
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 1- Prologue

Chapter 1 - Prologue

In the vast expanse of space, a handsome man in his twenties with jet-black hair and piercing eyes surveyed the stars and galaxies below him. The infinite cosmic beauty failed to captivate him; his eyes bore the weariness of someone who had achieved unparalleled power and was now burdened by its monotony.

Once an ordinary high school student, he had found himself abruptly transmigrated into a fantastical world. Reborn as a despised young master, he gained an otherworldly system that propelled him to greatness. With every challenge he faced and adversary he vanquished, his journey became smoother, crossing paths with numerous individuals who left indelible marks on his soul.

Through countless battles and relentless training, he ascended to the level where even gods trembled in his presence. His mastery of the sword granted him the title of "Sword God," capable of effortlessly slaying deities and shattering planets with a single stroke.

His unmatched power earned him the respect of many, and even the remaining gods cowered before him. However, as the strongest being in existence, he grew curious about the origins of the system that had shaped his fate. Determined to uncover the truth, he embarked on an arduous quest spanning years, unearthing the revelation that he had been naught but a puppet manipulated by the universe itself.

Refusing to be a pawn any longer, he waged an epic battle against the embodiment of the universe's will. Millennia passed as they clashed, until the man emerged victorious, having usurped control over the very system that had once controlled him.

With the system now his own, he delved deeper into his power, crafting techniques and skills that surpassed anything the world had ever known. He became the ruler of galaxies, commanding beings and celestial bodies with a wave of his hand.

Yet, as time stretched on, he reached a point where inertia settled within him. No longer compelled to exert himself, he allowed the eons to slip by, his focus solely on observing the interactions of the galaxies he had come to know intimately. Slumber became his refuge, the passage of time immaterial to his existence, until he sensed the emergence of new gods.

Though his legend endured throughout the universe, these nascent deities dared not challenge his authority. Aware of his indomitable might, they paid him due reverence, ensuring the delicate balance of power remained undisturbed.

However, solitude plagued him. Longing for companionship, he sought a partner, but his system warned him of the peril his presence posed to others. His boundless power and unimaginable physique rendered any who drew near destined for destruction. Thus, he roamed the cosmos alone, his heart heavy with a longing he dared not fulfill.

In an act of self-imposed exile, he made the decision to seal his powers and the system that had elevated him to godhood. Although he possessed the means to unlock them at will, the resulting cataclysm would surely obliterate the planet he now called home. His mighty sword, forged from the cores of galaxies and the blood of vanquished gods, was also sealed, its true potential concealed beneath an ordinary facade.

A gentle smile graced his lips as he closed his eyes, excitement bubbling within him for the new journey that awaited. He knew not what lay in store, but the prospect of rediscovering the joys and tribulations of mortality thrilled him to the core.


Meanwhile, on the planet Earth, a young man stirred from his slumber atop a sturdy tree branch. With flowing black locks and an arresting countenance, he possessed a toned physique that could be mistaken for femininity to the untrained eye. His obsidian eyes exuded an air of unfathomable darkness, and at a height of 5'8 feet, he perpetually appeared disinterested in the world around him.

Clad in black attire, he cradled his sword close to his chest even in sleep, a testament to their unbreakable bond. This young man, named Dwight, was the third son of the Starlight Clan Leader. At sixteen years old, he was renowned for his lethargy and sloth.

Within the Starlight Clan, renowned for producing the world's greatest swordsmen, Dwight's ancestors and relatives had achieved widespread fame. Their dominion extended far and wide, ruling over lands and establishing schools and organizations that nurtured future generations.

The Starlight Clan's strength rivaled that of empires, and their impeccable reputation acted as an impenetrable shield against any who dared challenge them. Countless families sought sanctuary within the clan's domain, seeking protection and a peaceful existence.

Ironically, Earth was the same planet where Dwight's initial transmigration had occurred. However, millions of years had passed since his arrival, relegating his existence to mere legend among the inhabitants of this world.

On this momentous day, his sixteenth birthday, Dwight's eyes fluttered open, regaining his lost memories. From the moment of his rebirth, his memories had been sealed until this milestone was reached. Dwight believed that retaining his memories would have robbed him of the joy of childhood, hence the intentional delay.

Gazing at the vast expanse above, a smirk curled upon Dwight's lips. "Finally, my memories have returned, and now I can embark on my purpose for reincarnation."

Having accumulated a myriad of techniques and integrated various types of physique into his being, Dwight had achieved the epitome of physical perfection known as the "Perfect Physique."

Though renowned as the "Sword God," his mastery extended far beyond the realm of blades. Proficient in all manner of magic, including time manipulation, spatial control, reincarnation, and the manipulation of fate itself, Dwight possessed unparalleled command over the forces of the universe.

Fondly stroking his loyal companion, the sword that had accompanied him throughout countless trials, Dwight reminisced about its creation. Forged from the cores of galaxies and anointed with the blood of fallen gods, this sentient weapon bore the weight of numerous battles and had become inseparable from its master.

Now concealed within an ordinary facade, the sword's true power lay dormant, its ebony hue blending into the shadows.

The Earth's cultivation system ranged from one to nine stars, each level further divided into low, middle, top, and peak stages. Beyond the ninth star, the planet could no longer sustain the immense power of its inhabitants, resulting in their ascension to higher realms.

Before his reincarnation, Dwight had no knowledge of his cultivation level, as he had constructed his own system. In his present state, he had surpassed the need for cultivation, standing unchallenged as the epitome of strength. With a flick of his finger, he could extinguish the lives of nine-star beings, rendering his own cultivation level irrelevant.

Determined to lead a peaceful life and find a compatible partner, Dwight concealed his true power. Preferring to operate in the shadows, he assumed the guise of a lazy young master, hiding his extraordinary abilities beneath a nonchalant facade. Countless battles and the burden of taking countless lives and destroying galaxies had wearied him, leaving him yearning for respite.

He was no paragon of virtue, yet he held steadfast to his personal code of ethics.

Throughout his million-year existence, Dwight had encountered virtuous individuals who ultimately succumbed to betrayal. He had witnessed saviors who faded into obscurity, forgotten by the very worlds they had saved. Conversely, he had encountered villains reveling in wickedness, perpetually relishing the spoils of life.

Thus, Dwight had learned the true nature of every creature he crossed paths with, peering beyond the facades they presented to the world.

Having witnessed the true nature of every creature he encountered, Dwight realized that being a hero often equated to naivety and martyrdom.