of them calmly.

After the students don't have any questions, Prof. Queenie substitutes Prof. Sophia.

She looks at the students with a smile and they cannot help but to be enchanted by her smile.

A student suddenly whispered into his friend's ears, "I bet she was a good teacher. Maybe I would change profession to choose"

The student nodded and replied, "Yes, yes, she is also beautiful and looks more reliable to be a teacher"

Prof. Queenie saw how effective her entrance was so she smiled and said, "I am Prof. Queenie of the craftsmanship department"

"Now that you have the points and you know about your rankings and class, please group up based on your class"

"We will give you 10 mins break and we will start again"

The students immediately moved and grouped in their respective classes.

In 3 minutes, the students are now separated based on their classes.

Class D had a hundred students while classes S, A, B and C had 50 students.

Everyone is scanning who would be their group mates but most of the girls are looking at the S class as they know that Dwight is there.

They saw Dwight standing behind them with a bored face.

They wanted to get near him but they knew that it was not appropriate to do so and they will wait to finish the orientation first.

Some of the top 50 students also scanned the rank 10 and below to see the best of the best in their batch.

They knew that they will be rivals for now and they will face each other someday.

Dwight is already bored and he wanted this to be finished already.

Suddenly, a tall young man with a muscular body went near him.

Dwight looks at the giant man in front of him and sees that he looks like a barbarian.

"Hello, my name is Cris Golden and I ranked number 9"

Dwight looked at him plainly and replied, "So?"

Cris was stunned as he didn't expect that his response would be just like that.

Even so, he was not offended and he felt that he was interesting.

Since he was a child, many of his peers have been looking at him with fear because of his strong body.

He came from the Barbarian Tribe and when he was 3 years old, he could already kill a bear using his fist.

His father said that he had a special physique so he was chosen to be the next Tribe leader and they trained and nourished him.

They spend their efforts but he didn't want to be caged in his tribe.

He decided to leave his tribe and join the academy to meet friends and see interesting things.

When he first saw the students in the assessment, he felt that they are trash and they are not worthy to be his friend.

But it all changed as he saw a handsome man who cracked the orb. He felt that he finally found the one who could be his friend and he didn't care about his status.

He didn't have much knowledge about the world as his tribe is not smart people but they rely on their physical strength to live.

He doesn't have any idea what Dwight's identity is, so he was bold to approach him.

"Hey, it's not good to respond like that, in my tribe, if someone greet you, you must punch them to response"

Dwight was stunned and replied, "So you came from a weird tribe? Well don't disturb me"

Dwight shakes his shoulders and goes away from him.

Cris was stunned but he smirked and murmured, "Hehe he is really the real man, I must make friend with him"

He was not offended and felt that he was cool and felt that both of them are similar.

The onlookers feel weird by their interaction, and they are stunned by the audacity of Cris.

Dwight, who had just gone away from the barbarian, was suddenly approached by a beautiful woman.

She had shining blue hair and crystal-like eyes. Her face is beautiful, and she has gorgeous clothes.

Dwight was stunned not because of her beauty but because he had just tried to be alone yet another one was approaching him.

The other students who were looking at the lady were mesmerized by her movements as it was elegant.

The lady greeted him with a smile and said, "Good day, young master Dwight, my name is Danica Winter and I am the princess of Frost Empire"

"I am one of your loyal admirers, so I hope you give me a chance to have a date with you"

Dwight and the other students who were watching were stunned by her bold words.

Dwight felt that his face is really problematic, but he cannot do anything about it as he was really handsome and charming.

He felt that it was a problem that a princess who was admired by many would confess to him in the crowd as it would attract hate and envy from the boys.

Dwight looked at her with the same bored expression and replied, "I don't even know you so don't joke with me. I am busy so don't disturb me"

He replied to her brutally as he only wanted to stay low-key for now and enjoy life.

Danica was stunned as she didn't expect that even if she tried her best today to look good in front of him, he would reject her confession.

It took her a lot of time to confess but she was not disappointed as she felt that she must do her best next time and she will not give up.

The other students and even the professors are also eavesdropping on what is happening to them and are stunned.

They were shocked at first that a royalty would side away her pride and confess to him in public, but Dwight refused her straightly.

"Hehe, you think that he will be attracted to you looks, hehe what a shame"

Danica, who was thinking of what approach she would take next time, heard a mocking voice behind her.

She looked at the source of voice and saw that it was Lilia and she was looking at her with disdain.

Danica was angry and replied, "Well, I heard that Young Master Dwight didn't even shakes your hands on his birthday party and he shamed you in the crowd in the assessment hehe"

"What an attention seeker"

Danica was in a bad mood right now and Lilia even tried to use this chance to mock her.

Danica's Frost Empire and Lilia's Fire empire are rivals and they are always competing against each other.

The Fire and Frost empire is on par with each other, and they have always been enemies since their empire was founded.

Danica and Lilia always meet in some events and occasions, and they are always competing to see who is the best.

Lilia was angry as Danica announced that thing to the crowd.

It was the thing she wanted to forget but she reminded her of what happened.

Lilia was about to reply to her and she stopped because they heard a voice.

"Times up"

They stopped what they were doing as they saw Prof. Queenie spoke up to the crowds.

"Later, someone will guide you to your respective rooms for the class"

"Now, we will begin to let you choose what department you wanted to join"

"The process will start from the rank 1 up to last"

"You only need to go in front and tell us which one you wanted to join"

Prof. Queenie said and then everyone looked at Dwight.

Dwight didn't expect that he would be the first, so he stepped up and spoke.

"I would go to the swordsmanship department"

After that, he goes back to his position.

Everyone is not surprised as they expected him to choose the swordsmanship department.

His clan is known for their swordsmanship and some of them were still confused why he was enrolled here instead of learning in his clan.

His clan had the best sword techniques and teachers for those who wanted to be a strong swordsman, yet he was here.

After him, Lilia went in front and spoke.

"I would choose Mage Department"

After her, the students continued to announce where they wanted to join.

Rank 3, Arthur Anthony chooses Warriors Department while Rank 4, Swift Arens chooses Assassins Department.

Rank 5 and 6, Danica Winter and Harley Brund also choose the Mage department.

Rank 7, Odette Stanley chooses Alchemy Department.

Rank 8, Draymond Ricker chooses the craftsmanship department.

Rank 9, Cris Golden chooses Warriors department

Rank 10-Peter Sear said that he would like to enroll in the Beasts Taming department.


The student said where they wanted to be enrolled and some chose other departments based on their skills and what they can do.

Some choose other departments whose Professors are not here as they are busy and the students still need to get their approval.